"Hahaha...Accept your fate, Uchiha Xiao! In front of these eyes of mine, all your attacks are ineffective!"

Ura Shiki smiled wildly as he turned into an Uchiha, while he calmly dodged and blocked Uchiha Xiao's attacks.

He had to admit that Uchiha Xiao's physical skills were indeed very powerful. Normally, he could go back in time several times. It was almost there, but when faced with Uchiha Xiao's physical attacks, he had to use time to backtrack more than a dozen times in every round.

But it was under this kind of backtracking that Ura Shiki seemed to have lost all of Uchiha Xiao's attacks. As if his actions were all seen through, all of Uchiha Xiao's attacks had no effect at all.

Uchiha Xiao sighed in his heart, as expected, this technique is extraordinary.

Uchiha Xiao is not helpless. He is fighting with Urashiki now because he just wants to feel it. What about the ability to go back in time? Now it seems that it is a rare and good ability.

Uchiha Xiao's inner greed was suddenly aroused.

He showed a sneer:"Okay, Ura Shiki, the game is over That's it, I'm going to get serious."

Listening to Uchiha Xiao's words, Urashiki laughed angrily:"I want to see how serious you are?!"

Uchiha Xiao snorted, holding a smoke bomb in his hand and smashing it on the ground.


A burst of strong black smoke filled the air.

Ura Shiki's voice appeared in the smoke:"Haha, do you think blocking my field of vision will be effective?"

Uchiha Xiao didn't say anything. He formed a seal with his hands, and hundreds of shadow clones appeared instantly, and then swarmed towards Urashiki in the smoke.

"How naive!"Urashiki yelled, and dense fists came towards Urashiki. Ushiki seemed to have eyes behind him. He first grabbed a fist, and then pulled hard.

A clone of Uchiha Xiao was caught in Uchiha Xiao's hand, and then Urashiki rotated his body, using this shadow clone as a weapon, and swept around like a tornado.

In an instant, countless shadow clones were all scattered

"bring it on! Uchiha Xiao! Even if it's a thousand or ten thousand, it can't hurt me!"

A minute later, Urashiki, who was originally in a state of excitement, finally realized something was wrong.

He found that his body was gradually exhausted, and the animation of his hands and feet also slowed down.

What, what happened?!

Urashiki was very confused in his heart. He has the blood of Otsutsuki. He was very strong, how could he lose his strength so easily!

At this moment, the surrounding attacks became more and more intensive. Ura Shiki continued to resist and dodge accurately, but for some reason, the more he did this, the more The more strength he loses


A fist hit Ushiki hard in the stomach. Ushiki opened his eyes wide, and the powerful force knocked out all the gall water in him.

Ushiki had already seen this move by going back in time, but this suddenly His weak body made him unable to dodge, and he was hit by this punch.

The surrounding smoke gradually began to dissipate, and Uchiha Xiao slowly walked over

"You, what did you do for me?!"Urashiki covered his chest and looked at Uchiha Xiao with his blue samsara eyes.

His body now feels as if he has been fighting for three days and three nights, and he is extremely weak!

Everyone is also very confused, and they are also very confused about Uchiha. What method did Xiao use?

Xiao Xiao looked at this scene. He was familiar with the plot and naturally knew Uchiha Xiao's method.

Looking at the weak Urashiki, Uchiha Xiao chuckled:"Your ability is to go back in time, right? ?"

Urashiki didn't say anything, and he wasn't too surprised by Uchiha Xiao's seeing through it. After all, Uchiha Xiao is an extremely smart person, so there's no problem in guessing this.

However, Uchiha Xiao's next words made Uchiha Xiao's eyes clear. Canthus is about to split

"Being able to go back in time multiple times and find the optimal solution to the battle in repeated experiences is indeed a very perfect ability. However, no matter how perfect the ability is, it will eventually have shortcomings."

When Uchiha Xiao mentioned the word"shortcomings", Urashiki's eyes suddenly widened.

"You found out, no, it's impossible?! There is no way that a rat like Kaguya would know! How did you know!"

Without Gu Pu's nagging, Uchiha Xiao continued:"Your so-called time retrieval can only affect the outside world, but it cannot affect yourself."

The meaning is very simple. For example, if Urashiki is injured, even if we go back in time, the injury on his body is still there.

And Uchiha Xiao took advantage of this shortcoming.

Urashiki is not a fool, combined with the strangeness on his body Feeling weak, he soon realized:"Smoke!"

"You guessed it, I mixed trace amounts of toxins into the smoke. These toxins are colorless, odorless, and have no chakra. It is normal for you not to notice it."Uchiha Xiao said.

Ura Shiki was about to say something, but then he seemed to realize it and showed a look of understanding.

"You are so scheming....."Resentful eyes appeared from Urashiki's eyes.

Uchiha Xiao had used smoke bombs several times before to block the Byakugan perspective of Urashiki and others. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This caused a misunderstanding for Urashiki, making him mistakenly believe that Uchiha Xiao's smoke bomb was only aimed at Byakugan.

What he didn't know was that there was always a trace amount of toxins inside the smoke bomb. The amount of toxins was really small, and Urashiki hadn't inhaled much before.

So he didn't notice anything was wrong before.

Just now, during the one minute of fighting, Ushiki retraced every move he made to dodge Uchiha Xiao more than a dozen times, and this frequent cycle lasted for half a minute in one minute.

In other words, it seemed that Urashiki had only inhaled the toxin for a minute, but in fact he had inhaled it for nearly half an hour.

Although these toxins are relatively small, half an hour is enough to make him feel weak and weak.

"Who are you, this guy?!"Now Uchiha Xiao no longer dares to look down upon Uchiha Xiao.

He even suspects that Uchiha Xiao's eyes are more than that simple. Uchiha Xiao's eyes may very well have the ability to predict!

When he thinks of this possibility, Uchiha Xiao His heart was frightened. He didn't know how many secrets he had that Uchiha Xiao knew.

As for whether there were other possibilities, Urashiki didn't know. He couldn't think of anything other than this. Uchiha Xiao had never been to outer space. , the only Otsutsuki who is close to him is Kaguya, a person with a low status.

Uchiha Xiao slowly walked towards Urashiki:"I'm just an Uchiha."

"well said!"Madara shouted.

Uchiha Tajima kept nodding, this is the good son of their Uchiha clan!

"Brother Xiao is so awesome!"Izuna Ye shouted excitedly with a small face.

"Hey, in ten years, my eldest brother will definitely be better than that guy!"Tobirama heard what Izuna said and suddenly retorted.

"What did you say?!"Izuna became dissatisfied, and her hand had already touched the kunai on her waist.

Tobirama snorted coldly:"Not convinced? Have a fight if you don't accept it?"

Xiao Xiao is so smart. He looked at Thousand-Armed Buddha Jian, and saw a smile of success on Thousand-Armed Buddha Jian's lips.

Sure enough!

Xiao Xiao's face sank. He guessed that in ten years, his strength will be... Senju Buddhama brought a lot of pressure. For the future of the family, Senju Buddhama definitely wanted to kill him!

And Tobirama's provocation was definitely under the instruction of his father!

Seeing Izuna being provoked, A kunai appeared in Madara's hand, and he pointed it at Tobirama with the sharp edge of the kunai:

"If you dare to hurt my brother even a hair, I will kill you immediately, even if you are Hashirama's brother!".

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