"ah! No! Help!"

A woman's cry for help rang out not far away, and it sounded very tragic.

Madara was walking in the forest. Originally, he didn't want to pay attention to it. After thinking for a while, he decided to go over and take a look.

The two of them looked very similar. The bad man was chasing a very pretty woman.

The woman had a look of panic on her face. She ran in panic on the rugged mountain road. Soon, she tripped over a protruding stone.

"Jie Jie Jie, stinky woman! No matter how much you shout, no one will come to save you!"A bald man showed a ferocious smile and said eagerly.

"Brother, this woman looks absolutely stunning!"A thin man swallowed his saliva, the greed in his eyes could not be stopped.

"no, do not want......"Because the woman's foot was twisted, she could only crawl on the ground with difficulty.

But crawling like this, how can you pass several gangsters quickly?

Madara was a little bit overwhelmed. Just when he was about to step forward and kill these men, several balls of powerful chakra came over.

"stop! We are the Guards of the Kingdom of Ming!"

"Hurry up and catch me at your wits' end!"

Several figures sprang out from the bushes. When the gangsters saw the uniforms on the figures, they immediately became frightened.

However, a bald man at the head stood up:"Hey! This is the border of the Kingdom of Grass! It's none of your business here, right?!"The bald man's attitude was very arrogant. It seemed that the coming of the guard was a mistake.

When the members of the guard heard this, they were speechless.

This bald man was obviously still living a year ago, and in the bald man's mind , as long as you are at the border, you can do whatever you want. Even if a ninja sees it, most ninjas will not take action.

Because once they take action, there will be chakra fluctuations, which is likely to disturb the ninjas in neighboring countries, so in order not to Cause trouble, most ninjas have the attitude that more trouble is better than less trouble.

But it is different now. Now there is only one country in the ninja world, so how can there be any borders?

No matter where this woman is from, then he is Citizens of the Kingdom of Ming! As long as the citizens are harmed, the Guards of the Kingdom of Ming will be dispatched immediately!

"There is no more grass country now! This place is called Cao Xing Province!"After that, the members of the guard immediately caught these gangsters.

"Thank you, thank you! If, if my sister can catch up with this good time, that would be great......"After the woman finished speaking, she burst into tears.

Under the arrangements of the guard members, the woman was properly placed.

Madara didn't reveal a breath during the whole process. He looked at this scene without saying a word.

Over the past year, he has been wandering around the ninja world. He has witnessed the establishment of the Kingdom of Ming and the growth of a new system in this country.

At first, Madara was a little disdainful. He believed that the people would definitely reject this system.

The reason why he traveled around the ninja world was to find out the unreasonable things under the new system.

However, Madara underestimated Uchiha Xiao's intelligence.

At the beginning, many people were indeed resistant, but because the most basic aspects of their lives had not changed, they gradually accepted it.

Even for some insensitive people, just the name of the country has changed, and it has no impact at all.

With Uchiha Xiao's vigorous development of technology and people's livelihood, the civilians who were just used to it were surprised to find that they had more and more money in their hands, their lives were getting better and better, and their lives were becoming more and more promising..

In the past, because I was afraid of being invaded by ninjas or samurai, I didn't dare to concentrate on work at all. When I had money, I just saved it, and the economic development was low.

But now, everyone knows that there will no longer be the same dangers as before, and everyone can focus on making money. Once you have money, you can buy things you couldn't afford before.

It was also the first time that Madara knew the depth of Uchiha Xiao's method. It seemed to be just an ordinary way to suppress bandits and protect public security, but the underlying logic was to allow people to work hard, and then promote consumption and develop the country.

This virtuous cycle directly led to the development of the entire ninja world. If someone did a poll about this.

Then they will find that the happiness index of people in the ninja world has increased a lot in this year!

There are more and more policies similar to this kind of thing, more and more people are smiling, and the disdain on their spotted faces is getting less and less.

In the end, Madara finally admitted in his heart that Uchiha Xiao's idea was good.

Madara stood in the woods for a long time without moving, not knowing what he was thinking about.


After a teleportation technique, Madara left here.

These days, Reina and Uchiha Xiao are very happy. Rena lives very well here and has made friends with Kaguya.

Uchiha Xiao was still peaceful at first. Listening to Reina's speech quietly, at this time, he seemed to feel something

"Reina, come on, come with me to meet someone? Hearing this

, Reina guessed it very smartly:"Is it Brother Madara?""

"`As expected of Rena-chan, you are so smart!"Uchiha Xiao praised, and then took Reina out of the palace gate. Madara, wearing red armor, appeared in front of the two of them.

Madara glanced at the majestic palace and stabbed:"You are really generous. , the three taboos of ninja, have you forgotten?"

The so-called three taboos of ninjas are money, alcohol, and women. Madara glanced at Kaguya and Tsunade behind the gate, and couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Xiao, this guy, actually violated two taboos.

Uchiha Xiao shook his head and smiled:" The three ninja taboos only restrict ordinary ninjas. If other ninjas have my strength, then they don't need to abide by these so-called three taboos."

Madara sneered. In fact, he agreed with Uchiha Xiao's words.

The three bans are just a way to become stronger. If you become stronger, there is no need to abide by the three bans.

"Brother Madara! Reina was also very happy when she saw Madara.

Madara also showed an emotional smile when he saw Reina:"Long time no see, Reina-chan.""

Then, Madara turned his gaze to Uchi (good) Bo Xiao:"Congratulations, Xiao."

Uchiha Xiao spread his hands, but from the uncontrollable smile on his face, Madara can also tell that Uchiha Xiao is very happy now.

"So, if you come to me now, does it mean that you have already made up your mind? Uchiha Xiao asked.

Madara curled his lips and said,"That's right.""

Although he was a little unconvinced, Madara already agreed with Uchiha Xiao's policies and propositions in his heart.

Uchiha Xiao smiled:"So, what is the answer you gave me?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Madara was unhappy. He knew that Uchiha Xiao was causing trouble. It was obvious that Uchiha Xiao wanted Madara to say something like"I decided to follow you" personally..

Madara thought for a while and said:"Who told me that I am also from the Uchiha clan, then I will reluctantly be on the same side as you......."

"laugh..."Uchiha Xiao chuckled

"Giggles...Brother Madara is so cute~" Reina covered her mouth and laughed softly.

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