Integration with nature belongs to the Blood Succession Snare and is Kaguya's unique special ability. After integrating with nature, he can control the natural environment to attack the enemy.

After casting this technique, the entire ice and snow land was under Kaguya's control. No matter the wind, snow or iceberg, he could control it like an arm.

"boom! boom! boom! boom!"

Clusters of ice cones popped up on the ice. Uchiha Xiao jumped and rolled back. At the same time, countless wind and snow condensed into a giant hammer and hit Uchiha Xiao fiercely.

Uchiha Xiao Bo Xiao was not frightened at all, and stretched out his fist to smash the snow directly.

But at this moment, he found that the bottom of his feet was empty, and the ice on the soles of his feet had been removed by Kaguya.


Under the ice, there was bottomless water. The water was bone-chilling. Uchiha Xiao looked at it and saw that the ice surface that originally had a few potholes had been filled up.

Uchiha Xiao instantly I figured out Kaguya’s little calculation. I am afraid that Kaguya is thinking of drowning Uchiha Xiao here, and then Kaguya can easily absorb his chakra.

As for Kaguya’s tactics, Uchiha Xiao only has An idea, childish!

Uchiha Xiao's eyes glowed red. The next second, he was wrapped in red armor, and a giant with red light appeared under the ice.

That's not all, Uchiha. Bo Xiao's chakra continued to be mobilized. In the next second, Susanoo's appearance turned redder. At the same time, bursts of bubbles began to appear in the surrounding water.

High in the sky, Kaguya looked motionless. On the ice, I couldn't help but feel a little proud in my heart.

So what if I ate the fruit of the sacred tree? Uchiha Xiao's Otsutsuki bloodline has been diluted countless times. According to Kaguya's thoughts, Uchiha Xiao naturally cannot use the Rinne Sharingan. All the power of the eye.

Just when Kaguya was about to fly down and fish out Uchiha Xiao, her eyes suddenly opened and she saw a red light shining under the ice.

And the range of the red light was getting bigger and bigger. , and even illuminated the entire ice surface red!

"Click! Click!"

The ice surface began to crack little by little, and bursts of bubbles emerged from the exposed water. Along with the bubbles, a curl of white smoke rose.

Thick white smoke floated into the sky, and a look of surprise appeared on Kaguya's face, because She felt it, this was heat!

Uchiha Xiao actually boiled the water under the ice!

At this moment,"red light" broke through the ice from the water.

Susanoo in the form of a warrior god appeared. In front of Kaguya, Susano's whole body was covered with blazing flames. He was a thousand meters high. Standing in front of Kaguya, he looked very oppressive.

Kaguya was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Otsutsuki bloodline could actually develop on earth. Such a technique was somewhat unexpected by Kaguya.

However, Kaguya was not afraid of it. Although Susanoo was full of intimidation, it was not the ultimate power of the Otsutsuki clan after all!

"Otsutsuki Kaguya, your tactics are so childish that it makes people laugh. This strength is really wasted on you."Uchiha Xiao's voice came from Susana and entered Kaguya's ears clearly.

Kaguya snorted coldly:"The bloodline and ability of the Ai family are enough to make up for these gaps!"

As she spoke, Kaguya clapped her hands, and then her body expanded rapidly.


A white and huge rabbit appeared in Uchiha Xiao's eyes.

Regarding this giant rabbit, Uchiha Xiao's evaluation was:

"What an ugly rabbit......"

The giant rabbit doesn't look cute, and the roar it makes is terrifying.

The next second, the giant rabbit opened its mouth wide, and black spheres appeared in its mouth.

Uchiha Xiao raised his eyebrows:"Are you asking for Tao Jade?......"

He also knew the power of the Qiu Dao Jade, but he didn't expect Kaguya to be able to gather so many at once.

All the Dao-Seeking Jade suddenly gathered together, and then condensed into a pitch-black giant sword.

"Roar!"The huge sword condensed in the giant rabbit's mouth, and with a flick of its head, the dark giant sword swept towards Uchiha Xiao with a strong air current.

Uchiha Xiao was not frightened at all, and controlled Susano to put his hand on his waist, and then , Uchiha Xiao’s eyes suddenly flickered.

"Draw your sword and chop!"

A dazzling white light burst out from the blade with flames wrapped around it.


The giant sword composed of the Dao Jade collided with Uchiha Xiao's"Onikiri". In an instant, all the wind and snow in the sky were swept away by the shock wave, and even the surrounding space was shaken and distorted by the blow!

"How, how is it possible?......"

Kaguya was very surprised. In her eyes, Susanoo was just a poor imitation of Otsutsuki's secret technique. How could it possibly explode with such power?!!

Uchiha Xiao was also a little surprised. He used a lot of strength in this strike. He originally thought that Kaguya would be cut away directly, but he didn't expect that he could resist his sword.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Uchiha Xiao's mouth:"If that's the case, how will you respond to that move I use?!" Susana held out a hand, and then countless red and white light balls appeared in that hand superior


The light balls gathered together, and then suddenly turned into a giant sword with golden light all over it!

Susana raised the golden lightsaber high and struck the giant rabbit fiercely.

"Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explodes!"


The golden light exploded on the giant rabbit.


The giant rabbit let out a shrill howl. This was a blow that was enough to split the moon in half!

Soon, the giant rabbit turned into a burst of white smoke and dissipated. In the white smoke, Kaguya's sad eyes were looming. She Looking at Uchiha Xiao's Susanoo, there was no more contempt in his heart. The golden light illuminated Susanoo's whole body red, as if he was the God of War sent by God!

The light of the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion gradually fell on his hand. Dissipated, the wings on Susanoo's back vibrated a few times, and he flew towards Kaguya. Uchiha Xiao controlled Susanoo to stretch out his hand and grab Kaguya. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kaguya was about to be caught, and the next second, the surrounding environment changed again!

"Heaven's Royal Center!"

The surrounding environment changed again, the sky turned pink, and the earth was a green substance of unknown composition.

However, the change in the environment was secondary. The most important thing is that the gravity here is several or even ten times that of the earth.!

As soon as he appeared here, the hand that was about to grab Kaguya suddenly stopped.

Uchiha Xiao frowned, he felt the sudden increase in gravity, especially since he was also controlling a Susanoo, More weight is shared on Susanoo


Susanoh fell directly from the air and hit the ground hard.

The earth is not composed of soil. This hit neither stirred up dust nor made a big hole in the earth.


The Susanoo on his body was dissipated by Uchiha Xiao. In an instant, it seemed as if a heavy burden was lifted from his shoulders, and Uchiha Xiao felt a lot more relaxed. At this time, he turned his attention to Kaguya, who slowly descended from the sky. , obviously, she herself is also bearing this ten times gravity.

Uchiha Xiao couldn't help but sneer:"You are really stupid. Do you think you can match me in terms of physical strength?" How dare you put me in this space......."

Kaguya panted heavily and was a little unable to answer. Firstly, Kaguya was not used to the hypergravity space, and the current Kaguya did not have as much chakra as in the original plot.

In the original plot, the Infinite Tsukuyomi has been activated, and Kaguya has activated the"Birth of the God-Tree World". The God Tree absorbs the chakra of tens of thousands of ninjas on the battlefield at that time. Through this, Kaguya also obtains an almost endless supply of chakra..

But now, Kaguya does not have such favorable conditions..

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