Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 80 The beginning of the war

Feng Yun returned with a full load. When he arrived at Huaxi Village, it was already dark.

On the way, I met many villagers who stopped to say hello, and then followed them to Changmenzhuangzi to watch the excitement.

Therefore, when Xing Bing asked a few handymen to come over and bring out seeds and farm tools, the villagers opened their eyes wide and were full of envy.

Feng Yun smiled and said:

"After the farm tools are distributed, everyone can rent them. Grain seeds can also be purchased at Changmen Village."

So a group of people cheered.

"Ms. Li Zheng is very capable. Huaxi Village will not have to worry about autumn planting."

"It's getting late today. Early tomorrow morning, I'll ask my neighbor and the chief to come to my village to discuss any matters."

These villagers benefited greatly from Feng Yun and were not very afraid of her, so they started to inquire about her.

"But is there any good news?"

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Great news."

Seeing everyone gathered around curiously, she didn't waste any time and directly said that she would open a farm tool workshop in the village to specialize in making farm tools. The most important thing was to forge iron farm tools.

When the villagers heard this, they sighed.

"The girl means well, but how can we... how can we afford such good farm tools..."

Everyone had regrets on their faces, but Feng Yun shook his head.

"They can all afford it." She said calmly: "The villagers can use it first and then pay it back. When the food harvest is good, they can pay off the debt with food."

With such a good thing and the farmers' desire for farm tools, groups of villagers kept flocking to Changmenzhuang, stopping at the door and refusing to leave, asking questions.

But Feng Yun was a little tired today, so he left Xing Bing to deal with it and went back to the house to fill his stomach.

He went out in the morning and brought dry food and water with him. Both meals were eaten on the way. Feng Yun only tasted a few bites, but it was not easy to stomach. At this moment, he was so hungry that his chest pressed against his back, so he sat down and let Xiao Man bring the food.

After a good sleep that night, she led a few servants out the next day to find a piece of wasteland on the other side of the river to build a farm tool processing workshop.

As soon as I arrived in the field, I saw a familiar figure.

Ren Rude.

When he saw Feng Yun, he stepped forward and held his hands, "We meet again, Mr. Li."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "Why did Mr. Ren come to Huaxi again?"

Ren Rude said: "Thanks to the general's new policy, I have been able to apply for a new household and get a new field."

Feng Yun nodded as if he had suddenly realized something. He didn't exchange too many greetings. In return, he just said, "Mr. Ren, I'm busy first." Then he led the people away, then turned around and called Xing Bing to explain.

Ao Qi and his men followed closely, not very happy when they saw Feng Yun whispering something to Xing Bing in a low voice.

In recent days, he found that Feng Yun would not talk to him at all except about matters related to the general...

He, Ye Chuang and others were all excluded by Feng Yun, and were far less close to her than Xing Bing, A Lou and other tribesmen.

Ao Qi felt sour in her heart. She looked back at Ren Rude and found that he was also looking at her. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Ren Rude bowed politely and said, "Don't blame me, young man. I have rarely seen such a handsome young man like Xiao Lang. I couldn't help but look at him a few more times. I was offended."

As the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smiling face. No matter how arrogant Ao Qi is, there is no way he can speak rudely to a gentle gentleman.

He hummed, turned around and told Ye Chuang.

"Brother, go back and ask He Xia, what happened to this person? Could it be that the girl was specially selected for placement in Huaxi Village?"

Ye Chuang curled his lips, "So what? You can't be punished for this, right?"

Ao Qi was unhappy, "Then he has bad intentions. I will kill him."

Ye Chuang sneered, "Xiao Qi, the girl looks like that, how many men do you think don't have delusions when they see her? It's common to have bad intentions. If you don't have any ideas, you have to investigate and investigate."

"You..." Ao Qi suddenly looked him up and down, which made Ye Chuang's heart tingle. He quickly jumped away and stood three feet away from him.

"It's not about me. I have no bad intentions. You are not allowed to talk nonsense to the general. You are not allowed to..."

Ao Qi looked coldly and took the words, "Don't have any ideas about the girl, or I will castrate you."

Ye Chuang only felt a chill under his crotch.

In my heart, there is a general above, and you, Ao Qi, are below, so where is his turn to come up with ideas? Even if he had any ideas, they would have withered long ago.

However, Ye Chuang still took what Ao Qi told him to heart.

I immediately asked He Qia to find out about the situation at the Yuqian teahouse.

Ren Rude is a tea merchant from Linchuan. He came to Andu three years ago and is a registered teahouse owner. However, the Yuqian Teahouse was leased to locals in Andu County for the first three years and was only taken back a while ago.

When setting up a household, Ren Rude said that his ancestor had been a member of Zhongshushe in the previous dynasty. When the Qi Dynasty was established, he fled with his family with his clan members.

Judging from what he said, the Ren family had an old feud with the current Southern Qi court.

His registered residence is in Huaxi Village, and he has taken refuge with the Jin State. There is nothing wrong with him.

After all, he said it himself that he and Feng Jingting were old friends.

Ao Qi was not at ease, "This old boy... you and I need to be more careful and don't let him harm the girl."

Feng Yun selected the land, measured it with his own rope, went back and drew the drawings by hand, and then started building the house.

There are people at home, which is convenient, and you can do everything yourself. However, except for the simple work of making adobe, the entire structure of the house still needs to be controlled by an experienced craftsman.

She only talks on paper.

Feng Yun asked Xing Bing to inquire about it, and soon found Shen Er from Shenjia Village next door.

Shenjia Village is a clan village. The whole village is basically the same family and is very united. There are ancestral halls and earthen forts in the village to defend against enemies. It is equivalent to a small dock. During the war, there was no large land like Huaxi Village. It was originally occupied by large families. As soon as there was a battle, they fled with their people, leaving nine out of every ten households empty.

On the contrary, Shenjia Village has a large population.

Feng Yun met Shen Er in person.

She does not have high requirements for the farm tool workshop, but she has been living in Huaxi Village for a long time recently, and this will be the case even more in the future. She wants to repair and strengthen the village. The living rooms must have wooden floors and fire pits, otherwise winter will come. , but she couldn't bear it.

She was ready to let Shen Er make a big deal.

Unexpectedly, Shen Er did not discuss the price.

He just said: "I discussed it with the clan leader before coming to Huaxi Village. It is the autumn sowing time now and the village is short of manpower. Therefore, you are responsible for the labor. We will provide the carpenters and masons... You can only take care of two meals a day." , no wages.”

Shen Er added: "But we in Shenjia Village want to buy some iron farm tools."

Feng Yun looked at him and said, "Easy to say."

A happy look appeared on Shen Er's face, "Madam Li Zheng, just rest assured, we will buy it at the regular price and we will not take advantage of Huaxi Village."

Both the northern and southern courts had extremely strict control over iron, salt and other materials. They were usually sold exclusively by the imperial court at limited prices and prices. It was difficult for ordinary farmers to buy, and it was not like Wubao who could secretly open some private mines. Feng Yun said "Okay", It can be said to be a great temptation.

The villagers couldn't bear the news of opening a farm tools workshop in Huaxi Village and had already spread the news.

Feng Yun had never thought about hiding his secrets, so of course he readily agreed.

Of course, Feng Yun dared to do this because he took advantage of a loophole and was given the confidence by Pei Madang.

Don't you like hearing her call you husband? Then we have to give him the full scoop.

The imperial court's salt and iron monopoly cannot control Andulai for the time being. Even if it needs to be controlled one day, let's go to General Pei.

She also thought about giving some profits to Pei Ran when the farm tool shop opened.

You can't just let the cows plow the land without letting them graze. You have to give Pei Ran some sweetness.

After discussing the relevant details, Shen Er didn't stay much, got up and went back to make arrangements.

Feng Yun finished a big thing, wrote something on paper, and then asked Xing Bing to go to the village and ask if there were any people who had been carpenters, stonemasons, or blacksmiths. Craftsmen must be trained.

At Yutangchun, she also asked Wenhui to post a notice to recruit some skilled craftsmen to the village.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Xing Bing left, Ao Qi came in with his hind legs.

"Girl, the war is about to begin. We just got news that the Qi army is preparing to cross the river!"

The young man was very excited, hot breath filled the air, and his eyes were so red that they seemed to be burning.

"The Beiyong Army is stationed on the north bank. They dare to cross the river and attack. They are waiting for defeat."

Feng Yun frowned slightly.

How could this happen?

If the Qi army crosses the river and attacks the city, it will be impossible to resolve the battle in a short time. Once the war reaches a stalemate, I don't know how much effort it will take for Xiao Sanlang to get on the dragon throne...

She believed that she would not misjudge Xiao Cheng.

The opportunity is right in front of him, and he will definitely be unable to restrain his ambition and force the palace to seize the throne in Taicheng.

The Qi army was just feigning an attack and would not actually cross the river——

Feng Yun took one look at Ao Qi's eager eyes and asked Xiao Man to come over and help her change clothes.

"Let's go to Andu City."

Feng Yun: The fight is starting. I have to take action right away.

Ao Qi: Is the girl going to give advice to the general again?

Feng Yun: ...No, I want to make war fortune.

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