
Countless stones gathered on Urashiki's body again. Obviously, Uchiha Xiao once again launched the Earth Explosion Star to control Urashiki, but this time, Urashiki had no ability to resist. Urashiki could only In the gradually disappearing field of vision, he gave Uchiha Xiao a last angry look.

"Divine power!"

Uchiha Xiao threw the stone ball directly into the Kamui space, so that even if Urashiki used some means to break free, he could only wander in the Kamui space. Seeing the stone ball disappear, Uchiha Xiao looked at his hand.

Only He saw a turtle lying in his hand. The turtle was staring at Uchiha Xiao with innocent eyes.

"It should be said that this is the biggest gain today."Uchiha Xiao showed a satisfied smile.

As we all know, there is no parallel world in Naruto. It is easy to change the future. And with the Noble Phantasm Plow, all the mistakes made can be solved by traveling through time and space.!

At this moment, Uchiha Xiao looked at the people staying in the distance, and he suddenly came to the front of a few people.

"Not bad, future me."Young Xiao said with a smile.

Madara and Hashirama also praised Uchiha Xiao without hesitation.

"Okay, you guys just forget about what happened!"

Before these people wanted to ask anything else, Uchiha Xiao formed a simple seal with his hands.

The next second, holy white light appeared in his hands.

"Ninja Technique - Great Memory Elimination Technique 857!"

The expressions of several people instantly became dull, and then they closed their eyes and lay on the ground.

"Um? Why don't you erase my memory?"The young Xiao looked at the large area lying around, and looked at Uchiha Xiao in confusion.

"I don’t want to deal with the bodies of these people. You move them to a safe area, and then you can use the memory erasure technique on yourself. Is that okay?"Uchiha Xiao said lightly.

The young Xiao twitched the corner of his mouth and had to sigh and agree to this matter.

Uchiha Xiao is a very confident person. He believes that the young Xiao will not change the future for these distant and misty memories. , the young Xiao will definitely release the memory erasure technique on himself.

Looking at the busy figure of the young Xiao, Uchiha Xiao said:"Enjoy these hard-won days."

The movements in young Xiao's hands were stunned for a moment, and then he did not reply and continued with the movements in his hands.


The turtle emitted a golden light and swallowed up Uchiha Xiao's figure.

In the colorful space, a white platform floated in the air, and Uchiha Xiao appeared here.

He did not choose to return to the original time and space immediately. He was taking The moment I reached the Noble Phantasm Plow, I had a lot of thoughts in my heart.

After thinking for a while, Uchiha Xiao looked at the turtle and said something, then golden light flashed, and Uchiha Xiao's figure disappeared. (aiei) Open the eyes again When he opened his eyes, he saw a sea area.

Not far away, towering iron buildings and thick dark clouds came into view. The name"The Country of Rain" can be said to be coming out.

Uchiha Xiao stood at a high place, He looked at the sea not far away

"Ding! Dang!"

The crisp sound of gold and iron resounded across the sea.

Looking around, there were several people fighting.

It was the battle between Uchiha Xiao and the immortal duo not long ago.

The reason why Uchiha Xiao traveled to this time and space was because he wanted to To get someone, Hidan!

Hidan's special and weird abilities often have miraculous effects!

And with Uchiha Xiao's current illusion strength, he is confident that he can control Hidan.

In the previous battle, Hidan It was burnt to ashes by his fire escape and became a handful of ashes on the bottom of the sea.

Now that he has mastered something like the Noble Phantasm Plow, the good things that he missed before will naturally not be left behind.

Uchiha Xiao looked at the battlefield. After a while, his eyes became sharp.

In this time and space, Uchiha Xiao opened his mouth and spit out a stream of flames.

"Fire Release-Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!"

The powerful fire dragon shot straight at Hidan. At this time, Hidan was still very conceited. He was holding a scythe and wanted to block the fire dragon with his immortality.

If nothing goes wrong, Fei Dan Duan will turn into a pile of ashes and sink to the bottom of the sea.

"Bang!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The fireball exploded, and the strong fire turned a large area of ​​​​the sea red.

However, Hidan did not feel the harm, just because there was a person in front of him who gave the fire dragon to Blocked!

Hidan looked at the person blocking him in surprise:"You are!"

Not only was Hidan confused, Obito, who was watching the battle not far away, was also confused.

"Two Xiaos? Not a clone! This is...what happened?!"Obito was still standing not far away in a very pretentious manner, but at this moment, he was in a fighting posture.

The one who blocked the fire dragon was Uchiha Xiao again!

And under his Sharingan After visual inspection, that Uchiha Xiao was not a clone!

Then, what on earth was it!

And the Uchiha Xiao in this time and space quickly calmed down after a brief period of shock.

"Future me?...How did you get here? Dragon vein?"He looked at Uchiha Xiao, and it could be seen from the face that had not changed much that this was the near future.

"The Noble Phantasm Plow and Dragon Veins are too unstable."Uchiha Xiao answered, and then looked at Obito. With a simple look, it was like billions of evil ghosts struggling out of the sea. Obito's whole person was shocked by this terrifying aura.

Even the usual Hidan, who was very nervous, was also unable to move because of the aura that Uchiha Xiao burst out.

"This, this is impossible...Lord Evil God! help me!"Hidan frantically called out to the so-called evil god in his heart, but there was no response to his call.

Is it possible that even the evil god doesn't dare to face this Uchiha Xiao?!!

"It seems that you have become very strong in a short period of time. So, what is the purpose of your coming?"Uchiha Xiao in this time and space is a little wary. He doesn't know what he will become in the future.

Uchiha Xiao looked calm:"Don't worry, I just need the power of the evil god."

After saying that, under Obito's surprised eyes, Uchiha Xiao directly pulled Hidan into the Kamui space.

Before leaving, Uchiha Xiao also cast a memory erasure technique and illusion technique to remove the changes that occurred in this space and time. Back on track.

After returning to the original time and space, Uchiha Xiao directly controlled Hidan in a previously abandoned base.

He opened the Kamui space and released Hidan from it.

"you guy...What are you going to do to me?!!"Hidan kept stepping back. He rarely felt this way. This feeling seemed to be called fear!

"Sealing technique!"

A few black runes directly controlled Hidan.

"You bastard! The evil god will not let you go!"

Looking at Hidan who was still cursing after being controlled, Uchiha Xiao took out a scroll and unsealed it, only to see a test tube with a little blood inside.

This blood was used in the fight with Otsutsuki Ghost Style He secretly collected it in order to give it to Orochimaru for study. Uchiha Xiao thought that there might be some unexpected gains. He did n't expect that now that he could travel through time and space, it could be used by Hidan. Hidan looked at the test tube, He instantly understood what Uchiha Xiao was thinking:"You guy! I won't do anything for a bastard like you! asshole!!"

Uchiha Xiao picked his ears, and then threw an illusion to Hidan.

Under Uchiha Xiao's powerful illusion, Hidan was directly controlled without struggling.

Then Uchiha Xiao directly A mark was placed in Hidan's mind, which allowed Uchiha Xiao to command and control Hidan from thousands of miles away.

Uchiha Xiao removed the sealing technique and placed the test tube next to Hidan.

Next This time, during the battle with Onishi, if something is wrong, you can remotely command Hidan to carry out the ritual without any delay.

"Don't move around here."After Uchiha Xiao left a sentence, he disappeared.

Hidan nodded in agreement very dullly.

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