Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 83 It’s fun

Sang Jiao's face changed, and he immediately turned around and picked up the black-clad leader whose arm was cut off, dragging him to the torture room, but he was met with the man's mocking laughter.

"Delusion! Chun Yuyan, don't be delusional... You have been hit by He Yu Jinghong, there is no medicine to save you... Just enjoy the pleasure of dying from a punctured stomach."



The laughter echoed in the flower hall.

The coldness covered the pervasive smell of blood.

The shaking made several night lights swing wildly.

The faces of the Yunchuan guards all changed.

Feng Yun looked at Chun Yuyan.

His eyes were dark, and there was no way to know what expression he had under the iron mask.

"Feng Twelve."

Chun Yuyan suddenly called Feng Yun and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Please... help me... go in."

The man's low and hoarse voice was slow and weak, as if it was covered with a layer of water vapor, moist and soft. Feng Yun frowned and reached out to pull him away, but she felt his fingertips were cold and she was shocked.

"Prince, why don't you call the doctor?"

"It's useless." Chun Yuyan bent his lips coldly, took a deep breath, and seemed to be unstable, and pressed against Feng Yun.

"They have always wanted to kill me. With such an opportunity, how could they leave me hope of survival... Crane Feather Jinghong is a rare poison in Yunchuan... There is no medicine to cure it."

Feng Yun didn't know what Crane Feather Jinghong was, and she didn't know what would happen if the poison was poisoned, but Chun Yuyan's bright red lips and red eyes, as well as the slightly trembling body leaning against her, were definitely abnormal.

"Ask your guards to help you..." Feng Yun gritted her teeth and supported him, bearing the force of his approach. She didn't understand why this man looked light and elegant, but when he pressed on him, he became heavy, like dead meat, too heavy.

"I killed the maid..." Chun Yuyan opened his eyelids slightly, "I don't like stinky men."

"..." Feng Yun was speechless.

Chun Yuyan was much taller than him, and leaning on him straightly was like a big bear leaning on a little white rabbit, which was really painful to watch.

"Okay, okay, don't lean so close. I'll help you."

They were still talking about cooperation just now, and Chun Yuyan happened to pull her to prevent her from being pierced through the head by a sharp arrow. Although the incident was caused by him, Feng Yun couldn't just leave him alone.

Feng Yun struggled to help him to the soft couch in the inner room.

Chun Yuyan fell down, and a hand suddenly rested on her shoulder, hooking her and pulling her down.

Feng Yun, who was weak just now, suddenly felt a force so strong that she couldn't resist or avoid it, and fell heavily on him.

That couch was the one Feng Yun had held him hostage for food that day...

"Chun Yuyan!" Feng Yun realized something was wrong, and tried to get up, only to find that he couldn't struggle. He immediately asked angrily: "You can't be so petty, right? It's been so long, and you still want to retaliate against me?"

Chun Yuyan didn't say anything.

The girl's breath sprayed on his face, clearly conveying her anger, but at this moment it made him very happy.

From that day on, he would recall everything that happened on this couch many nights, the girl's provocative smile, her cold but beautiful eyes, and the trembling when her jade-like soft skin was close to his body, all of which made him sleepless all night...

Feng Yun brought him humiliation.

More importantly, it was a kind of pain that could not be vented.

It seemed that his emotions were sealed by her on that shameful day, as if some evil power awakened his animal nature. Silently occupying him, torturing him, recalling the past like a demon, over and over again...

Bearing hard, but unable to suppress it.

"Qingqing, you have to be responsible for me."

Feng Yun met his dark eyes and was terrified.

The He Yu Jinghong in Chun Yu Yan's heart, from what the man in black said, is an incurable poison, and she will definitely die.

Moreover, her intestines will be pierced and her stomach will be rotten...

Feng Yun's flesh was numb.

For revenge, Chun Yu Yan wanted to drag her to death?

Feng Yun tried to calmly comfort him, "Prince Chun Yu, don't give up your life until the last moment. I think you... can still be saved. How about this, we have a doctor Yao in Huaxi Village, who is very good at medicine, I will ask someone to invite him..."

Chun Yu Yan did not answer.

Suddenly he held her chin and stared at her lips in a trance.

The look in his eyes made Feng Yun shudder.

It's bad, he is going to feed her poison...

The instinct for survival made Feng Yun twist and struggle violently.

"Lian Ji..." Chun Yuyan didn't know what he recalled, his misty eyes seemed to soften instantly, his fingers pinched Feng Yun, moving up inch by inch, as if he was touching some precious treasure.

"Don't go, Lian Ji... Don't go..."

Feng Yun was very angry, "I'm not Lian Ji, lunatic, look carefully."

But at this moment, Chun Yuyan was probably crazy, no one could hear what she said, and his eyes stared at her pitifully, like an abandoned puppy or kitten.

"Don't go! You can't ignore me..."

"Chun Yuyan." Thinking of him being poisoned, Feng Yun suppressed a little anger, "Listen carefully, I am Feng Yun, let go of your hand, I will let someone serve you, help you find a doctor, and I will definitely be able to cure you."

"You are. You are Lian Ji." Chun Yuyan's chest rose and fell rapidly, and those misty fox eyes were filled with a firm light, and his tone sounded vicious.

"How can you... abandon me after having an affair?"

"What a lovelorn man." Feng Yun looked at him subtly, sneered and mocked.

"You will never see your Lian Ji until you die, which is a bit pitiful. It's a pity..."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "I have some sympathy, but not much."

Before she finished speaking, she raised her knee unceremoniously and slammed it into Chun Yuyan's crotch.

Chun Yuyan cried out in pain, veins bulged on the back of his hand, and gasped like a trapped beast in his throat...

Feng Yun raised her hand and slapped him in the face. Two big slaps, his mask was crooked.

But Chun Yuyan, who was poisoned, reacted very quickly. He strangled her with one hand and pressed down on her regardless, panting:

"Lian said, you said..."

Feng Yun saw that he was very excited, and he kept saying Lian Ji. For a moment, she couldn't figure out whether this man was crazy or stupid because of the poison. She looked around, pulled a piece of clothes from the bedside and covered him with it.

Chun Yuyan groaned, his head covered.

Feng Yun held him tightly, quickly pulled off his belt and tied his hands.

"Be honest, ok?"

Perhaps because of the poison, Chun Yuyan's resistance was not fierce.

Feng Yun felt a little relieved when she saw that he was so weak.

But tying up a big man still made her breath uneven and sweaty.

"I can cure you once, and I can cure you a second time."

After tying him up, Feng Yun smiled again when she saw that his lips were trembling with anger.

"But this time, I am doing it for the good of the prince. Otherwise, I don't know what kind of trouble the prince will cause."

Chun Yuyan breathed heavily.

He was a madman, but when he met a woman who was crazier than him, the excitement in his eyes was far more than fear.

"Lian Ji..."

"I said I'm not Lian Ji." Feng Yun was so angry that she took Qiu Tong and whipped him.

The whip was not fully opened, and the force was not strong.

She was more for punishment and venting, not for him to hurt.

But Chun Yuyan had a thin stream of sweat running down his forehead.

"Does it hurt?" Feng Yun saw that he had calmed down, and there was a slight groan in his nose. Then he lowered his head again, smiled maliciously and asked him: "Isn't it uncomfortable to wear a mask? Do you want me to help you take it off?"

Chun Yuyan's face showed fear and he shook his head vigorously.

Feng Yun didn't care whether he was happy or not, and with a little force...

The mask was taken off, and the unparalleled handsome face was in front of him.

Feng Yun wrapped the whip and pointed at him and said: "Be good and don't make trouble, or I will beat you to death."

The poisoned Chun Yuyan was easier to deal with than usual. He seemed to really think of her as Lian Ji. Apart from panting and no longer glaring at her, his face actually showed some soft affection...

"So good."

Chun Yuyan had a pair of very beautiful eyes, and his patient and helpless look was very lovable.

Feng Yun experienced the joy of giving up restraints and fighting evil with evil, but it did not affect her appreciation of beauty.

"You, you have such a beautiful face, why do you cover it up and not let anyone see it?" Feng Yun lowered his head in a posture that almost drove people crazy, and gently lifted Chun Yuyan's chin with Qiu Tong's whip.

"Do you really think I'm Lian Ji?"

Chun Yuyan's eyes drooped and he didn't speak.

Feng Yun looked at him for a moment, as if he realized something, and pursed his lips.

"Yes, you are a beast in human clothing, and no one needs to have pity on you..."

"Untie it for me..." Chun Yuyan's voice was weak, and the veins on his forehead were prominent, as if the whole person was about to explode, and his back was already soaked with sweat.

He curled up slightly, his eyes were full of resentment.

"I'm about to die... You still treat me like this. Where is your conscience?"

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, silently took the mask that fell on the pillow, and gently put it back on for him, as if to comfort the fragile self-esteem and hidden inferiority of a wounded child.

After doing all this, she stood up straight, smoothed her messy hair and tidied her clothes.

Chunyu Yan looked at her quietly.

Eyes can't lie, he looked very sober.

Feng Yun was a little suspicious, whether this man was really poisoned.

"Did the prince recognize who I am?"

Chunyu Yan opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse.

"Feng Twelve, untie me."

Feng Yun said coldly: "If I had known this, why would I pretend to be crazy? I know the prince hates me, but there is no need to use such a vicious method. Even ants are trying to survive, I advise the prince not to be obsessed with our little hatred, or think about how to survive first..."

Chunyu Yan panted and stared at her, not knowing what he thought of, and closed his eyes weakly.

"Qingqing, add some spices for me, I want to die comfortably..."

There is a hollow Boshan incense burner on the table, exuding a faint fragrance.

Feng Yun didn't say anything, but added some spices to the incense burner, just to take care of the emotions of the dead.

Chun Yuyan half-closed his eyes, staring at her figure and the milky white skin exposed outside, his eyes stinging, and suddenly said: "The day you came, I used this incense, and I have never changed it since then..."

Feng Yun stared at this person in disbelief.

To be honest, people are dying and don't want to think about survival, so why bother with these?

"Prince, are you really not going to find a doctor?"

Chun Yuyan covered his heaving chest and shook his head.

"The doctor can't cure me."

Feng Yun narrowed her eyes, feeling that the light in his eyes was very dangerous, silently stepped back, bowed, and left resolutely.

Walking to the outer room, I saw two servants standing outside the door, which was very strange.

The master was poisoned, but they were still waiting here calmly...

Feng Yun said: "Find a doctor for Prince Chunyu."

The two servants did not even raise their heads, responded, and still stood there without moving.

Feng Yun felt strange and immediately felt dangerous, so he quickened his pace...

I can't afford to offend a servant who doesn't even care about Chunyu Yan's life or death.


In the inner room, Chunyu Yan turned over Feng Yun's bound hands, slowly broke free, and then slowly wiped the sweat off his body with a handkerchief.

"Xiang Zhong."

A man who looked like a eunuch walked in from outside the tent, "Prince."

Chun Yuyan said, "Prepare water."

Eunuch Xiang responded, looked at his red ears, and was startled, "Is the prince okay?"

Chun Yuyan: "Nothing."

Xiang Zhong breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, the prince got the news early and replaced the poisoned tea. Otherwise, I would have fallen for their poisonous trick today..."

Chun Yuyan sneered, "My two useless half-brothers can only use these lousy tricks. Give orders to the scouts to be alert and report immediately if there is any movement."

Xiang Zhong agreed, and frowned again barely perceptibly.

"Why does the prince bother to deal with Feng Shier Niang? If the prince doesn't like her, just kill her..."

"Ha!" Chun Yuyan interrupted with a chuckle, his eyes showing some brilliance that Xiang Zhong couldn't understand, "Feng Shier, she's very fun. I can't bear to see her die until I get tired of her."

Xiang Zhong took a look at the prince's flushed face that looked like he had just been fished out of hot water, sighed silently in his heart, nodded, and went down.

Chun Yuyan sat upright, rubbing his wrists twice, thinking about Feng Yun's ruthlessness just now, thinking about her pressing on him and calling him a beast in human clothing, and chuckled "so good".

He sneered and laughed.

"I also have a little kindness, Feng Shier, you should save it."

This chapter is very fat~ muah, see you tomorrow!

Pei Jue: At this moment, shouldn't you let me say a few words?

Reader: Anyway, your mouth is just for decoration, so it doesn't matter if you don't say anything.

Xiao Cheng: ... The war is raging, and I miss you so much, but you are enjoying the beauty in Huayue Gorge. It's really hateful.

Reader: Xiao scumbag, please wash your neck clean, maybe it will be your turn next time...

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