Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 82 The Prince's Madness

Feng Yun glanced at him and looked at the servant next to him, "A cup of tea, thank you."

The servant looked at Chunyu Yan.

Chun Yuyan raised his hand, and the servant quickly placed the water in front of Feng Yun.

Feng Yun was holding the cup, but he didn't drink it, he just stroked it here and there like a toy.

"Yunchuan Country is surrounded by mountains and is rich in graphite (coal). The mining of graphite has affected the normal farming of Yunchuan, and the mountain roads are difficult to travel. The cost of transporting graphite is huge and it is difficult to make a profit. The prince has never thought that if he could How much profit will Yunchuan make if we open a trade route and sell Yunchuan's graphite in large quantities to Jin, Qi, and Fujian and Yue countries?"

Graphite can be used to make charcoal. It is needed for heating, and it is also needed for iron smelting. However, due to the Jin-Qi War, manufacturing battlefield weapons took up a lot of resources. Folks could not afford to burn charcoal, and most of the blacksmith shops used firewood...

If the farm tool shop that Feng Yun is about to build has charcoal, it will naturally get twice the result with half the effort, and it will be a matter of course to forge magic weapons in the future.

Chun Yuyan stared at her with scrutiny.

Feng Yun then took a sip of tea.

"Graphite is precious and is the source of Yunchuan's national interests. It has also been King Yunchuan's worry for many years. If the Crown Prince can solve this problem, how can King Yunchuan favor the Crown Prince's younger brother?"

Chunyu Yan's expression changed.

"Where did you hear that?"

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and remained silent.

Chun Yuyan took his seat accordingly.

"Is it Pei Wanzhi? This villain. There is a lot of Taoism behind him."

Feng Yun:......

She didn't defend Pei Ran, who was not a good person anyway. I have scolded him too much, so adding another "villain" is no big deal.

"Your Majesty, why don't you consider my words carefully?"

Chun Yuyan narrowed his eyes, "Do you have any idea?"

Feng Yun looked at Chun Yuyan's overly red lips and suspected that he had used some grease, but he couldn't tell, so he leaned forward and stared at his lips.

"There are ways, but it's not free."

Chun Yuyan immediately felt wary from the girl's smiling eyes, "What else is Qingqing planning?"

Feng Yun said: "I want to be Yunchuan Graphite's... partner merchant. The only partner."

It took Chun Yuyan a while to understand what she meant. It was equivalent to the graphite being shipped from Yunchuan and having to get through her hands before it could be sold everywhere.

"Feng Twelve." Chunyu Yan clicked his tongue and narrowed his fox eyes, almost seeing several big holes in Feng Yun's face.

"What good things are you thinking of? Why do the abacus beads ring so loudly?"

"Concession." Feng Yun handed over his hand, "Since we are a partnership, I will protect the interests of the prince. For the prince, if you make money and gain profits, it is a good thing with hundreds of benefits and no harm."

Chun Yuyan couldn't think of any good ideas from Feng Yun.

To open up the trade route to Yunchuan, one is the cost of crossing the mountains, and the other is the conflict of interest with several aristocratic families in Jin and Qi.

He was afraid of being trapped by Feng Yun.

There is some movement again.

Feng Yun did not rush him.

The slender knuckles hold the cup lightly, a face without makeup is clean and fair, black hair and cherry lips, those thoughtful eyes, peaceful and quiet, this reminds Chun Yuyan of the day when she came to Huayue Stream to kidnap him. You are leisurely and contented, with that annoying look of being sure of victory...

Chun Yuyan suddenly glanced at Qiu Tong beside her.

"Is the whip useful?"

Feng Yun was slightly startled.

Prince Chunyu has beautiful eyes.

It’s the look that people will remember with just one look. A pair of cold star eyes, like water mist. When looking at people intently, you feel like butterflies flying over and stopping in your heart. The two rows of thick eyelashes are so beautiful that you want to swing on them...

Wearing white clothes and a cold mask again, the moonlight sheds clear light on the ground, gold and jade are noble.

Feng Yun's eyes grew hot when he saw it, and he held the handle of the whip and gently rubbed it twice.

"Your Majesty, do you want to give it a try?"

She asked casually, all in jest.

Chun Yuyan suddenly stretched out his hand and took hold of what she had placed on the table, "Come here."

Feng Yun was startled and retracted his hand.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing?"

Chun Yuyan smiled lowly, "But Qingqing doesn't dare to do it anymore? It turns out to be a paper tiger holding a whip. I don't know how to use it..."

Feng Yun felt uncomfortable with his gaze.

How could Chun Yuyan, who was sitting there lazily and smiling, have a wolfish light in his eyes?

She is not Lian Ji, Chun Yuyan should not be interested in her.

"Is the prince sick?" Feng Yun asked bluntly.

Chunyu Yan had a smile in his eyes.

"Maybe... he's sick."

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes and heard his smile again, "You infected me with... madness."

Feng Yun was very convinced.

Chun Yuyan is probably a hundred times crazier than her, but he relies on her?

"Your Majesty didn't drink, why did he get drunk?"

Feng Yun grabbed Qiu Tong and stood up slowly.

"The prince has carefully considered the matter of cooperation. Once you have decided, you can come to Nagato to inform us, and we will discuss the details. There is endless money to be made, and it is meaningless to make it alone. The prince and I will win-win if we work together, and each will get what he needs. ,It could not be better……"

Whoosh! Suddenly there was a sound breaking through the air. Before Feng Yun could react, his whole body was pulled by Chun Yuyan and protected in his arms at an extremely fast speed.

And the little arrow flew past her hair, leaving a dark hole in the window paper.

Feng Yun's mind went blank for a moment, and then he came back to his senses and found that Chun Yuyan's lips tightened, and he suddenly clutched his chest tightly, with a slight gasp coming from his nose.

Feng Yun noticed something was wrong, "What's wrong with you?"

Chun Yuyan gritted his teeth, "I can't die for the time being."

Feng Yun didn't see any injuries on him and frowned slightly.

But a moment later, there was a rush of footsteps outside, and then, a group of black-clad and masked men rushed to the door, confronting the guards, and shouted at Chun Yuyan.

"Brothers, Chun Yuyan has been poisoned."

"Follow me! Leave no one behind in Huayue Stream..."

A group of men in black obviously came for Chun Yuyan, but in an instant, they were fighting with Chun Yuyan's guards.

Feng Yun tightened his grip on the black sheath whip and turned his head.

"The prince has taken advantage of his own people?"

Chun Yuyan didn't expect that she would be so perceptive, so he sneered, and his thin lips revealed a cruel and charming smile.

"They want me to die, not just in one day or two."

Feng Yun looked at his blurred and ruthless gaze. Just as she was about to struggle, her body was hugged tightly by him. The heat brought by the skin-to-skin contact made her push subconsciously.

"No need to be afraid, I will protect you." Chun Yuyan not only did not let go, but hugged her tighter, as if his cruel wildness was inspired by the blood in front of him. He coldly held the broken jade sword and turned to huddle in the corner. A maid there.

"You brought the tea."

The maid turned pale with fright.

"Your Majesty...not a maid...not a maid."

Chun Yuyan opened the girl's bun with a sword, cut off the long black hair, and watched it spread down like black brocade. Then he added a sword and cut a long bloody hole on the white neck. …

Blood spurted out!

Cruel, dazzling, and indescribably beautiful.

"Kill!" Chun Yuyan turned around suddenly, pointing the broken jade sword at the man in black.

"Keep alive!"

This was the first time that Feng Yun saw Chun Yuyan going on a killing spree.

There is a distance between the cruelty in rumors and the cruelty seen with one's own eyes.

When the broken jade sword turned into a life-threatening impermanence in his palm, the elusive sword shadow flashed past, showing blood and human life. Feng Yun was frightened when he saw it...

Last time she boldly kidnapped him and survived, which was really lucky.

The black-clothed leader went crazy and looked over with a sinister look, his voice full of hatred.

"Chun Yuyan, do you know what kind of poison you were poisoned with? Do you want to escape today's disaster? Stop dreaming!"

Chun Yuyan chuckled lightly and licked his bright red lips. His narrow black eyes were full of bloodthirsty cruelty. With a beautiful woman in his arms, he didn't look embarrassed at all. Instead, he looked luxurious, elegant, and wanton and arrogant.

"I'll kill you with a sledgehammer!"

I don't know what kind of poison he was hit by, Chun Yuyan's eyes were red, his eyes, his lips, and his breath seemed to be exuding a kind of intense heat, but when he raised his arm, he took out the iron whistle and made a "chish" sound Blow...

For a moment, there was a loud sound of footsteps in Huayue Stream, and one could tell that many people were coming.

The sound of weapons clashing instantly filled the air inside and outside the flower hall. A close-range fight made Xing Bing and several of his subordinates nervous. They did not participate in the battle, but, like Sang Jiao's personal guards, stood firmly in front of Feng Yun.

The window shadows shook and the lights were dim.

Screams like slaughtering pigs sounded from time to time, several men in black fell down, and there were also casualties on Chun Yuyan's side.

"Chun Yuyan!"

The leader in black was surrounded by people, and he roared loudly as if he wanted to anger Chun Yuyan.

"You freak, you should have died long ago!"

"How dare you continue to live!"

The shout of the man in black sounded more like a kind of impotent rage.

Because as more Yunchuan guards poured into the small building, the advantage of the man in black disappeared. Just now, Chun Yuyan was not killed due to the large number of people and strength, so what chance would there be now?

Chun Yuyan sheathed his sword, pulled Feng Yun and retreated behind the guards, looking coldly at the group of men in black who were killed in embarrassment.

"Surrender and get the whole body."

Feng Yun didn't think that "whole corpse" was any special preferential treatment, but before Chun Yuyan could finish his voice, there was a "clang, clang, clang, clang" sound of swords falling to the ground in the flower hall.

Under Chun Yuyan's hands, the whole corpse died a good death.

A good death is much happier than a life worse than death.

The man in black dropped his weapon and fell to his knees like dumplings.

"Your Majesty, spare your life..."

Chun Yuyan waved his hand and motioned for them to pull the person down.

"Interrogation... torture... to find out the antidote."

I am very grateful to the fans for my love, to Lina for her monthly votes, and to all the girls for their tips, votes, and genuine subscriptions. Erjin is so polite.

There will be more updates later~~

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