Chapter 246: I accept your power!

The light waves became more and more powerful, and the white light even spread along the cracks throughout the black giant's body.

Oni Shi gritted his teeth and began to send massive amounts of chakra to the black giant. However, the black giant was now at the end of his strength.

No matter how you transport chakra, it will only delay the collapse of the black giant~


In the end, the black giant, who could not withstand fifty times the dust escape, collapsed directly under the powerful power! Naturally, the ghost style would not sit still and wait for death. He dragged his broken body and fled quickly.

And the moment he escaped , the dust escape light wave directly knocked the black giant into an atomic state, and the huge giant disappeared in an instant!

"What a dangerous ability...."Guishi looked back at the gradually dissipating dust wave of light, with a hint of greed in his heart.

I didn’t expect that after thousands of years of evolution, these earthly heretics would actually develop such powerful branches!


Onishi looked at Uchiha Xiao, and he was sure that those weird injuries just now were all caused by Uchiha Xiao!

Because everything about those weird injuries came at just the right time, hitting him just when he was putting up a defense.

"How much ability do you still have?!"Oni Shi looked at Uchiha Xiao, his eyes were solemn as never before. All the contempt for Uchiha Xiao in his heart disappeared, and all that was left was vigilance!

Uchiha Xiao twisted his neck in annoyance:"Didn't I tell you that my abilities are beyond your imagination!"

After saying that, Uchiha Xiao's figure disappeared instantly, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards Onishi.

Although he had captured Uchiha Xiao's figure with Onishi's strength, he was now covered in injuries and could not avoid it. He can raise his hands to block.

Uchiha Xiao's physical skills are extremely exquisite, coupled with Otsutsuki's unseen senjutsu and the time retrieval of Urashiki's eyes, he can beat Onishi back again and again.

After dozens of rounds , , Onishi didn't take advantage at all, Uchiha Xiao's fists hit Onishi like raindrops.

Uchiha Xiao took a deep breath, and natural energy surged outside his body, even blowing his hair and clothes away.

Immediately afterwards, purple thunder lingered on his fist

"Immortal chase!"

Contains strong senjutsu chakra, coupled with Jinshi's physical skills.

Purple thunder and lightning flashed across the sky, and Uchiha Xiao punched Onishi in the abdomen.

"call! boom!!"

The huge force directly knocked Onishi's figure away quickly.

However, Onishi smiled. He knew that he could not defeat Uchiha Xiao in close combat, but in long-distance combat, if Uchiha Xiao did not use the same size as before. Escape from dust, Onishi thinks he can still fight!

As Onishi thought, the black matter surged into the dust, and they turned into layers of shields, floating around Onishi like the rings of Saturn.

In this case, Uchiha Xiao couldn't Closer.....

However, just as Onishi thought this, the figure of Uchiha Xiao suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Wha, what?!"Oni Shi was horrified, how could Uchiha Xiao be so fast?!

No matter how fast he was, his eyes could catch it! But in his eyes, Uchiha Xiao just disappeared!

How is this possible?! He has Otsutsuki’s eyes!!

"Tensuha Meteor Fate!"

A fishing rod with red light suddenly appeared in Uchiha Xiao's hand. He swung it again and a thin fishing line appeared at the top of the fishing rod.

Oni Shiki was horrified. Isn't this Ushiki's weapon?! It actually got into the hands of Uchiha Xiao!

However, the current ability of the ghost style has been greatly restricted. It is almost impossible to dodge the meteor-like fishhook attack.

The next second, more than a dozen fish lines flashing red light It penetrated directly into Onishi's body.

Uchiha Xiao stretched out his hand and shook, and more than a dozen fishing lines swayed. Along with this, the chakra in Onishi's body began to become unstable.

This is the power of Ura Shiki's fishing rod. As long as the fishhook enters the body, there is no way to break it.

Whether the caster reels in the fishing rod or the person being attacked pulls out the fishhook, the chakra in the body will be pulled out together!

Ghost Style He raised his eyelids with difficulty and looked at Uchiha Xiao, who always had a faint smile on his lips.

"Otsutsuki Ghost Style, I accept your chakra."After saying that, Uchiha Xiao suddenly closed his hand holding the fishing rod.

"cluster! cluster! cluster!"

The tip of the fishhook is wrapped with balls of green light. There is no doubt that these are ghost-style chakra. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ghost-style stood up and wanted to step forward. He grabbed his own chakra, and then lost so much chakra in that moment, which directly brought strong discomfort to Ghost Style.

Just standing up from the ground, Ghost Style's legs felt weak, and then instantly fell to the ground

"Damn it!"Oni Shi gritted his teeth and watched as the fishhook fell back into Uchiha Xiao's hand.

As soon as Uchiha Xiao stretched out his hand, Oni Shi's chakra ran towards Uchiha Xiao's palm.

A fish basket with red light appeared in Uchiha Xiao's hand. In Bo Xiao's hand, Uchiha Xiao put chakra into the fish basket, and then looked at Onishi with a sneer.

"Otsutsuki Onishi, you are indeed strong."Uchiha Xiao waved his hands, and the fishing rod and fish basket disappeared.

As he said this, Uchiha Xiao walked towards the ghost style

"Gao Tianyuan, I will not let you go!

Uchiha Xiao became interested:"Gao Tianyuan, where is it?""

However, Onishi did not answer, but still showed a sneer:"You will know by then, in front of Gao Tianyuan, the so-called ninja world is just a drop in the ocean."

Listening to Onishi's words, Uchiha Xiao did not feel scared.

Now all the Otsutsuki who came to the earth have been controlled by him. With Otsutsuki's reaction speed, it will probably take at least several decades before reinforcements are sent..

Even Uchiha Xiao himself cannot predict to what extent the science and technology of the ninja world will develop by then.

And a few decades is only the most critical idea. This cycle is likely to last for hundreds of years!

Therefore, regarding the threat of Oni Shiki, Uchiha Bo Xiao is not too afraid. He believes that under his leadership, the ninja world will be able to fly out of the stars in a few decades.

The journey of the ninja world will be a sea of ​​stars!

"I am not afraid of your threats, but if you are willing to tell me some information, I will give you some freedom."Uchiha Xiao said.

Onishi showed a sneer:"The gods of Gao Tianyuan will punish you, you are an inferior creature."

Listening to Onishi's words, even though he knew what important information this Gao Tianyuan should have, Uchiha Xiao still said in annoyance:

"The Riddler is not welcome in our ninja world."

After saying that, a magenta flame appeared in Uchiha Xiao's hand.

"Six Immortal Fires! seal up!"

Holding the six fairy fires in his hand, he hit Gui Shi's chest hard.

At the same time, the golden reincarnation eye on Gui Shi's chest also closed its eyes under the bombardment of the fairy fire.

"You guy!"Onishi's surprise today has exceeded the total of this year!

He didn't expect Uchiha Xiao to be so cautious. Onishi originally wanted to have a few words with Uchiha Xiao and wait until the chakra recovered a little before using Space ability escaped here.

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Xiao directly sealed his samsara eye! He was not given any chance at all!

"Haha, Otsutsuki Ghost Style, with your power, I accept the beggar"

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