Regarding this scene, Tsunade was moved but also a little surprised.

Uchiha Xiao actually cried?!

Tsunade is someone who has been with Uchiha Xiao for a long time, but she has never seen Uchiha Xiao shed a tear.

She even suspected that Uchiha Xiao had no tear ducts.

Now it seems that only Uchiha Reina can touch the softest part of Uchiha Xiao's heart.

Reina giggled, and then her face became confused:"Brother, I remember, I was obviously dead, why did I suddenly come back to life?"

In Reina's memory, she was still lying on the hospital bed a moment ago, as if She woke up here after a long nap.

The smile on Uchiha Xiao's face never disappeared:"I resurrected you, do you still remember what I told you at that time?"

Reina's memory began to go back. That night, the candlelight in front of the hospital bed was flickering, and she was When she was about to die, she heard her brother's promise in a trance.

"Reina, believe me, I swear, I will definitely pull you out of hell!"

Reina seemed to recall. She originally thought that 02 Uchiha Xiao was just emotional and said what she said. Unexpectedly, now she is actually alive!

And, judging from her brother's appearance, it seems that not long has passed.

Thinking of this, Reina looked around, and then asked Uchiha Xiao:"Where are Brother Madara and Brother Hashirama? Why don't you see them anymore?"

Hearing Reina's words, Uchiha Xiao showed a helpless smile:"You can ask, what is the identity of that big sister?"

"well?"Reina looked at Tsunade with curious eyes, and Tsunade also showed a gentle smile.

"Big sister, you look a bit like Brother Hashirama!"Lina said

"Are you my sister-in-law? Tsunade covered her mouth happily and smiled:"My name is Tsunade, and Senju Hashirama is my grandfather."~"

"My name is Uchiha Rei......well?!"Lina suddenly woke up after slowing down for half a beat.

"What, how is it possible? The eldest sister looks about the same age as Hashirama brother, why?......"Reina seemed to suddenly think of something. She looked at Uchiha Xiao with surprised eyes.

"elder brother......"This time it was Reina's turn to have tears in her eyes.

As Uchiha Xiao's sister, she is naturally very smart. If Tsunade did not lie, then combined with Uchiha Xiao's young body at this time,...

Reina quickly deduced that her brother probably died shortly after her death, and then used some unknown method to resurrect her after being resurrected.

She knew that it must have been a very difficult journey for her brother to reach this point.

Seeing Reina crying, Uchiha Xiao felt heartbroken:

"It's okay, now you and I are resurrected, no one can bully us siblings anymore!"

Tsunade was speechless. What she said, with your strength, who dares to bully you now?

However, Tsunade also expressed her heartfelt blessings to the brothers and sisters. The more Tsunade looks at this Uchiha Reina, the more she likes it..

At first, Tsunade thought that Reina would have the same personality as Uchiha Xiao, arrogant and rude, but unexpectedly she was very easy to get along with.

Uchiha Xiao grabbed Rena's hand, and then grabbed Tsunade's hand:" Reina, let me show you something, and I promise you will be very happy."

Reina nodded heavily. In fact, in her heart, as long as her brother is here, she will be very happy no matter what she sees.

Uchiha Xiao activated the Flying Thunder God Technique, and he took the two of them to the"Meiwang Yanyan".

This place It is higher than the palace, and the view of the whole village is wider.

Rena's eyes seemed to be shining with light:"Brother, is this Konoha?! It’s so prosperous now!!"

Reina recognized it because she often followed Uchiha Xiao, Madara and Hashirama here. Here, the four of them imagined the future together.

Uchiha Xiao rubbed Reina's head:"This used to be Konoha, but Now, this has become my village, Akira Village"

"Ming Ninja Village?"Reina showed a confused look.

Uchiha Xiao chuckled, and then told how he was resurrected and how to unify the ninja world.

Uchiha Reina listened quietly, and soon, his eyes became misty again:" Brother, you must be very tired trying to resurrect me......"

Uchiha Xiao shook his head without hesitation:"The moment I saw Rena-chan come back, I wasn't tired anymore."

Uchiha Xiao waved his hand and the neon lights of the city lit up:"This is what happened after my brother gave you rebirth. The first gift, peace and prosperity in the ninja world!"

"I spent a year building these. Are you awesome, Brother Xiao?"Uchiha Xiao was like a child asking for credit, eager for Reina's praise.

Reina did not live up to Uchiha Xiao's expectations, clapped her hands and praised:"Brother is so awesome!"

After receiving this compliment from his sister, Uchiha Xiao suddenly felt that his struggle over the past year was worth it.

In fact, the development of Konoha is not very rapid. What did Konoha look like when the village was built? Sixty years later, it will still be the same. What does it look like? (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But in the hands of Uchiha Xiao, he used the same resources that are available in the ninja world, but he developed something that Konoha would not be able to develop in a hundred years. This has to be said about the power of Uchiha Xiao's methods and how efficient the execution of a unified regime is.

In the old Konoha, it would have been very difficult to build such a city, not because of lack of money, but because of the lack of money. There is no channel.

Some materials need to be purchased from a certain country, and that country may happen to be an enemy of Konoha. If you want to purchase, you need a middleman.

But as long as there is a middleman, the price will It is not worth it no matter how you think about the rising prices and high prices for high-rise buildings. Therefore, including Konoha, the architectural pattern of the entire ninja world is still more than half a century ago.

But Uchiha Xiao As soon as"The Great King of the World" came out, the ninja world was unified. If you want to do something, you only need to give orders, and there is no need to argue around.

This is also an important means for Uchiha Xiao to promote peace in the ninja world.

Reina wiped the tears from her eyes. Hikari:"Brother, is the ninja world really at peace?"

"Well, there is no more war in the ninja world now."Uchiha Xiao stood up and looked at the Ming Ninja Village in front of him, feeling a sense of pride in his heart.

"Today's children can learn what they are interested in, and no longer need to learn how to kill people, and the people will not be frightened by the enemy's attack."

Reina was also very happy in her heart, and then said:"I really hope that Madara and Hashirama can See."

Uchiha Xiao blinked at Reina:"As for Madara, that guy is still in the ninja world."

"well? Is Brother Madara here too?!"Reina was very surprised, because Uchiha Xiao had only briefly talked about the war just now, and did not say who was fighting.

So Reina didn't know about Madara's resurrection.

Tsunade was also surprised when she heard this. After all, at that time She was not present and did not know that Obito had resurrected Madara Uchiha.

"Where is Brother Madara now? Reina asked curiously.

Uchiha Xiao looked into the distance:"That guy may still be feeling the changes in this world.""

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