"Divine power!"

Four huge stone balls appeared in the divine space.

"What a convenient seal, Samsara Eye....."Orochimaru put his hand on his chin and showed an inexplicable smile

"Do you want to? I can build you one."Uchiha Xiao looked at Orochimaru and said.

Orochimaru shook his head. He really wanted it, but he had very strict requirements for eyes. Even if it was the only reincarnation eye in the ninja world, Orochimaru wanted the best..

Just like the Sharingan at that time, during the night of genocide, Danzo cooperated with Orochimaru. Orochimaru did not ask Danzo for one or two to play with, but waited for Sasuke to grow up. As you can imagine Know Orochimaru's pickiness and patience

"up to you."Uchiha Xiao said, raising his hands

"Earth Explosion Star - solution!"

Kin Shiki, Momo Shiki, Ura Shiki, and Oni Shiki.

Four figures fell from the collapsing boulder.

Oni Shiki looked at Uchiha Xiao in confusion and released him as soon as he was sealed. What does this mean?

The other three They were confused, why was the seal released? Could it be that the gods of Takamagahara came to rescue them?!

However, when they saw Uchiha Xiao's stern face, their excitement suddenly sank to the bottom.

Four Individually, you look at me and I look at you, feeling surprised again.

20"I didn't expect that even Mr. Ghost Style......"Taoshi and the other three looked at the embarrassed Onishi and couldn't help but speak out in surprise.

However, Onishi had no time to pay attention to them at this time. He stared straight at Uchiha Xiao:"Boy, what else do you want to do? Our power has been taken away by you, and I don't think we are of any use to you."

Uchiha Xiao said nothing, watching them vent their emotions.

Momoshiki also spoke at this time:"If you want information, please forgive us for not obeying." After saying that, he turned his attention to Urashiki

"If you want to betray Otsutsuki, I will kill you! Ura

Shiki chuckled:"Do you think you still have the ability to kill after being deprived of your power?""Then he looked at Uchiha Xiao:"Anyway, this guy doesn't dare to kill us. If he kills us, Gao Tianyuan will send people~" Ura Shiki

's words were a naked threat, and Uchiha Xiao would not kill us if he knew it. They.

After all, once the four of them die, it will definitely cause shock to the top management of Otsutsuki, and then the earth will usher in more powerful pursuers!

Uchiha Xiao nodded:"Yes, I will not kill you......"

Listening to Uchiha Xiao's words, the four Otsutsuki all showed frivolous smiles. No matter how strong you, Uchiha Xiao, are, you don't dare to offend our Otsutsuki!

When they think of the powerful Otsutsuki, even if they have no power, they will raise their heads proudly.

However, Uchiha Xiao changed the topic:"I won't kill you, but you are indeed useful." After saying this, Uchiha Xiao pointed his finger behind the four of them.

The four people turned their heads and looked over, and saw that inside the container, their respective clones were naked in front of them!

Tao Shi's pupils shrank, and her delicate aristocratic face instantly turned ferocious.

Orochimaru looked at Amado:"Everyone, this is the clone that I made for you."

Amado and You nodded proudly.

"you! How dare you?!!"Momoshi roared angrily, and it could be seen from the popping veins on his forehead that he was very angry at this time!

The other three Otsutsuki also stared at Uchiha Xiao angrily. They were proud Otsutsuki, and now they were actually beaten by a The low-level natives have been cloned! What a deal!

Onishi looked at Uchiha Xiao, anger almost bursting out of his eyes

"You do this! This ninja world will be destroyed by the gods of Takamagahara! You will become the sinner of this planet! Uchiha Xiao!"Onishi shouted angrily.

Orochimaru and Amado looked at Uchiha Xiao after hearing this. If it is true as Onishi said, then doing so is indeed very dangerous.

Listening to Onishi's words, Uchiha Xiao's stern face instantly broke the ice. , he covered his face and burst into bursts of laughter

"Haha, hahahaha......"

After laughing, Uchiha Xiao did not put down his hand on his face, and the Sharingan revealed a sinister red light in the gaps between his fingers.

"Ever since you Otsutsuki set foot on the earth thousands of years ago, this planet has been unable to escape the fate of destruction, right?"

Uchiha Xiao's voice was deafening, with a hint of ridicule in the coldness.

Oni Shi did not speak anymore, because he knew that what Uchiha Xiao said was correct.

If a sacred tree is to be planted on a planet, it means that the entire planet Life will turn into the nutrients of the sacred tree, and when the fruit of the sacred tree matures, the entire planet will also become dead.

Regardless of whether there is Uchiha Xiao, this planet will become the nutrients of Otsutsuki. On the contrary, the current Uchiha Xiao, It was the planet that was pulled out of the underworld.

"It's better to stop talking nonsense and just serve me in peace and contentment."Speaking, Uchiha Xiao began to form seals with his hands

"Ninja Technique - The Art of Separating Soul and Body!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This ninjutsu can separate humans and souls.

If it were in the past, this basic ninjutsu would have been of no use to these Otsutsukis, but after Uchiha Xiao Deprived of their power, they are now no different from ordinary ninjas in the ninja world.

Uchiha Xiao used extremely strong chakra techniques to perform on them


A white light emerged on their bodies, and then four illusory shadows were stripped out of their bodies. These were the souls of the four Otsutsukis.


Amado turned on the switch on the side


The water in the container was emptied instantly, and several mechanical arms appeared to hold the clones of Tao Shi and others to prevent them from falling to the ground.


With a burst of mechanical sound, the door of the container opened.

Uchiha Xiao maintained the gesture of sealing, and chakra began to drive 903, putting four souls into the four clones in turn.

As the light shone on the clones , At first sight, the originally extremely pale body had a trace of blood.

The next second, the four clones began to shake.

Momoshi opened his eyes, and he looked at the original body that had fallen in front of him, and felt a sense of sadness in his heart. , I didn’t expect that his pure Otsutsuki bloodline would be inhabiting this clone today!

However, at this moment, Momoshiki was surprised to find that his Byakugan was back!

Not only that, there was a familiar power in his body , it is the power of Otsutsuki's bloodline.

Momoshiki shook hands, and he found that this clone was not as unbearable as he imagined, and its proficiency and strength were even very close to the previous body!

He looked at Ah in surprise Maduo.

Under the orange lenses, Amado's eyes looked very deep.

Unexpectedly, there are so many powerful people on this planet!

The other three people were also surprised to feel the clone's body. After they were deprived of their power by Uchiha Xiao, I have never felt such majestic power!

Momoshiki looked at Uchiha Xiao. He raised his hand and a flame condensed in his hand. He ran forward and wanted to attack Uchiha Xiao.


However, in the next second, several strong winds suddenly came, and Momoshi's figure lay on the ground, and the flames on her hands dissipated instantly.

Momoshi opened her eyes and saw Jinshiki, Urashiki and Onishi standing together. Qi grabbed his body and wouldn’t let go!.

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