Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 78 Tujiawu Fort

The next day was the day she had agreed to meet with Ren Rude.

Feng Yun came out sleepily and saw Ao Qi outside the door when she opened it.

He was wearing light armor and holding a steel knife. His body was as cold and hard as a stone, and he refused to give her a good look.

Feng Yun looked at his expression and narrowed his eyes: "What is Guard Ao doing?"

Ao Qi said: "The general ordered that you stay with me."

Feng Yun sighed.

She didn't quite believe that Pei Jue would give such a weird order.

In the final analysis, this young man has a problem with his mentality.

He is too obsessed with his uncle...

She smiled and walked in front. Ao Qi followed her silently with his knife. Seeing that she refused to look at him for more than a second, he fluttered his eyelashes a few times, and a layer of moisture appeared in his eyes.

Xiaoman followed with an umbrella.

Ao Qi paused for a moment and took two steps back without saying a word.

Feng Yun noticed that her breath was a little stiff, looked back at the two people, and nodded thoughtfully.

"Go faster, don't miss the time."


Tujiawubao is 80 miles away from Andu City, in a place called Tushan, built on the mountain.

According to "Guangji", Tu's Wubao was built by a noble family that moved from the north a hundred years ago to avoid chaos. The clan is in charge, but it is very different from the armed tyrants who burn, kill and plunder.

There are celebrities in the Wubao, and the children of the clan are learning literature and martial arts, farming and weaving porcelain.

In the sunset, on the earth and stone building of Wubao, the guards are wearing armor and holding knives, looking like regular soldiers. The rest of the people are engaged in production, living and working in peace and contentment, and there are also smoke rising from every household, just like a paradise.

Feng Yun was very moved.

This trip is just like learning and seeking experience.

If one day, she also has such a fortress, why would she need a man to protect her...

Feng Yun presented a visiting card, and Tujiawu politely led them into the gate.

The Tubao master was a straightforward person, and he laughed loudly and came forward to clasp his fists.

"Li Jun, please."

Feng Yun bowed deeply, "Excuse me."

This time Feng Yun came with 20 people. They had only heard about Tujiawubao before, but they were all stunned when they entered the fortress...

The architectural structure of Tujiawubao is very delicate, which can make people live comfortably and defend against enemies...

What's more strange is its furnishings.

The guest hall in the fortress is all high-shaped seats.

Stools and cushions are also available in Changmenzhuang now, but they look simple, not as diverse and exquisite as Tujiawubao...

Square, round, oval, long and narrow, it's dazzling.

Although people at that time had begun to use high-shaped seats, most people still sat on the ground. It was still surprising to see the style change when they arrived at Tujiawubao.

This is a very unique place.

Feng Yun was invited to take a seat.

Sitting with legs dangling is more comfortable than kneeling.

So Feng Yun looked at the seats again.

Ren Rude acted as a middleman and explained Feng Yun's purpose.

She needed a batch of farm tools and grain seeds.

These things could not be solved in the market, but Tujiawubao could.

But the owner of Tubao obviously did not want to cause such a misunderstanding for them.

"Mr. Ren is too kind."

He sighed, "To be honest with you, Tujiawu looks like a big family, but there are many people and many mouths, and life is not easy..."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "I don't want it for nothing. I will exchange things with the owner of Tubao."

The smile on the face of the owner of Tubao did not change, but the light that flashed in his eyes was not questioning, but clearly looked down on Feng Yun, a woman.

People in the fortress are not ignorant of the things around them.

Feng Yun's identity was known in the fortress before she came.

In the eyes of Tu Baozhu, this is a girl who has Pei Jue as her backer but thinks highly of herself...

He didn't want to offend anyone when he received her, and he had to give her some face, whether it was Pei Jue or Ren Rude.

He had also thought about it, to treat her with good food and drink, and to give her some discarded farm tools and grain seeds as a token of his appreciation when she left.

If he wanted more, he would not have it.

Feng Yun obviously understood his thoughts, and politely bowed:

"I am not looking for the Baozhu to borrow farm tools, not to buy farm tools, but to make farm tools with the Baozhu. I will get benefits, but the farm tools made will also be of great benefit to Guiwu."

The corners of Tu Baozhu's lips curled up, revealing a smile.

"Drink this cup of tea, I will take the girl to see the farm tool room in Biwu."

This is the largest farm tool room Feng Yun has ever seen.

It is much more than what she had seen in her own farm before.

Not only the quantity, but also the variety.

The confidence and confidence of the Tu Fortress Lord were not in vain. It can be said that all the farm tools in the world can be found in this farm tool room, and farm tools that are not available in other places can also be found in this farm tool room.

Several Wu people accompanied him, all with proud smiles on their faces.

"I have everything in Tujiawu."

Feng Yun believed that there were many powerful craftsmen in this Wu, and their production level was not lower than that of the court craftsmen, and they were even better at research and development than the court.

Tujiawu even had a research room dedicated to this.

They had the best craftsmen and craftsmanship in the world, so they were naturally not interested in her so-called "co-made farm tools".

Everyone was laughing at Feng Yun's show of his proficiency in front of an expert.

Feng Yun seemed to be unable to read other people's expressions, and turned around to call Xiaoman.

"Bring it up, let the fortress patronize it."


Xiaoman lowered her head and held up the box in her hand.

Feng Yun opened the box in front of everyone and took out several pictures that she had painted herself and had been aged.

"This is called a wooden cow waterwheel."

"This is called Quyuanli."

"It's called a rake and a hoe."

The pictures of the three farm tools are very clear.

Lord Tu looked at it for a moment and asked his servants to call the master.

Before the two craftsmen entered the door, they saw a girl standing in front of the farm tools. They were a little disdainful. When they took the drawings, they looked at each other with surprise on their faces.

Every other line is like a mountain, and an expert can see through it at a glance.

Feng Yun only needed to explain it a little, and the two craftsmen understood the secret, and their eyes were red with excitement.

"Good stuff, good stuff!"

Feng Yun said: "Guiwu is located in a relatively high location. It takes a lot of manpower to lift water to a high place for irrigation and drinking. With this wooden ox waterwheel, we can take advantage of the situation..."

"And this plow..."

She pointed to the curved shaft plow on the drawing and compared it with the iron plow in the farm tool room.

"Guiwu's Weili plow is already better than most farmers' straight-shaft plows, but it is inconvenient for deep plowing and turning. All the land in Guiwu is not a plain dam, so a curved-shaft plow is most suitable..."

Plowshares, rakes and hoes, these things are all available in the Tu family. They are not as exquisite and convenient as those on Feng Yun's drawings, but they are not amazing enough.

But that waterwheel is really eye-catching.

Tujiawu has man-operated tipping trucks and tipping keel waterwheels, which are very sophisticated and labor-saving, and they have always been very proud of them.

Unexpectedly, there is such a magical object in the world, which is like a set of large-scale machinery that can not only lift water for irrigation, but can also be used for grinding grain, and even forging iron and sawing wood.

If Feng Yun hadn't said this, they wouldn't have been able to imagine it.

Lord Tu looked at the excitement of the two craftsmen and narrowed his eyes to ask Feng Yun.

"I don't know where this thing comes from."

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