Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 81: Profiting from War

The people in Andu City are different from the farmers who were allocated land. They have more sources of information and are more concerned about their lives.

The current confrontation between the two armies is always shrouded in the shadow of war. As long as there is a little bit of news, the store that has just opened will be closed immediately. If the message is more specific, the source is a relative in a certain camp, and someone drags it. Take the family with you and escape from Andu.

The entire Andu City is covered with soldiers.

Only Yutangchun is open every day.

Wen Hui also found Feng Yun, "Girl, there are rumors in the city that the Qi army is about to cross the river to attack the city. Should we close our business for a while until the war becomes clear?"

Feng Yun said, "Don't worry, Hui Niang. If we really want to fight, it doesn't matter whether we stop or not. You and I are people who came from the general's palace. We are all the same."

Wen Hui felt relieved, "That's what the girl said."

Feng Yun smiled, "You put a notice at the entrance of Yutangchun, purchasing shops, houses, gold and silver, antiques, jewelry, cloth, porcelain, etc. You can trade them with coins or exchange them for rice and grain. As long as the price is fair, everything can be purchased." …”

Purchasing at the doorstep turns Yutangchun into a big market, right?

Fortunately, Yutangchun's business is just like that. If the long street outside the door were turned into a market, it might be more lively.

Wen Hui nodded, "Girl, what do you mean, this battle can't be fought?"

Feng Yun shook his head, "Because there will be a fight, now is the best time to make an acquisition. When the war is over, where will the bargains come from waiting for you?"

Wen Hui understood a little bit.

The girl wants to buy the property and materials from those people at a low price.

But she was still worried.

"Have you ever thought about what will happen if Qi Jun fights back to Andu?"

Feng Yun sneered and laughed.

"The Beiyong Army's invasion of Andu didn't delay us. Why are we afraid that the Qi Army will come back? Besides, the Qi Army will never be able to attack Andu in this life."

Wen Hui was afraid of the Beiyong Army in the past and the Qi Army now. Wen Hui thought it was a bit ridiculous...

But at this juncture, it seems ridiculous for a girl to risk her family's financial resources to engage in an uncertain business.

Wen Hui watched with cold eyes, always feeling that the girl was not as respectful to General Pei as outsiders thought. Not only that, the girl didn't like the general at all.

But what the girl said today seemed to have great confidence in General Pei.

Wen Hui didn't understand, but she was used to following Feng Yun's instructions and immediately stopped asking.

"I listen to the girl."

These days, Yu Tangchun didn't make much money, but the girl didn't care. She just said that to accumulate good fortune and virtue, she should treat it as disaster relief and distribute food.

Word spread quickly.

At noon that day, the news that the Qi army was going to cross the river to attack Andu City was abuzz in the streets and alleys.

Everyone in Andu City is in danger, and people dragging their families and families out of the city to seek refuge can be seen everywhere. Therefore, the "acquisition notice" placed at the entrance of Yutangchun is particularly eye-catching.

Some people want to escape Andu, and many things are inconvenient to carry. At the moment, even the pawnshops are closed. It would be great to have a place where they can trade.

As a result, there was a long queue at Yutangchun from morning to afternoon.

Some people got the food and cloth they needed in exchange, and they seemed to be getting a big deal and were very proud of themselves.

More people thought that Feng Twelve Niang was a big fool, relying on the general's favor to defeat his family. They laughed secretly in their hearts while counting their money and leaving...

Many people in Changmen Village thought the girl was crazy.

At this time, why don't you prepare quickly how to avoid disaster and what supplies to buy?

Even He Qia felt that Feng Twelve Niang was not normal.

This is a tough battle, who knows how long it will take?

It may be three years, it may be five years. The war will be prolonged, and Andu City will not be able to return to its former prosperity.

What is most lacking in the war is food. What did she do in exchange for those houses, shops and antiques?

He Qia couldn't sit still in the political hall.

"No, I have to persuade her."

He thought he should give some guidance to the young lady, lest she ruin the general's fortune.

In the spring of Yutang, Feng Yun was also a little worried.

It’s not that there are long queues outside the door or an army of buyers and sellers that are forming one after another, but that there are too few people coming to sell good things.

In a whole day, she collected a few shops and two brick houses not facing the street, two large gold seals and some gold and silver jewelry and jewelry...

There is not a single nice house or valuable treasure.

Are all the rich people in Andu City running away?

Or something went wrong?

Feng Yun asked Xing Bing to send someone to investigate, and within half an hour, the person came back.

"Twelfth Mother, Huayuejian is also calling for acquisition, beating gongs and drums in the streets and alleys. The notice is written just like ours, but the price is much higher than ours..."

It turns out that Chun Yuyan is grabbing business?

A good heir would not do anything but make a fortune from war.

At this time, Feng Yun somewhat understood why Chunyu Yan worked so hard in his previous life and managed to achieve peace talks between Jin and Qi twice.

If someone doesn't fight, he will fire. When others started to fight, he brokered peace talks, going back and forth in the middle. Others died on the battlefield, but he became the biggest winner without sending a single soldier.

Yunchuan made all the money.

People will also continue to flow to the most stable Yunchuan.

Good guy, you made a lot of money, I don’t know how many benefits you got.

But he even copied Yu Tangchun's notices, which is obviously his sincere opposition.

Feng Yunzheng was worried that he couldn't find an excuse to come to the house to make trouble. After getting the news, he went back to change his clothes and went out.

"Girl." He Qia came over panting, and when he saw Feng Yun, he hurried forward, "What are you doing?"

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Didn't everyone see the congratulations?"

He Qia choked.

Seeing that there were many people around, he waved to her again.

The two of them walked to the back room together, and then He Qia said seriously: "I still don't believe what others say, why a smart person like the girl is so confused at this juncture..."

Feng Yun asked: "What does the meritorious officer mean by this?"

He Qia said: "This battle has just begun, and there is no timetable for its end. Isn't this... oh, the home of the defeated general?"

This is her own money, what does the prodigal have to do with the general?

Feng Yun looked at He Qia's worried face and smiled lightly.

"I have more money than I can spend, so let's use it as a good deed."

He Qia:......

He opened his mouth wide, and originally wanted to persuade him a few more words, but he saw the girl walking out with a few maids and subordinates.

He Qia shut up.

The general has a great reputation all his life, so why did he recruit such a girl?

I'm afraid that my family will be restless from now on, and my husband will be in trouble!

In autumn, it gets dark a little early.

As soon as the Youshi hour arrived, the Huayue Stream was lit with lights.

Guard Sang Jiao hurriedly opened the curtain and entered.

"Feng Twelfth Mother from the General's Mansion is here again."

The word "again" expressed Sang Jiao's helplessness.

Every time Feng Twelve Niang comes, it's not a good thing. If the master is unhappy, they will inevitably be unlucky. When they see Feng Yun, this group of people seems to have seen a disaster star.

Chunyu Yan's beautiful eyes darkened, but her tone was calm.

"She lives in Huaxi Village. Not the General's Mansion."

Sang Jiao didn't understand it for a while, but Chun Yuyan smiled coldly, lowered his head to play with the moire white jade bottle he had just exchanged for two handfuls of corn, and said lazily:

"When you come, you come. Can the General's Mansion scare this prince?"

I can't help it, I can't help it at all. The corners of Sanjiao's mouth twitched as he thought.

But the prince's skin is fair, and the bruises from Pei Madang's last time have not gone away. He is almost tired of eating the boiled eggs for his face these days, but he must not do it again...

Sang Jiao went out and welcomed Feng Yun into the flower hall.

Feng Yun came with Jian Shui Qiu Tong, and the whip was black and shiny in her hand, and the quilt was arranged beautifully. Chun Yuyan's eyelids twitched and he sneered.

"What are you doing again?"

You could hear the impatience in his tone.

Feng Yun said as if nothing had happened, "Come and discuss business with the prince."

Chun Yuyan disagreed, and a bright red curve formed at the corner of his lips, "Qingqing, do you blame me, Hua Yuejian, for stealing your Yu Tangchun's business?"

"Don't dare."

Feng Yun saluted, and without waiting for anything else, he sat down opposite him and looked at the man in front of him calmly.

"I, Yu Tangchun, do some small business. That's just a small business. As Chunyu Crown Prince, I should do big business..."

Chun Yuyan frowned, "What is a big deal?"

Feng Yun said calmly, "The prince should not take this small business in Andu County seriously."

Chun Yuyan sneered.

"Qingqing, do you think you can convince me to give up with just a few words?"

When Feng Yun didn't answer, Chun Yuyan said again: "According to my judgment, this battle will cease in less than three months..."

Buying at a low price during the war and selling at a high price after the situation stabilized, there is certainly nothing wrong with this three-month judgment, because it was Chun Yuyan who facilitated the peace talks in his previous life.

Both good and bad people let this guy do what he did and profited greatly from it. If nothing else, his brain was enough.

But Feng Yun didn't come to Huayuejian just to argue.

"Your Majesty, look to the long term. I can help Your Majesty earn more!"

Chun Yuyan glanced at her with a half-smile and continued to play with the newly acquired ornaments, "Tell me about it."

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