Kaguya felt a burst of shame and anger for no reason. She stared at Uchiha Xiao angrily:"Stop talking nonsense!"

After saying that, Kaguya waved her hands and attacked Uchiha Xiao with another move to kill the ashes.

Uchiha Xiao was confused, did Kaguya have no moves left?

While thinking this, Uchiha Xiao kept rolling, calmly dodging the attacks of Ash Bones.

Just when Uchiha Xiao rolled again, his feet were about to land.

Kaguya’s eyes are like a twilight

"Heaven's Royal Center!"

The surrounding environment has changed again. This time the environment seems to be the inside of a volcano. Everything around is made of burned red rocks. There are very few footholds on the surface, and most of them are filled with hot magma.

Uchiha Xiao's face is a little expression Surprisingly, it turned out that this was Kaguya's plan. When Uchiha Xiao was about to land, he instantly changed the environment to a magma space.

However, Uchiha Xiao also had a way to deal with it. Chakra quickly gathered on his feet, and then type quickly


An air explosion was generated under the soles of the feet, and Uchiha Xiao's body lifted up a little.

Uchiha Xiao did not neglect, and continued to slam down with both feet!

"boom! boom! boom!"

With the explosion of chakra and airflow, Uchiha Xiao seemed to fly up, relying on the reverse thrust of the air explosion to be sent into the air.

Kaguya's face was stunned, she really didn't expect Uchiha Xiao to do this. This way she escaped from danger. What she didn't know was that Uchiha Xiao's chakra control ability and physical fitness were already top-notch. For him, kicking his feet to lift into the air was just a routine operation. She looked proud. Uchiha Xiao, Kaguya gritted her teeth, she decided to risk it all!


Kaguya dodged over Uchiha Xiao. Uchiha Xiao looked at Kaguya with interest. He wanted to see what other tricks Kaguya wanted to use.

Kaguya suddenly raised his hands, and soon, with a A black seeking jade appeared between his hands.

However, this was not over yet. Kaguya's hands were trembling. Uchiha Xiao could sense that countless chakras were condensing on the seeking jade! Thick drops of chakra oozed from Kaguya's forehead. sweat, and the pretty face was twisted together and became ferocious.

"Expand the Taoist Jade!"

The next second, the Qiudao Jade, which was originally as big as a football, suddenly expanded and suddenly became the size of a ten-story building!

Uchiha Xiao was slightly shocked when he saw this scene. Logically speaking, Kaguya was not divine. The tree provided her with a steady stream of chakra, but it was impossible to condense the Jade of Seeking the Way as big as in the original work.

But the fact was before Uchiha Xiao. The huge Jade of Seeking the Way was like a black hole, deep and chilling in the heart..

If it was small, it would be fine, Susanoo could resist it, but now, no matter how tall the Susanoo was, it might not be able to block it.

Uchiha Xiao looked around, here was Teru. In the night space, there is also hot magma underground, and there is no place to hide.

Kaguya watched Uchiha Xiao looking around, as if looking for a place to hide, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Ah...Guys with impure blood, please surrender to the power of Otsutsuki!"Although she broke with Otsutsuki, Kaguya is still proud of Otsutsuki's bloodline.

At this time, Kaguya no longer wants to absorb Uchiha Xiao, but even so, she still has to kill Uchiha Xiao.

Because Uchiha Xiao's strength is so great, if he doesn't kill him, it will definitely interfere with Kaguya's plan. Therefore, if Uchiha Xiao cannot be absorbed, he must be killed! Feeling

Kaguya With that strong murderous intent, Uchiha Xiao seemed to have no fear at all, but instead showed a smile.

Uchiha Xiao took out a scroll from his ninja bag

"Wow! Bang!"The scroll was opened, and a figure appeared in the white smoke.

It seemed like a puppet, but it looked more real than a puppet.

If there was a puppet master from Sand Hidden Village here at this time, he would definitely exclaim:"This is Sand The forbidden technique of the hidden village, the human puppet technique!"

Kaguya also noticed Uchiha Xiao's actions, but in Kaguya's eyes, all Uchiha Xiao's actions were useless. In front of this expanded Taoist Jade, all defensive methods were in vain!

Uchiha Xiao He stretched out his hand and moved it. Each finger fired a chakra line, controlling the human puppet.

Uchiha Xiao's hand danced flexibly.


With a burst of mechanism sound, the puppet opened one eye, and in the eye was a Sharingan.

Uchiha Xiao's hand continued to dance, and soon, the puppet's Sharingan began to rotate rapidly, and then turned into Create a beautiful composition pattern

"Divine power!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yes, Kakashi's Sharingan Uchiha Xiao has not been used up yet, and the Kamui technique is still very practical, so when the Sharingan is about to Before using it up, Uchiha Xiao hid this Sharingan.

When fighting Scorpion before, Uchiha Xiao relied on his curiosity to collect several human puppets.........

Uchiha Xiao placed the Sharingan on a human puppet, and then sealed the human puppet in a scroll. Uchiha Xiao carried the scroll with him every day in case of emergency.

And now, it’s time to activate the divine power!

The human puppet used the divine power facing Uchiha Xiao. In an instant, the entire space was distorted, and in this distorted place, the divine power space was clearly in front of him.

Kaguya panicked instantly. She didn't expect Uchiha Xiao to actually master the space and time ninjutsu! And it comes with its own space!

Kaguya accelerated the speed of the Expanded Qiudao Jade, and she shouted to Uchiha Xiao:"Don't even think about escaping!" Uchiha Xiao looked at Kaguya with a mocking look on his face:"Escape? Who are you looking down on? What?!"

Kaguya was speechless for a moment. Don't you want to run away like this?!

Uchiha Xiao did not choose to get into the Kamui space, but his eyes were glowing red

"Yujia's Royal Soul-Seal!"

A black vortex shape appeared in the red pupils, and the next second, the divine power was absorbed by Uchiha Xiao using his secret technique of the Rinne Sharingan.

"Wha, what?!"Kaguya looked shocked and at the same time confused, what was Uchiha Xiao doing? Why didn't he run away when he had a chance to escape just now?!

Uchiha Xiao turned his body to face the swollen Qiudao Jade, and then, the whirlpool in his eyes Started to rotate counterclockwise.

Kaguya's eyes changed from confusion to shock, because she felt a majestic power from Uchiha Xiao's eyes!

"Yujia's Soul Control - Solution!"

"1.4 Ten times - Divine power!!!"


A huge space vortex appeared in mid-air. The huge vortex circled and made a harsh buzzing sound.

"What is this?!"Kaguya's figure drifted back unconsciously. The pressure brought by twenty times the divine power on her was greater than the expanding Jade of Seeking the Way! The huge Jade of Seeking the Way turned to the constantly circling Divine Power.

"Buzz!!! boom!!!"

The huge sound resounded throughout the space, and the magma on the surface seemed to be boiling, continuously spurting out pillars of magma and fire.

Kaguya looked at the Jade of Seeking the Way nervously, hoping that the Jade of Seeking the Way could break through the attraction of the divine power.

However , After all, imagination is just imagination. The huge Tao-seeking jade began to stagnate. The hard shell concave into a flowing shape, as if it turned into liquid, and was swept away by the center of the divine power.

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