"How dare you, Shuzi?!!"

Listening to Uchiha Xiao's words, Onishi's eyes widened and his eyes were about to burst.

Facing Onishi's overwhelming anger, Uchiha Xiao felt nothing. He grabbed Onishi's collar and lifted Onishi up. Get up.

The slender body keeps struggling, but Uchiha Xiao is so strong, how can he break free so easily?

Oni Shi is really panicking now. He would rather die than lose his ability outside, especially this one named Uchiha Uchiha's earthling.

Oni Shi dares to assert that Uchiha Xiao will be Otsutsuki's most powerful enemy in the future. If his ability is given to Uchiha Xiao, wouldn't he be an enemy?!


A black substance slipped out from Onishi's sleeve, and the black substance turned into a sharp blade. Onishi controlled the blade and stabbed the eye on his chest.

However, before the blade could strike for a long time, Uchiha said"Seventy"Three" Xiao grabbed the black sharp blade with one hand

"too slow."

Uchiha Xiao's cold voice floated into Onishi's ears, and Onishi blushed and became restless. As Lord Onishi's right-hand man, no one has ever dared to comment on his strength like this!


The magic chakra was injected into the palm, and Uchiha Xiao crushed the black sharp blade in one stroke.

"The soul of Yujia!"

Uchiha Xiao's eyes turned blood red, and a vortex-shaped pattern was engraved on the blood-red pupils and began to rotate rapidly.

Looking at the rotating vortex, an emotion called fear arose from the bottom of Ghost Shi's heart.

"don't want!"

I don't know how many hundreds of years this word has not been spoken by Onishi's mouth!

Uchiha Xiao seemed to have never heard it. Soon, his eyes burst out with an extremely powerful attraction.

The golden color on Onishi's chest The eyes bloomed with golden light. The golden light seemed to have become spiritual. It was guided by Uchiha Xiao's eyes and converged towards Uchiha Xiao's eyes.

Oni Shiki clearly felt that the power in the body began to drain away rapidly, not only the chakra , but his ability, his pupil power! Even the white eyes are gone!

It seems like a vast lake, drying up at an extremely fast speed!

The eyes on the ghost chest are closed, and the eyes on the face have also changed. For ordinary people's black and white


Onishi collapsed to the ground. He touched his emaciated body. He discovered in panic that his strength had been reduced by more than ten times!

Now, let alone being the guard of Lord Kamishiki, even the members of the Otsutsuki clan He is no longer able to defeat the servants and guards!

"No!! you! Give me back your ability!"

Without the ability, Gui Shi was like a bereaved dog. The originally soft light blue hair seemed to have withered, hanging on Gui Shi's pale and thin face, and the whole person looked like a beggar. The withered arms hit Yu Zhi. On Bo Xiao's body, Uchiha Xiao's eyes were cold, and he kicked the ghost into the distance with one kick.

Uchiha Xiao's eyes were leaping with golden light, which was a sign that he had just absorbed the power of others.

"Just let me try your abilities."As he spoke, Uchiha Xiao's blood-red eyes turned golden

"Daxun Mouchi God!!"

The black substance emerged from the ground, and it landed on Uchiha Xiao's palm. Under Uchiha Xiao's control, it turned into a cube for a while, a ball for a while, and a very complicated sea urchin shape for a while.

"How convenient....."Even after having seen this ability, Uchiha Xiao was still amazed by it.

The black substance is very convenient. It is like a third hand. It can be driven as you like without rocking forward or backward. It is extremely smooth!

Moreover, the strength and defense are very impressive, and it is both offensive and defensive. It is a rare and good ability!!

Seeing Uchiha Xiao getting a new toy, Onishi's heart felt cramped and humiliated. His ability was deprived and still displayed in front of him. This was even more uncomfortable than killing him!

Uchiha Xiao looked at Onishi, stretched out his hand, and the black substance turned into a thick rope, directly tying Onishi.

"Earth explodes and stars explode!"

Uchiha Xiao will not give Onishi a chance. With the all-round seal of Earth Explosion Sky Star, Uchiha Xiao believes that Onishi will not have a chance to leak the news.

Countless stones gathered together and tightly wrapped Onishi After a while, the last stone covered Onishi's resentful eyes. Finally, a huge stone ball slowly floated in the air.

Uchiha Xiao took the stone ball and teleported to the abandoned base. Including this stone ball, there are already four stone balls here.

All the four Otsutsuki who came to the earth were captured by Uchiha Xiao!

However, this is still not very safe. Although the Earth Explosion Sky Star is known as the most A strong seal, but he may not be able to seal even one Nine-Tails. In other words, these four stone balls may still be destroyed by external forces...0

Uchiha Xiao also has a countermeasure for this, He first used his divine power to send all four stone balls into the divine space, and then in an instant, he arrived at the Scientific Research Department of Ming Ninja Village.

"Mr. Xiao!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As soon as Uchiha Xiao appeared on the stage, various exclamations came from the surroundings. The voices were all filled with admiration and respect. Uchiha Xiao was stunned. Waving his hands:"You guys step back first, I have something to do with Orochimaru and Amado."

Everyone walked out of the laboratory, leaving only Orochimaru and Amado.

Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Xiao:"Xiao, what's the matter? Uchiha

Xiao said:"I have captured all the four Otsutsukis in the ninja world. Have you done what I asked you two to do?" Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and washed his face:"Of course, I have already prepared it, but I am curious about how you know about Amado-kun's research in the biological field.""

As he said that, Orochimaru turned his head to Amado:"Even I didn't know that Amado-kun has made such achievements in that area."

Amado showed a very polite smile, which made it difficult to tell the depth.

Uchiha Xiao spread his hands and said,"This may be Uchiha's intuition. Okay, take me to see your research."

With that said, Orochimaru walked out of the laboratory:"Follow me, you will definitely be shocked.""

Uchiha Xiao walked beside Orochimaru, and Orochimaru took him to the basement of the Scientific Research Department building.

There was also a darkroom in the basement, and there were four huge containers in the darkroom, which were filled with In each container of light green liquid, there is a person soaked in this green liquid.

And these people are the four Otsutsuki who were defeated by Uchiha Xiao before!

Uchiha Xiao stepped forward and looked at it carefully The bodies of the four"Otsutsuki" couldn't help but nodded:"It's really restored one to one, my eyes didn't see any flaws.

Amado nodded:"Yes, it is a clone after all.""As he said that, he subconsciously lit a cigarette.

Suddenly realizing that the man in front of him was the lord of the ninja world, Amado put out the cigarette.

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