Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 77: Riding a Horse and Stepping into Love

The horse is swaying.

Feng Yun's body also swayed.

The horse didn't move very much, but when she was squeezed into Pei Man's arms, she could feel any subtle emotion, feel his intensity and madness, and her heart felt a little sour. This familiarity made her feel pain and pain. He was frightened, but he had to hold him tightly with both hands to prevent him from being thrown off the horse.

The wind blew across my cheeks, cool.

Feng Yun became increasingly unable to breathe.

"Go back home." Feng Yun looked at the night lights on the street not far away, tightened his grip on Pei Man's collar, and said again.

"Are you afraid?" Pei Madang held her up, and his voice fell deep in her ears, as if it was filled with the enchantment of the night, as touching as he wanted, "Hold me up."

"Scared." Feng Yun was buried in his arms. There was actually no light and no one around, but it was this darkness that made Pei Man's breathing particularly clear and long, and made her heart even more confused.

"If you are seen, you don't have to see anyone."

Pei Ran was startled and looked down at her.

There seemed to be surprise in a pair of black eyes, but there was also a restrained smile.

"I asked you to hold me up and not fall."

Feng Yun opened his mouth and closed it again, his ears burning.

This person rarely behaves badly, and he is usually very serious, but some things can indeed be very nasty, but Pei is so crazy that no one else can see it...

The two people's eyes met, and the horse was lifting its hooves lightly. The secrecy brought by the small space on the horse's back made the small friction more acute, and the blood seemed to be glued together, rushing wildly and clamoring to break through the obstacles.

Silent communication, he understands, and so does she.

The tacit understanding under high tension makes people shiver with pleasure.


"Yes." Pei Man's hand was placed on her temple, his big palm brushed over and touched her face, "I'm not afraid."

After he finished speaking soothingly, he pressed forward with a kiss that carried the night breeze.

Feng Yun's scream was swallowed down his throat, and he was confused for a moment.

It should be the intimacy that only people in love can have, but they are heartless and loveless and still have a perfect tacit understanding. As the horse rises and falls, their breath is unstable and they indulge in entanglement...

Pei Ran is very good at it.

It was strong and very caring for her emotions.

She remembered that when they first got together in their last life, he was still very awkward, like a young boy, who was often busy working half the night without being allowed in. Later, it took him a long time to become more comfortable and able to control and take care of her easily. Let her enjoy the blessings of General Pei.

But now he...

It's familiar and yet strange.

Feng Yun suddenly felt confused. He wondered if he had remembered it wrong...

After being reborn, many things have changed. Is Pei Mad still the clean and self-sufficient man from his previous life? Has he already had someone else? Li Sangruo?

"Close your eyes." Pei Ran lowered his head and stared at her, holding his arms tightly as if hugging a lost treasure, exchanging breath between her lips and teeth.

Without saying a word, Feng Yun opened his eyes wide and suddenly punched him with a fist, hitting him fiercely and cruelly. He looked completely different from the confused and infatuated look just now.

Pei Ran took a few blows, picked her up, and no longer let her ride on the horse, but sat on him and shook the reins.


Both of Feng Yun's hands were pressed under his armpits and he couldn't hit anyone. But the inexplicable anger in his heart was still there, so he started struggling like that. Pei Madang then used more force. After a few times of this, Feng Yun was able to He heard him let out a dull gasp.

"Don't move." Pei Ran was very impatient.

Feng Yun climbed on his shoulders.

"It seems that the general has made up his mind to be a bitch with me."

"..." Pei Ran looked over with twitching eyes.

Feng Yun's face looked very ugly.

It was as if he was a slut who despised her rather than willingly.

Pei Madan grimaced, "What did Cai Ji say just now?"

Let go of the fetters and take what you need. Don't talk about love, don't talk about marriage, don't be a concubine, don't have children, have fun when you get along, don't get entangled when you are apart. Come with joy, leave with no sorrow.

Feng Yun looked at his cold eyes, shuddered, and came to his senses.

She shouldn't be the stubborn Feng Yun in her previous life.

Now that you have thought about it, love and desire should be separated.

Feng Yun's heart surged with anger, but he quickly calmed it down.

Instead, he sighed, "The general is a good opponent, but I suddenly have a small problem."

Pei Madang seemed to have guessed something and was very calm.

"Talk about it."

Feng Yun listened to his rapid heartbeat and asked softly: "General, are you still innocent?"

Pei Ran looked at her with a serious face. It took him a moment to understand what she meant, and he stared at her deeply, "What do you think?"

Feng Yun said: "I am asking the general."

How could Pei Madang say such a shameful thing?

He hugged the person tightly and said, "Ji will know once you try."

"No. I want to check." Feng Yun said: "If the general's innocence is gone, I will only have my talent and nothing else left for the general..."

Pei Ran looked at her in bewilderment.

How dare Feng Ayun dare to say such deviant words without shame?

"General, won't you?" Feng Yun kissed him as if biting him.

Pei Ran covered his whole face and pressed it on her mouth, "How to check?"

Feng Yun breathed slightly, "I have my own way."

It was not something to be happy about when a woman had such an experience, but Feng Yun did not shy away from talking to him about it, nor did he realize that it was inappropriate, nor did he think that Pei Ran had any reason to be unhappy.

Seeing that he had no objection, she smiled with her eyes.

"Then go back immediately?"

"Okay." Pei Jue looked down at Feng Yun, his eyes dark and deep.

The horses were walking slowly, and the two of them were entangled so that neither of them could breathe.

He was impatient, waiting for a vent to dissipate the pent-up anger.

The sound of horse hooves suddenly came from behind, and the sound was very powerful in the silent night.

This path went up along the river. It was originally dark and deserted, with only the shadows of the willow trees swaying in the wind under the moon, but as the horse hooves approached, there was a beam of torch light.

"Is it the general in front?"

Pei Jue's eyes met Feng Yun, and he said in a deep voice, "I am."

"General, I have something urgent to report--"

A figure fell off the horse and rushed to him almost instantly.

Seeing the intimate posture of the two people on the horse, his pupils widened, and he did not avoid or lower his head, but stared at them blankly, with a red color in his innocent eyes.

Feng Yun sat astride Pei Jue's arms, hugged his neck face to face, and the smile on the corner of her lips crushed the young man's rebelliousness and pride.


Ao Qi was still very ignorant about the relationship between men and women.

He had never even held the girl's hand properly.

But immediately, the two of them were like a loving couple, and the ambiguous breath emanating from their bodies was enough to let Ao Qi understand what he had seen and interrupted.

Even if this was his original intention, he interrupted on purpose.

But seeing it up close still made him feel ashamed and painful.


The young man in bright clothes and riding a horse could awaken the bright moon and step on hundreds of rivers, but at this moment, his fists were clenched, and his tiger eyes were visibly helpless, as if he was about to cry at any time.

Pei Jue did not speak, and looked at Ao Qi.

The temperature around him seemed to rise.

Feng Yun was also silent for a moment.

She had never seen Ao Qi like this before. He stared at them dully. His eyes made her feel as if she had done something terrible and let down the whole world if she looked at him for a second longer.

"General." Feng Yun smiled slightly, holding Pei Jue's hand gently, holding him tightly, and smiling gently.

"Military affairs are important."


Pei Jue was the kind of man who was restrained to the bone.

If he hadn't squeezed Feng Yun so hard that it hurt, she would have suspected that this man had no emotions at all.

"Let's talk about it when we get back."


Pei Jue left.

He didn't stay tonight under the moonlight.

Before leaving, he sent Feng Yun back to the general's mansion and asked Ao Qi to go over and say a few words. Both the nephew and the uncle were silent. Then Pei Jue hugged Feng Yun in front of everyone, watched her walk into the courtyard, and then rode away.

For so long, Pei Jue had been a stranger and distant to the people in the mansion. Seeing the general and the girl so close, everyone was delighted. Grandma Han even asked Daman and Xiaoman to prepare water for the girl, looking like an experienced person.

Feng Yun said nothing.

It was such a bad coincidence tonight.

If Ao Qi hadn't suddenly rushed over, she and Pei Jue's passion would have burned faster and faster, and she couldn't say for sure.

When he swept her onto the horse, Pei Jue was like a husband who had been reunited after a long absence. Feng Yun could feel his boiling blood and unbearable emotions, but he was very restrained and contradictory. Even at the most intense time, he didn't lose his mind at all. He was still soberly resisting, resisting her attraction, and also competing with his own instincts.

A great general, why would he do this...

Feng Yun couldn't understand Pei Jue.

He hurried back and hurried away.

Although Pei Jue was used to such a life of war, it was actually hard to go back and forth for more than a hundred miles.

But Feng Yun didn't want to feel sorry for him.

Those who love men will not die well.

Feng Yun stared at the cool night light, soaked in the warm wooden barrel, and thought comfortably of General Pei and his guards running wildly on the official road in the wilderness, and gradually lost her mind.

Gun smoke, war, men...

She didn't care whether Pei Jue was sincere or not, she only cared about when she could get what she wanted, and see Xiao Cheng and Feng Ying, who were enemies in the previous life, being abandoned by their friends and relatives and losing everything, and also tasted the suffering she had suffered...


For two consecutive days, Feng Yun did not return to Huaxi Village and lived in the general's mansion.

She originally wanted to take the opportunity to sort out the books in the mansion and take them all back to Changmen Manor, but Chai Ying and Nan Kui hadn't seen her for a long time and were excited as if it was the New Year.

He accompanied her to eat and talk with her, patted her shoulders with his left hand and pinched her legs with his right hand, from the girl's clothes to the things he saw in the market, he didn't want to be separated from her for a moment.

That enthusiasm...

Feng Yun was a little numb.

Suddenly, I realized the joy and helplessness of a man being entangled by a concubine.

A little tired, but reluctant to offend.

No wonder General Pei wants to keep himself clean.

Being entangled by beautiful women every day, what's the point of fighting? All the fighting will end on the couch. She can't stand it either...

Unlike the excitement of the two concubines, Ao Qi is very depressed.

A handsome face, not a single smile can be seen.

He no longer follows Feng Yun as usual, even if he meets her, he will avoid her eyes.

Feng Yun feels a little guilty.

It is indeed easy for a young man to be upset when seeing such an exciting scene...

I'm afraid that at this moment, Ao Qi hates her more than in his previous life, the bad girl who seduced his uncle?

But Feng Yun is not worried that he will be upset.

In the past, in order to break up her and Pei Mad, this guy often did disgusting things to tease cats and dogs. He had a very wild temperament. People with this kind of temperament would not become depressed just because they saw something inappropriate.

Feng Yun did not go to Yuqian Tea House again.

If you miss the opportunity, you will not be able to seize the current situation, and it will be useless to try again.

Now that Ren Rude has shown up, she will definitely have backup plans. She doesn't have to be too aggressive, just take advantage of the situation.

During the day, she took Chai Ying and Nan Kui to Yutangchun and sat there for a long time. Wen Hui came to pay the account and talk about the management of the restaurant.

Wen Hui is not so calm about the fact that business cannot make money.

Feng Yun didn't care.

"When the battle is over, things will get better."

But when will the battle end?

The people of Andu probably have this question in their minds.

Feng Yun also had it, but she didn't bother to think about things she couldn't control.

Returning home after lunch, Feng Yun wanted to dive into the study to make some preparations for tomorrow's Wubao trip, but unexpectedly saw Ao Qi's figure when passing by the garden...

He stood alone under the weeping willow beside the pool.

He rolled up his trouser legs and took off his shirt, as if he had just gotten up from the water.

The sun poured down, coating the young man's tight texture with layers of halo. Small water droplets condensed into water stains on his waist and trickled down the ravine. The passionate lines were perfect...

Feng Yun took a glance and stepped back, not planning to disturb.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he saw Xiaoman's nose bleeding.

Feng Yun frowned, "What's wrong?"

Xiaoman's face turned red and he quickly covered his nose with a handkerchief.


Feng Yun looked at the sun and said, "Maybe you are angry. Go back to Huaxi Village and ask Dr. Yao to get you some herbs to drink..."

Xiao Man said oh, covering his nose and raising his head.

"Girl, Guard Ao really likes catching fish."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "I don't understand the joy of catching fish."

She walked very quickly, and only Xiaoman looked back reluctantly.

But she found that the young man turned around stiffly, caught her eyes, and glared hard at her.

Xiaoman trotted in a panic and almost kicked the stone steps.

Ao Qi was very upset.

He didn't really want to glare at Xiaoman, it was just that he felt too uncomfortable.

Ye Chuang said that girls all love handsome men. Isn’t it because he is not good-looking?

He is tall and tall, with strong bones and strong bones, and the shape of his back is perfect. Ye Chuang told him that as long as the girl sees it, she will not be able to take her eyes away...

But the girl left without saying a word.

She didn't want to look at him.

The beauty trick is very difficult to use, and Ao Qi has no more tricks.

Then tomorrow, protect her obediently to Tujiawu Fort...

Ao Qi: I have a beauty trick.

Xiao Cheng: I have a plan to divorce.

Wen Xingsu: I have a plan to make people suffer.

Chunyu Yan: I have a long whip.

Pei Ran: I have a big knife!

Feng Yun: I have a baby.

Ao Zai: Mom, I want to eat meat

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