Everyone was very surprised. They didn't expect that young Xiao could still remain calm under such a strange thing.

Uchiha Tajima and Senjubutsu both felt a little embarrassed. They had been adults for so long, but no child had calmed down yet!

Uchiha Xiao looked at Urashiki who was gradually standing up in the distance, and waved his hand:"I will explain briefly. In short, this guy can't beat me, and then he uses the Noble Phantasm to go back to the past and want to kill me in the past. This will change the future."

Listening to Uchiha Xiao's words, everyone was shocked again. Such a thing as traveling through time and space actually exists, and it also exists in a noble phantom!

Young Xiao's mind was spinning rapidly, and two seconds later, he asked:"Is it born in reincarnation?"


"Who killed him?"

"All Ninja World plus Hashirama and Madara."

Madara and Hashirama:"???"

What happened to us? ? ?

Madara wanted to ask, but he couldn't get the words in.

Why could he understand every word these two people were talking about, but he just couldn't understand what they were talking about?!

Hearing what Uchiha Xiao said, the young Xiao immediately guessed that Reina must have passed away, otherwise he would not have attracted Madara and Hashirama's siege. The young Xiao had a clear understanding of his character very early on.

Young Xiao eagerly asked Uchiha Xiao:"Are you resurrected?!"

Uchiha Xiao gave young Xiao an impatient look:"Why are you asking so many 013s? Anyway, I will clear you out later. Memories."

Everyone present was stunned by the conversation between the young Xiao and Uchiha Xiao. Why did the young Xiao look so familiar with Uchiha Xiao? ?

And, to clear our memories?!

Thousand-Armed Buddha moved his feet slightly, and he whispered:"Let's retreat!"

This was future information, and he didn't want his memory to be erased without any explanation!


Just when Thousand-Armed Buddha was about to leave, a red wall of light suddenly appeared within a kilometer radius. The wall of light shot straight into the sky and was seven thousand meters high.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, the wall of light suddenly appeared Extended to surround everyone, including Urashiki.

Uchiha Xiao said lightly:"This is the Four Red Sun Formation, you can break through it."

Thousand-Armed Buddha's face turned red and white. He looked at the wall of light emitting red light and intense heat in front of him, and felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart. The

Four Red Sun Formation can trap the Ten-Tails. The sealing technique, not to mention the Senju Buddha Room, even the Senju Hashirama cannot break through it.

Ura Shiki wanted to run to a deserted place first. Anyway, he had the Noble Phantasm Plow, and then traveled to the Uchiha Xiaobaby Period will be enough.

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Xiao directly used the formation to trap him. Just when he was about to take out the Noble Phantasm Plow, Uchiha Xiao's figure flew over again.

"Tensuha Meteor Fate!"

Urashiki flicked the fishing rod, and countless fishhooks emitting red light flew towards Uchiha Xiao.

However, Uchiha Xiao refused to dodge and chose to resist the attacks of these fishhooks.

Ushiki shouted in surprise :"Succeeded! You stupid!"

So many red fishhooks are enough to pull out most of the chakra from Uchiha Xiao's body, which is why Urashiki was surprised. Urashiki yanked his hand sharply, and the fishhooks were freed from Uchiha Xiao's body. However, The expected huge chakra did not appear, and there was nothing on the fishhook!

"What, how is it possible?!"Urashiki looked surprised. He couldn't believe that he didn't hook anything.

At this time, Uchiha Xiao had already rushed in front of Urashiki, and he showed a sarcastic smile:"There is a technique called sealing technique!"

As long as the chakra on his body is sealed, Urashiki will naturally be unable to extract any chakra, and then Uchiha Xiao only needs to use the sage mode.

After saying that, natural abilities gathered in his hands, and then he hit Urashiki fiercely. Face-to-face.

Even if Ushiki doesn't want to, he has to admit that Uchiha Xiao's strength has surpassed him by a lot, so he can no longer hide his clumsiness!

Thinking like this, Ushiki's pair of bright red samsara eyes instantly It turned dark blue!

"Blue, blue eyes?!"

"The breath is different."

Uchiha Tajima and Senju Buddha were very shocked. They didn't expect that there were eyes like that in the world.

"What kind of family is this Otsutsuki clan? I have never heard of their deeds."

"And (ahfb) Uchiha Xiao, what on earth did he go through to have such strength? He is just like a non-human being!"

The people from the two families did not fight, but gathered together unknowingly and watched the battle between Uchiha Xiao and Urashiki.

The young Xiao spoke at this time:"The Otsutsuki clan is the descendant of the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan. common ancestor." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What did you say?!"Uchiha Tajima and Senju Buddha were both surprised, and anger appeared on their faces.

Are you kidding?! The two races have been enemies since records began, and their abilities are so different. How could it be possible? Are they a family?!

The young Xiao shrugged:"Believe it or not, by the way, let me remind you that the surname of the Sage of Six Paths is Otsutsuki."

After hearing this, the two of them instantly understood. No wonder this Urashiki actually has the legendary Rinnegan.

Seeing the blue light in Urashiki's eyes, Uchiha Xiao's heart flashed with vigilance, because he knew that this was going back in time. Ability!

Uchiha Xiao made a gesture and punched, Urashiki stretched out his hand to block, and then launched a spinning flying kick


Ura Shiki's figure came next to Uchiha Xiao, dodged Uchiha Xiao's flying kick, and stretched out his fist to hit Uchiha Xiao.


Good news, the fist hit, bad news, failed.

This is how Urashiki feels now. His fist passed directly through Uchiha Xiao's body, and the empty feeling told him that he did not cause any harm!

Then, Uchiha Xiao immediately launched a lightning attack. He directly opened the eight gates to the sixth gate, and his speed and power reached a terrifying stage.

"boom! boom! Snapped!"

A rain of attacks hit Ura Shiki, but Ura Shiki's eyes glowed blue and he easily dodged Uchiha Xiao's fists.

He could even occasionally take advantage of Uchiha Xiao's body.

"Crack, crackle!!"

The two of them fought quickly, and their fists and feet turned into afterimages, intertwined and collided, and strong winds burst out from them, causing small waves to rise in the calm water of the creek.

"What a terrifying physical skill......"

"I can't even see clearly!"

The children in Hashirama were almost entranced. Uchiha Tajima's Sharingan was turning crazily. Even so, he could barely catch the traces of the two fighting people.

"That Otsutsuki's physical skills are very good, he can avoid every attack of Xiao!"Uchiha Tajima frowned, horrified in his heart.

Madara and Izuna opened their eyes, as if they didn't want to let go of any details. However, with their eyesight, even if they were all details, they would let them all go.

Although Senju Buddha Room He couldn't clearly see the fight between the two, but he could clearly feel that every punch and kick the two exchanged was no less than an explosion of strange punches.

He thought that if he took the field in person, he could last for one minute. I burned some incense.

Thousand-Armed Buddha Jian sighed and touched Hashirama and Tobirama's heads:"Oh, you guys in the future will have to work hard.""

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