Uchiha Xiao's journey through time is not over yet. He continues to travel through time and space, using the Yuga Soul to absorb the Sharingan abilities of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke before they died.

Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Kagutu Ming.....They all became Uchiha Xiao's possession, and he even discovered that even Uchiha Itachi and Sasuke's natural weapons, the Ten Fist Sword and the Ancient Maga Bow, were absorbed by him!

After several trips, Uchiha Xiao gained a lot.

Just a few days after returning to the original time and space, a powerful chakra descended over the Ming Ninja Village.

The people of Ming Ninja Village have fallen into chaos. The bright day seems to have turned into night, and a huge black shadow has enveloped the huge Ming Ninja Village.

"This, what is this?!"

"Is it Lord Mingwang's new technique?"

"Impossible, why would Lord Mingwang use us to test new techniques?!"

The villagers are talking about it. If you are far away, you can see a huge ball staying above Mingren Village.

If this ball falls, Mingnin Village will be destroyed directly.!

Soon, many villagers in the Ming-nin Village even started to clean up their belongings, and some people had already fled the Ming-nin Village.

Just when everyone was worried, in the next second, this huge black ball suddenly disappeared Got it!

"what happened?"

"Suddenly disappeared again?!!"

Uchiha Xiao stood on the top of the palace, holding a small black ball in his hand. With a force, the small ball was crushed into pieces, and then scattered in the sky with the wind.

He took a deep breath, and the golden right The eyes turned blood red.

It turned out that Uchiha Xiao had just used"Shaonai Vigana" to shrink the huge black ball. The material of this black ball was recognizable to Uchiha Xiao, and it was naturally the Otsutsuki Oni style.

"Is it a declaration of war?......"Uchiha Xiao murmured, and while he was thinking, a strong wind came from behind


A dark tentacle passed through Uchiha Xiao's body. Because Uchiha Xiao instantly activated the"hollow" of Obito Sharingan, the tentacle's attack was in vain.

Uchiha Xiao turned around and saw only the front It was an extremely slender figure.

Onishi stretched out his hand and said in a very polite manner:"Long time no see, Mr. Uchiha Xiao. Uchiha

Xiao looked at Onishi and showed a ferocious smile:"Didn't you call for help, Onishi?""

Facing Uchiha Xiao's ridicule, Ghost Shi smiled:"Call helpers, that's not called fighting, that's called massacre."

Obviously, Guishi is very confident in the strength of himself and his people.

"call! boom!"

Uchiha Xiao punched hard, and a strong air explosion sounded around.

However, in the face of this blow, Oni Shi stretched out his hand to block it.

"The strength has become so much smaller?"Ghost Shi's sarcastic words, mixed with the steady voice, made people angry.

Uchiha Xiao did not move his hand, but still maintained the posture of punching:"We should change the place to fight."

Because of the contact between the two, Uchiha Xiao used Flying Thunder God to bring Onishi out of the Ming Ninja Village. Onishi was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said:"For thousands of years, you are the only native who has interested me.

Uchiha Xiao looked calm:"Do you need me to thank you?""

White teeth grinned like a ghost:"No, you just need to fight with me!"

After saying that, the ghost's palm suddenly expanded, and then he wanted to grab Uchiha Xiao.

"Ozubi works hard!"

The limbs of the ghost style stretched and became larger, and launched a fierce attack on Uchiha Xiao. The attack method of the ghost style was quite tricky to deal with, and combined with the physical skills displayed by the ability, it was different from anything Uchiha Xiao had ever encountered. One person.

Whenever I think I will dodge the attack, the ghost style can increase the size in time and increase the attack range.


Uchiha Xiao was knocked out by a palm. He rolled in mid-air for a few weeks, and then landed firmly on the ground. With a sinister smile on his face, he took off his clothes, and the golden reincarnation eye in the middle of his chest began to activate.

"Daxun Mouchi God!"

Countless black matter began to appear, then split, turning into countless sharp spears

"bayonet!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Countless black spears stabbed Uchiha Xiao, and the spears pierced the sky, making a rustling sound. Uchiha

Xiao did not dodge, and his right eye turned into For dark gold, a sun-like pattern is presented


In an instant, several huge cubes suddenly appeared, arrayed in front of Uchiha Xiao.

According to Otsutsuki Ishiki, these cubes are extraterrestrial things and are extremely hard!


A series of muffled sounds sounded, and the cubes remained motionless. The black substance that turned into a spear suddenly collapsed and turned into a lump.

Ghost Shiki frowned:"Is it the ability of Ishiki? It's tricky."

Uchiha Xiao jumped up and jumped on those black spears. Then chakra was transferred to his feet, and he rushed towards Onishi like flying.

Onishi raised his fists and shouted loudly:" Well come!"

Soon, the fists and feet of the two intertwined, and strong air currents exploded.

Just when Oni Shiki was fighting enthusiastically, he saw Uchiha Xiao suddenly move and hit Oni Shiki at an extremely tricky angle.

Oni Shiki couldn't resist, so he could only bear the attack.

Oni Shiki snorted coldly, and continued to fight with Uchiha Xiao.

The two people turned into afterimages, met and collided, and the explosion of airflow and loud noise could be seen It can be seen how terrifying the physical skills of the two are.

However, Onishi was surprised to find that Uchiha Xiao's physical skills seemed to have improved to a very high level! He was even more refined and unexpected than before!

Onishi couldn't believe it. , he couldn’t believe that a person could improve so much in such a short period of time!


Uchiha Xiao pulled away and flew up, and struck the delicate body of Oni Shi with a cruel kick.

"call! boom!"

Onishi's skinny body flew out quickly and hit the ground.

Onishi's face was solemn, not because he was crushed under Uchiha Xiao's hands, but because he saw it!

He saw Uchiha Xiao's eyes, and It’s not red or gold, but blue!

Isn’t the blue samsara eye the mark of Otsutsukiura?!!

"You guys, even Urashiki!"Onishi's eyes widened with surprise in his tone.

Uchiha Xiao twisted his neck:"This is the fate of the weak. I hope you won't let me down, Onishi."

Onishi's inner evaluation of Uchiha Xiao has reached a higher level. Although Onishi's usual momentum can overwhelm Urashiki. But when it comes to fighting between Onishi and Ushiki, who will win and who loses? That's really not certain. Moreover, Urashiki's ability to escape and save his life is very good. I didn't expect that Uchiha Xiao could catch Urashiki like this.

If the top management of Otsutsuki knew about this, wouldn't it be a disaster?!

It's incredible! The first generation Uchiha Xiao smiled ferociously:"I will never let you down, Uchiha Xiaowu!".

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