"how come?!"

Kaguya's eyes widened, and her already pale face turned even paler. The seeking jade, which was regarded by Otsutsuki as the strongest attack and strongest defense, was just swallowed up?!

Uchiha Xiao looked at Kaguya With a very surprised face, Ye said:

"Yes, the defense and attack power of the Qiudao Jade are hard to say, but don't forget that Kamui is a spatial ninjutsu. Your Qiudao Jade is not defended, but simply sucked away."

Kaguya knew that Uchiha Xiao's words were not wrong, but in the end, her technique undoubtedly failed.

As time went by, most of the seeking jade had been sucked into Kamui, and the Kamui space was like the universe. The black hole in it, no matter can escape!

Kaguya gasped for breath, all the chakra in her body had been exhausted when she condensed the Jade of Seeking Paths. Now she faces Uchiha Xiao, I am afraid she can't even understand the most basic There was no way to resist.

As all the seeking jade was absorbed, the vortex of divine power in the air also dissipated.

Kaguya looked at Uchiha Xiao's eyes, and she knew that Uchiha Xiao must have used the Rinne Sharingan. Ability.

Uchiha Xiao looked at the 26 Sharingan eyes on the human puppet. The red color of the Sharingan eye became a bit dimmer. He was afraid that if he used it three or two more times, this Sharingan eye would be scrapped.

"Tsk, what a pity, such a good technique......"Uchiha Xiao felt it was a pity. After all, Kamui was indeed a very practical technique.

Whether it is escaping or attacking, it is particularly powerful. If"Uga's Soul Control" is added to it, the power will be so powerful that even Momoshiki and the other three may not dare to resist it.

At this time, Uchiha Xiao thought of Obito, but Obito still had a pair.

Uchiha Xiao's eyes flashed with murderous intent and greed, but he soon covered up the murderous intent in his heart. The most important thing now was to deal with Kaguya Otsutsuki.

He walked towards Kaguya. Kaguya's chakra was exhausted at this time. Now let alone Uchiha Xiao, an ordinary person could restrain her.

Seeing Uchiha Xiao coming step by step, Kaguya instantly felt like an eggplant beaten by frost, her whole body seemed to be wilted.

"Are you going to kill Aijia?......"Kaguya looked lonely, even though ordinary ninjas couldn't kill her, they could only seal her.

But judging from the power shown by Uchiha Xiao, Kaguya has no doubt that Uchiha Xiao has the strength to kill him.

Thinking of this, Kaguya's expression became even lower.

It is a joke to say that Kaguya has any ambition to die and will die together with Uchiha Xiao.

On the contrary, Kaguya is a person who has the ultimate desire for life.

Kaguya does not have lofty ambitions like other villains. The only belief she insists on is just to live.

The reason why she attacked Otsutsuki Ishiki two thousand years ago was because she did not want to become a sacrifice to the sacred tree and did not want the nutrients turned into fruits to be eaten by Ishiki.

She did not hesitate to break up with her family for the sake of her own life.

And she made White Zetsu and wanted to absorb Uchiha Xiao. All these actions were to stop the Otsutsuki clan so that she could survive.

Thinking that he was about to die in the hands of this alien, two clear tears flowed from Kaguya's white eyes.


Uchiha Xiao is also a little confused. Sister, you are also the final boss in the plot after all. Can we calm down this useless mood?...

Looking at Kaguya's pear blossom look, Uchiha Xiao said lightly:"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

Listening to Uchiha Xiao's words, Kaguya was stunned, and she suddenly raised her head to look at Uchiha Xiao , with big doubts in his white eyes.

Uchiha Xiao didn't mean to pity her, he simply didn't want Kaguya's powerful strength to go to waste.

Uchiha Xiao can't guarantee that the attack of the Otsutsuki clan will be twenty years later. Everyone knows the butterfly effect, but Uchiha Xiao's size is not just a butterfly!

Regarding all the uncontrollable facts in the future, all Uchiha Xiao has to do is to try his best to improve his own strength, and he will not miss external forces.

Uchiha Xiao looked at Kaguya from above:"Kaguya, I allow you to surrender to me. I can solve the Otsutsuki matter."

Surrender? Surrender to this person whose Otsutsuki bloodline has been diluted countless times?! Kaguya subconsciously refused, but she quickly calmed down.

What happens after rejection?

I'm afraid Uchiha Xiao will kill her directly.

Kaguya raised her head and glanced at Uchiha Xiao. Those scarlet eyes were extremely cold.


Kaguya's pupils shrank because she felt an extremely powerful threat from those eyes. Even her eyes felt a sense of oppression!

This man! He hadn't used his full strength just now!

Kaguya was very panicked in her heart. , she didn’t expect that when Uchiha Xiao fought with her, he still had a lot of reservations.

Uchiha Xiao didn’t inspire the deepest power of those eyes!

A layer of cold sweat covered Kaguya’s forehead. Originally, Kaguya, who was paralyzed on the ground, instantly fell to her knees.

The desire to survive made her quickly say:"Xiao...Mr. Xiao can let the slave family go, the slave family is very grateful!"After saying that, Kaguya knelt down and bowed to Uchiha Xiao.

Even his self-identification was changed from"Aijia" to"Slave family".

Seeing Kaguya's attitude change, he couldn't help but nodded.

The so-called It's hard to change one's nature. Even though Kaguya is the chakra ancestor of the ninja world, she still can't change her character as a maid.

Seeing that Kaguya completely surrendered, Uchiha Xiao didn't want to say anything.

He looked around Next week, he said to Kaguya:"Let's get out of here first."

Now they are still in the magma space in Tian Zhi Zhong, and Kaguya is very obedient after hearing this.

"Huang Quan is better than Liangban!"

A black hole appeared in front of him. Kaguya stood respectfully next to 740, meaning that he wanted Uchiha Xiao, the master, to go first.

Uchiha Xiao stepped in.


The soldiers of the dirty soil were a little happy when they saw the gate representing another world emerging. The

Huangquan Hiraban technique, if they remember correctly, is the technique of Otsutsuki Kaguya.

Now the Huangquan Hiraban technique appears again, that is Doesn't it mean that Uchiha Xiao has been defeated by Kaguya?

Although they can't figure out Kaguya's details and don't know whether Kaguya is an enemy or a friend, there is no doubt that Uchiha Xiao is an enemy of the ninja world.

However, when a When the figure walked out of the Huangquan Hiraban, the smiles on everyone's faces suddenly froze. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Uchiha Xiao?!

Uchiha Xiao looked around after coming out, Then he smiled and said:"Looking at everyone's expressions, they are very disappointed. It's a pity that even the former ancestor of Chakra has surrendered at my feet!"

After saying that, Kaguya also walked out of the Huangquan Hiraban. She stood respectfully behind Uchiha Xiao, looking like a maid.

Everyone was very surprised. What happened to you two inside?!Why did Otsutsuki Kaguya, who was so domineering just now, turn into a maid now?!

Everyone's hopes were swept away. Even the legendary ancestor of chakra couldn't defeat Uchiha Xiao, these so-called ninjas , then there is even less hope...

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