Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 84: Try the Beauty

Feng Yun left Huayuejian and went straight back to the General's Mansion.

For nothing else, she only hired three oxcarts and asked the servants to pack them up. The books, clothes and other important and valuable things that she had placed in the general's mansion were transported one by one to the oxcart. Delivered to Huaxi Village.

The outcome of a war is never determined.

If Pei Ran accidentally dies in battle, Andu City will no longer be able to defend itself, and the General's Mansion will inevitably become a target.

Even if Feng Yun feels that the probability of this is extremely small, he has to make plans in advance, otherwise if something unexpected happens and the treasure left by his mother is damaged, then the gain will outweigh the loss...

When the concubines saw her "moving", they had their own plans in mind.

Chai Ying, Nan Kui and others were determined to follow her, so they packed up and ran to Zhuangzi without saying a word. Several concubines felt that they were pretty and had the hope of becoming Pei Madang's concubine, so they decided to go up to the village. Come and find out if the Twelfth Mother has returned to the General's Mansion.

They were afraid that if they stayed in Zhuangzi for a long time, they would not be able to go back, and they would become the servants of Twelve Mothers from then on.

Feng Yun was too lazy to listen to such words.

Let Xiaoman tell those concubines who are asking round and round.

"Not everyone can be a maid in a girl's house."

The old things in the general's mansion were gradually moved away.

The plaque with "Changmenyuan" written on it was removed by Feng Yun.

She completely regarded this place as an "old house" and planned to repair Zhuangzi and start her own business.

No matter what Pei Madang thought when he got the news, Ao Qi was smiling and excited as he watched her move. He helped carry heavy objects before and after running, and he looked very happy.

The bullock cart made several trips back and forth.

Passing by Long Street attracted many comments.

"General Pei's concubines have gone to Zhuangzi, and Andu City may be in danger."

This is the most intuitive idea.

As a result, the queues for exchanging food at Huayuejian and Yutangchunli, or dragging families with them to exchange money, became longer.

Prince Chunyu had a lot of money and kept engaging in price wars.

The next morning, he also pretended to bring Feng Yun a purchase price list, indicating that the exchange was simple, and deliberately showed her his trump card.

"You have offended me, and I don't want you to take advantage of me."

It was as if he would let himself take advantage if he didn't offend him.

Feng Yun scoffed, not wanting to fight Chun Yuyan in the air.

She did not reply to Chun Yuyan. Yutang Chunli was still the same as before, taking her time and leisurely, not in a hurry. She was also busy moving and had no time to talk to him...


In Huayue Stream.

Seeing the prince's restless appearance, Qu Ding signaled his servants to go down and removed the chessboard.

"Your Majesty wants to please a beauty, but this method won't work..."

Chunyu Yan looked at him coldly and scoffed coldly.

"Who told you that I want to please a beauty?"

Qu Ding looked at his face and shook his head.

"Then why is the prince like this? In order to vent his anger with Feng Twelve Niang, how many beauties can be exchanged for these possessions? How gentle can you be?"

"Bold!" Chunyu Yan was angry.

How dare he, Qu Ding, dare to be so verbally insulting.

Maybe it was out of competitiveness, maybe it was for revenge, maybe the fleeting pleasure was too tempting, after all, there were countless possibilities for him to find Feng Twelve, but he would not be able to please her, let alone be gentle with her...

Unless she takes the initiative.

"If you talk nonsense again, I will punish you to copy scriptures."

Qu Ding was a counselor, and his duty was to guide the prince back to the right path when he went astray.

When Chun Yuyan fell in love with him, it was because of his impeccable tongue.

"Your Majesty, calm down."

Qu Ding straightened his body, stretched out his robe sleeves, and cupped his hands with an upright expression.

"I see that the prince is worried and depressed, all because of this girl, who has a restless night and poor food. When the girl comes and touches the prince, the prince's legs become weak... I really can't bear to look at her, so I must make the prince change his mind."

Chun Yuyan took a breath and sneered for a moment.

"What kind of obscene words are you talking about? Why has this prince ever been worried and upset about her...?"

Qu Ding said: "The prince looks at Feng Twelve Niang and looks at Mei Ji next to him, are they the same?"

Chun Yuyan: "That's different. What do I hate her for?"

Qu Ding started stroking his beard, "I hate it as much as I love it."

"Fart!" Chun Yuyan was not a polite person, but he rarely used foul language. This fart frightened Qu Ding so much that he shook his hands, stopped stroking his beard, and quickly handed over his hand and begged for mercy.

"It's me who is bold. But in the past few years, I have never seen the prince being interested in a girl. Now that the prince is ignoring Yunchuan's plan and spending all his energy, I really shouldn't blame me for worrying..."

"My servant is loyal to the Crown Prince, and the Crown Prince knows this!"

A capable counselor in this era is qualified to speak nonsense in front of his master, and he can also question his master's decision and be respected.

Qu Ding thought that his other abilities might be fake, but when it came to a person's abilities, he could tell at first glance.

He wanted the prince to understand that he was a capable and courageous person who dared to give advice.

Chun Yuyan stared at him for a moment, then suddenly sneered twice and called Sang Jiao.

"Go find two beauties."

Sang Jiao was startled, "What's the point of calling Mei Ji the prince?"

Chun Yuyan raised his foot to kick him.

"What's the use? I'm just serving my son."

ah! Sangio looked at the sunshine outside the window.

Is this going to change?

He had doubts in his heart, but he didn't have the courage like Qu Ding to question the prince's words. He just said weakly and went down to make arrangements.

In less than an hour, the two graceful girls were brought into Huayue Stream.

Sanjiao still has some skills, and her figure is based on Feng Twelve Niang's appearance, but as for her appearance, it is difficult to find someone with Feng Twelve Niang's stunning appearance, let alone as wild as Twelve Niang's. His temperament is coiled up like a little female snake, and he dares to tell the prince even to him.

"In these troubled times, the prince...will make do with it."

Chun Yuyan was almost mad at him.

"Get out of here."

Sangio rolled very quickly.

Go out and close the door.

The two beauties looked at the mask on Chun Yuyan's face and trembled.

Chun Yuyan doesn't look like a good person.

No matter how handsome the face is hidden under the mask, it is difficult to make the girl feel loved, only fear.

"Come here!" Chun Yuyan narrowed his eyes and watched them walking. He smelled the pungent fragrance and frowned, thinking of Feng Twelve like a dream in his mind.

There is no such strange fragrance on her body, it is like flower essence stained with dew at night, very pure and charming...


Chun Yuyan came back to his senses in shock, saw Mei Ji very close at hand, and pointed to the position of the screen.

"Stand over."

Mei Ji looked at each other in fear, then walked back and stood in front of the screen.

Chunyu Yan patiently looked at them.

"Take off your clothes."

Mei Ji crossed her arms.

Without struggling for too long, he did as he was told.

Chun Yuyan just sat there steadily watching the beauty undress and take off her clothes.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't feel right.

It’s not that it’s not beautiful or beautiful, it’s that I don’t want to take another look at it, and my heart has never settled down. Every pore seems to be filled with the hateful Feng Twelve Niang. I hate it so much that I can’t even think about having fun. No, let alone having a romantic affair with Mei Ji.

He doesn't like these.


He just wanted to take advantage of Feng Twelve and deal with her. It was best to make her cry, or else he would put her on the bed and do what she did to him that day...

When this image entered his mind, his tail vertebrae felt numb, his lower abdomen felt hot, and his reaction came very quickly...

Thinking of Qu Ding's words, he was angry and resentful. He suddenly picked up the pillow on the soft couch and threw it towards the ground.

"Get out!"

As a result, Sang Jiao and Yin You, who were on duty outside, received the crown prince's crazy roar, and then saw the two beauties walking out with pear blossoms in the rain, looking as if they were being amnesty.


Stay alive.

Sang Jiao breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Qu Ding again.

The old boy stroked his beard calmly, looking like a master from this world.

"We meet each other in a fleeting year, the red luan star moves, the prince... is about to fall into trouble."


Feng Yun had no idea that Hua Yuejian had caused so many troubles because he didn't receive her reply. She was at the General's Mansion in the morning, and followed the oxcart back to Huaxi Village at dusk.

There were too many things moved here, and she did not want to leave the books and objects left behind by her mother, so she had to sort them out herself.

Xu was too focused and busy, and she didn't think about the war that was just around the corner, let alone what Chun Yuyan thought. As soon as night fell, she was so tired that she fell asleep.

I fantasized about the prosperous countryside she had built with her own hands, and secretly enjoyed the beauty for a long time. Unexpectedly, I dreamed of Pei Madang in the middle of the night.

One moment, he was bloody and fighting into the cold palace with the Piyong sword. The next moment, he dreamed that the radishes in the field had grown up. She couldn't eat any of the radishes she pulled out, and the radishes wanted to kill her. Later, she opened her mouth to bite, but when she looked up, she saw Pei Madang's dark eyes, staring at her fiercely and lustfully...

She was so frightened that she woke up with a start and her forehead was wet with sweat.

It's still dark.

The war in Huaishui Bay has been raging for two days.

I don’t know how the fight went?

Feng Yun sat for a while in the quiet night, then lay down again to catch up on his sleep. When he woke up the next day, he went to Yutang Spring.

She originally thought of continuing to make war fortune.

Unexpectedly, word had already spread as soon as they arrived at the city gate.

"Bei Yong's army refused to defend and counterattacked. They crossed the Huai River last night and defeated the Qi army. They were already approaching Xinzhou..."

"I heard that General Polu is the one who is leading the charge this time?"

"General Polu? Who is this?"

"Hey, how can we, the common people, know about military aircraft? Since General Pei is so important, he must be a capable person."

"King Pei Yama is King Pei Yama. Attacking the city is like chopping melons and vegetables. Hit wherever you want. I'm afraid Xinzhou City cannot be saved..."

"We've hit Xinzhou, won't Andu be fine?"

"It's absolutely true, there is no place more stable than Andu right now..."

From the city gate to the city, the ignorant people spontaneously boasted about General Pei, speaking vividly, as if they had seen Pei Man charging into the battle with their own eyes, and had almost forgotten the fear of the Northern Yong Army's last attack on the city.

Now Andu is regarded as the rear area of ​​Beiyong Army. In addition, the general's government continued to release grains and equalize land and land. Pei Madang also promulgated a series of new policies, which greatly changed the people's view of Pei Madu in the city. They admired Qiang but did not want Andu. If they get involved in the war again, they all hope that the Beiyong Army will win.

Feng Yun listened, feeling heavy in his heart.

Such good business only lasted two days.

This Pei Madang...

It's too fast.

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