Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 79 Win-win Cooperation

The doubts of Tubaozhu are also Ren Rude's doubts.

Both eyes looked at him.

Feng Yun said: "Family heirloom."

Tubaozhu nodded, "Li Jun has this magical object in his hand, why don't you make it yourself in exchange for a greater reward..."

In this era, any skill and skill must be learned from a master, carpentry, blacksmithing, medicine, everything is the same.

The noble families collected all kinds of talents and talents, and they all covered their bags, fearing that others would learn them. This girl was so generous that it really surprised everyone present...

Including Ren Rude.

He brought Feng Yun to Tujiawubao, originally wanting to do a favor and get closer to Feng Yun.

As for whether Tu Boxan would lend it or not, it had nothing to do with him.

Unexpectedly, the Feng family girl came prepared and took out such a magical object to win the praise of Tubaozhu.

Ren Rude did not think that this was Feng Yun's personal ability, but only thought that the Xuzhou Feng family had a rich family background, so he understood why Xiao Cheng wanted to marry the Feng family.

Feng Yun was very calm, as if she didn't see the inquiring or surprised eyes of the men around her. She smiled easily, "Ordinary craftsmen may not be able to customize it with the blueprint, but the craftsmen of Tujiawu can definitely do it."

She gave the other party a high compliment.

Both craftsmen blushed.

One of them said: "When the old man's mentor was alive, he once talked about this kind of magic weapon. Unfortunately, the old man has never seen it. After years of research, he has gained nothing..."

I don't know if it was because he thought of his master, the old man raised his sleeves and wiped his tears.

"The advent of sharp weapons has greatly saved manpower. Only by intensive cultivation can a good harvest be produced. Li Jun's contribution will be passed down for generations..."

The old craftsman's excitement made the Tubao master speechless.

Wubao said that there was no shortage of people, but there was also a shortage of people. People of the same clan and family would have many conflicts and fights because of the distribution of work...

Save trouble, that is, save trouble.

"Okay, let's do it."

In the excited eyes of the two old craftsmen, Lord Tu immediately made the decision to make farm tools with Feng Yun.

Feng Yun provided skills and drawings, and they provided craftsmen and materials, and the costs were shared equally.

In addition, Tujiawubao sold Feng Yun a batch of iron farm tools such as hoes, plows, and rakes, as well as grain seeds, vegetable seeds and other materials...

Both parties were very satisfied.

Just as Lord Tu breathed a sigh of relief, Feng Yun suddenly spoke.

"Before signing the document, there is one more thing that needs to be made clear first."

Lord Tu felt bad, but still kept a smile on his face, "Please speak, Li Jun."

Feng Yun said: "Lord Tu has also seen that I am a woman, and it is inconvenient to go to Guiwu. Therefore, the farm tool workshop should be opened in Huaxi Village. The manpower will be half each from Guiwu and my Changmen."

Lord Tu almost vomited blood.

Many things in the fort are unknown to outsiders, and they don't want to be spread outside.

But the daughter of the Feng family is not secretive?

The Tu Fortress Master was very hesitant, but Feng Yun quickly convinced him with one sentence.

"The Tu family has never been registered as a noble family in the Ministry of Ancestral Hall, right? What the old dynasty could not do, the new dynasty can do. With the strength of the Tu Fortress Master, go out of the fortress and do more practical things for the people's livelihood, why worry about not being recognized?"

The weight of these words is comparable to the wooden ox waterwheel just now.

Relying on the foundation of the ancestors and the efforts of generations after generations, the Tujiawu Fortress temporarily preserved its power in the bloody dynasty changes, but it is an indisputable fact that it is declining from generation to generation.

In particular, they occupied Tushan for a long time, like the king of the mountain, and the children of the family gradually broke away from the recognition of the family, and were not registered as a noble family in the court...

No matter whether it is the new dynasty or the old dynasty,

If Tu Boxan can get the recognition of the Ministry of Ancestral Hall, then it is legitimate and glorious.

Feng Yun was not surprised that the Tu Fortress Master would agree. After he asked someone to write the deed and both parties put their handprints on it, he bowed and said again.

"The Lord of the Castle is straightforward. I have a small request."

Anything else?

Lord Tu's eyelids twitched a few times.

He saw that this Feng family girl looked weak and kind, but she was very shrewd in her bones and would not suffer any loss.

She would definitely want to get something back if she provided the artifact for nothing.

"Li Jun, please tell me."

Feng Yun glanced at the people outside the door.

"I want to buy a batch of weapons from the Lord of the Castle."

Lord Tu: ...

How can this girl say that?

She came here with nothing, and she wants this, that, and weapons?

As expected, women are short-sighted and are not afraid of narrowing their paths...

Feng Yun saw his embarrassment and smiled, "Similarly, I will not let the fortress lord suffer."

Fortress Tu stroked his beard, "What do you mean, Li Jun?"

Feng Yun glanced at Ren Rude who was listening attentively, and said lightly: "To make sharp weapons, you need good iron. The current forged iron is made of raw and cooked iron, and I have a better way to remove the impurities and make better iron, which can naturally make magic weapons..."

Just hearing this, Fortress Tu's heartbeat was so excited that it accelerated.

For every fortress, farming is the norm, but the armed combat power of the fortress is the barrier to keep the fortress from prospering for a hundred years. Otherwise, Tujiawu would not have so many craftsmen and research halls.

Whoever does not eat this pie that fell from the sky is stupid.

Fortress Tu even got up from his seat and bowed to Feng Yun.

"Since Li Jun has such ability, no one in Tujiawu dares to disobey."

The two sides finalized the time and details and signed the contract again.

This time, it was the Tubao Lord who personally sent Feng Yun out of the fortress gate. Seeing that her donkey cart had gone far away, he turned around and excitedly went back to tell Mrs. Tu.

"My Tujiawu is going to be prosperous."


After they were far away from Tujiawu, Ao Qi asked dissatisfiedly: "Why did the girl give the benefits to the Tu family?"

Just now, he didn't say a word in the Wu, and others only thought he was Feng Yun's guard. Without thinking much, Ao Qi also fulfilled his duties and served as a subordinate. However, he watched Feng Yun with such extraordinary skills, but he found a Wubao to cooperate with, which made him feel distressed and puzzled.

Feng Yun smiled, "This is a win-win cooperation."

Ao Qi disagreed: "The girl can clearly cooperate with the court, even if she offers it to the general, she can get more."

Feng Yun smiled, "If you receive a drop of water from others, you should repay it with a spring."

This was said inexplicably. Ao Qi had not lived in Andu County before, and didn't know what relationship he had with the Tubao master. He wanted to ask something, but seeing Feng Yun closed his eyes and looked very tired, he closed his mouth again.

And of course, Feng Yun would not tell him what he thought.

General Pei is her current support, but the Jin State behind him is not.

In the future, she doesn't know if Pei Cong will suddenly turn against her one day...

She has to keep a hand for herself to be safe.

And Tujiawu Fort...

In her previous life, she was sent back to Andu by Pei Cong from Zhongjing. Because she was afraid of being assassinated by Li Sangruo's Imperial Guards, she was in a state of panic. At that time, it was Ren Rude who took her to Tushan.

It was Tu Boshan, the fort owner of Tujiawu, who took her in.

While waiting for Xiao Cheng to come and take her back to Southern Qi, she lived in Tujiawu for a whole month.

Tu Boshan did not treat her as Pei Jue's abandoned wife like those people in Andu County, but provided her with good food and drink. The characters of other people in Tujiabao were also pure. They were not a mob, but had a family background, and were kind and honest. The wife of the master of Tubao was even more gentle. Seeing her crying, she felt sorry for her like an elder. Whenever she recalled, Feng Yun often thought of her deceased mother...

A month of kindness was worth it.

Madam Tu was even more worth it.

Of course, she did this in addition to repaying the favor, she still had other thoughts.

In the current troubled times, it is not bad to make friends with some fortress forces.

Her future plan is also to align with the direction of the fortress. If there is farmland to cultivate, there will be food. If there is food, more troops can be raised, and better weapons will be needed to raise troops...

Everything has to start from the beginning, slowly, until you have your own power.

Otherwise, a beautiful face will only bring endless disasters.

The four words "beauty and misfortune" are firmly engraved in Feng Yun's mind, and she never dares to forget them.

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