Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 85: Lord of Pingyuan County

When the Northern Yong Army crossed the Huai River at night and arrived at Xinzhou, what was Xiao Cheng doing?

Will he be so angry after hearing the news?

Feng Yun, hiding his worries, drove leisurely to Yutangchun in a donkey cart and found that the door was blocked.

Sharp curses came from inside.

"So what if the deed is signed? If you don't register at the Yamen, you won't be able to do anything!"

"Smelly bitch, I've given you face, haven't you?"

"Do you think that becoming Yu Tangchun's steward will make you hard-on? Have you forgotten that despicable look in bed..."

The person who cursed was the eldest son of the Yuan family, a wealthy family in the city, who had redeemed Wenhui's life. Yesterday, this guy gave two shops at home to Yu Tangchun in order to secretly take his concubine to escape.

Today I heard that Beiyong's army crossed the Huai River and attacked Xinzhou City. Now Andu is safer than anywhere else. I immediately regretted it and wanted to take the shop back...

Wen Hui naturally refused.

But she couldn't say anything harsh, especially to her former husband. She burst into tears for a while, which was quite humiliating.

Most of Yutangchun's waiters were hired after it opened, and no one dared to offend the big players in the city.

When the onlookers saw the beautiful female shopkeeper being exposed, they all just watched the excitement. In addition to bursts of laughter, there were also people who were gloating about the misfortune and teasing Yuan Dalang about their past events.

Yuan Dalang was even more elated and looked proud.

"If you don't return the land deed, I will disgrace you today..."

Snapped! The sudden pain on his face made Yuan Dalang confused for a moment. His head tilted inertly, and when he realized what he was doing, he felt a sharp pain that was like heart-wrenching pain, and his ears went deaf for a moment.

"Oh my mother..." Yuan Dalang covered his cheeks and looked at the Feng family's Buqu with a knife in front of him. He took two steps back and stood among his servants.

"Boldly kill the talent! Quick, call me back..."

Feng Yun walked to Wen Hui's side, held her thin shoulders, handed her a handkerchief, turned back expressionlessly, and spoke to several people.

"Ge Guang just slapped Yuan. He was the first to step in and hit him beautifully. I will reward him with five hundred coins."

"Next, every punch and kick will be rewarded. It ranges from fifty to one hundred dollars."

"Onlookers follow the above rules and you will get money if you beat Yuan Dalang."

"Stay a breath and don't kill him. The responsibility lies with me."

"Unfortunately, if he is beaten to death, it is still mine."

In just a few words, Feng Yun spoke in an unhurried and unhurried manner, as if he was giving a task for the song, and was so cold and inhumane.

Who doesn’t love money and rewards?

As soon as the song started, some young and energetic people in the crowd rolled up their sleeves and started beating people on the spot.

Feng Yun glanced sideways at Wen Hui.

"What are you doing standing still? Go get a pen and paper and write it down so you can settle the bill later."

By the time Wen Hui reacted, Yuan Dalang had been beaten into a pig's head, his face was covered with blood, and his whole body was lying on the ground. Even so, there were still people rushing to beat him.

Yuan Dalang brought several servants to protect him, but there were too many people taking advantage of the opportunity to make money, and there was only wailing in the crowd...

Wen Hui burst into tears and laughed.

Feng Yun smiled: "That's right, you look good when you smile."

Then he said: "You also go up and hit me twice, until I die."

Wen Hui felt warm in her heart.

I was scared to death just now. When I was humiliated by Yuan Dalang, I wished I could jump into the well and die.

But as soon as the girl comes, she has a backbone. The girl protects her and supports her. If she doesn't stand up, it will be a disgrace to the girl.

Wen Hui was cautious at first, tentatively leaning into the crowd to look. Until she gritted her teeth and kicked Yuan Dalang as hard as she could. Her whole body was healed. The long-standing grievances and humiliations were all gone at this moment. Leave her.

"I gave this kick myself, and the girl doesn't have to pay for it!"

"Kill you, you heartless thing!"

"Kill you!"

Feng Yun laughed so hard that his eyes rolled up.

"about there."

Feng Yun signaled to Xing Bing to stop the attackers.

"Everyone line up here and ask Shopkeeper Wen to check out."

A group of people cheered and rushed to the front of Bu Qu, happily waiting to receive the money.

Yuan Dalang was unable to fight back, and was carried into his carriage by his servants in a bloody state.

Some people who had been oppressed by the wealthy gentry for a long time also let out a bad breath.

"Is that girl Feng Twelve Niang from the General's Mansion?"

"Anyone who dares to hit even noble people is naturally a noble person."

"With the support of the general, Yuan Dalang's beating was in vain."

The crowd chatted excitedly and dispersed.

When the news spread that the legitimate son of the Yuan family was beaten, Andu City was almost turned upside down.

Soon, the old man of the Yuan family went to the General's Mansion and sued He Qia, asking him to seek justice.

Of course He Qia would not notice it if it was just a member of the Yuan family. He was just a branch of the Yuan family in Runan. However, the Yuan family gathered all the wealthy families in Andu County and concocted a "Book of Ten Thousand Words" together.

The interests of these wealthy families are the same.

The Han tribe and the noble tribe are two distinct groups, let alone the common people at the lowest level.

Noble people are born to be noble people, and the common people will never have another noble person to stand out.

When the Northern Yong Army came, Pei Madang promulgated a new wartime policy, which invisibly deprived the nobles of their rights. These people had grievances.

What Feng Yun asked ordinary people to slap was not Yuan Dalang's face, but the authority that would last for a century, the archway established in the hearts of the people, and the barrier between the upper class and the lower class.

So the wealthy families took advantage of this incident to put pressure on He Xia's temporary government office, asking him to severely punish the murderer.

When He Qia saw the joint letter with ten thousand words, his head got big.

Did you say that Feng's daughter was going to ruin the general's family?

No, this is what happened.

what to do?

It's not good to openly defend Yu Tangchun, let the person involved come to the Political Affairs Hall and make peace.


When the officials from the General Mansion arrived at Yutangchun, Feng Yunzheng and Wen Hui were having lunch.

In the past, the chef of Yutangchun offended Mrs. Chen's manager and was kicked out, taking the blame. Wen Hui brought him back. Today, he specially showed off his skills in front of Feng Yun. He made five different dishes of a kind of tofu. dishes.

Feng Yun ate to her heart's content. When she heard that He Gongcao had come to invite her and Wen Hui to the general's mansion, she was immediately happy.

"Well come."

Wen Hui was so nervous that her heart almost jumped out of her throat.

"Girl, the Yuan family has a strong foundation in Andu County and has many connections. Will it end badly..."

Feng Yun couldn't hide the smile in his eyes.

"Let's go, let's meet for a while to congratulate him on his merits."

What a wonderful fate.

In Feng Yun's previous life, Wenhui was originally rewarded by Pei Ran to He Qia. But He Qia was afraid of guilt and did not dare to accept the beauty, and was afraid that the general would not like her. So he took Wenhui back and gave Wenhui to his son He Chuandong, saying that it was his father's wish.

The next year, Wenhui gave birth to a fat grandson for He Qia.

This past event popped into her mind just when she had almost forgotten it, and then she led Wen Hui to see He Xia, as if there was a mysterious pull...


A carriage was waiting at the door of the General's Mansion.

Before Feng Yun got off the donkey cart, the curtain of the carriage was opened.

A black head came out of it, looked up at the General's Mansion, then looked at Feng Yun and others walking over, and then raised his chin.

"Is the lintel of the general's mansion two inches higher than that of the eldest princess's mansion?"

With that said, the maid helped her down.

She has a fair, slightly chubby face and a slightly plump figure. She is dressed in a soft blue dark dress with a curved train. Her hair is combed into a high bun and she has a bird-shaped jadeite jade stick. When she walks, she emits a crisp sound when she trembles. The sound of impact made a piece of snow-white breast look like a ripe fruit.

The folk customs are open, and there are many women from aristocratic families who dress boldly. Such luxurious and gorgeous attire is not out of the ordinary. At first glance, she looks like a girl from a wealthy family.

After all, ordinary people in this world don't have the financial resources to allow her to open her belly and eat herself into such a plump figure...

Feng Yun knew her.

Puyang Jiu’s eldest niece, Puyang Yi.

Even though they have the same surname, their identities are quite different.

Puyangyi's biological mother is the eldest princess, the little emperor's aunt, a powerful figure in the Jin royal family, she is a real upper-class person...

But Puyangyi's marriage was not very good.

She got married at the age of sixteen, but within two years her husband died of drunkenness in Fireworks Willow Alley, leaving her deeply humiliated.

Puyang Yi smashed her husband's house to pieces in a fit of rage. She did not hold a wake for her husband, nor did she show mourning for her husband. After she was angry, she moved back to the eldest princess's mansion. The mother and daughter became widows together, and they became even more domineering from then on...

I don't know what the servant said, Puyang Yi looked a little disappointed when he looked at the door of the mansion.

"Isn't Uncle Jiu here to be a medical officer? Medical officers also have to go to the battlefield? Aren't they also in danger?"

Before her voice fell, He Qia came down the steps and saw the carriage outside the door, his expression changed immediately.

A girl from the Feng family is enough for him to worry about.

Why is there a Pingyuan County Lord?

Before He Qia could say anything, Puyang Yi had already spotted Feng Yun walking out of the donkey cart.

She is on the fat side, and when she sees a girl with slim shoulders and slender waist, she feels very attractive, not to mention Feng Yun, who is a stunning beauty in the world?

Puyangyi was lost for a moment, raised her chin and called Feng Yun.

"Which girl is so beautiful?"

Feng Yun bowed slightly towards her and saluted, "I'm going to Andu Feng."

Feng? Pu Yangyi narrowed her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking of, and suddenly glanced at the carriage.

"So you are General Pei's beloved concubine..."

Feng Yun didn't speak, he only felt the curtain of the carriage move faintly.

It was as if someone was watching her from behind the curtain.

Yuan family, Wang family, Zhang family, Xie family: She beat me.

Feng Yun: It’s you who’s being beaten.

He Qia: The general is in trouble, and the girl beat up the son of a branch of the family in the street.

Pei Ran: Well done.

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