"What are you doing?!"Momoshi is angry. I'm going to attack Uchiha Xiao. If you don't help me, why don't you stop me?!

The three of them also looked confused and quickly let go of Momoshi's hand.

"Tao, Tao Shiki-sama! The old slave doesn’t know either! Jinshiki said in shock.

Ushiki stared at his hands solemnly.

Even Onishi, who had always been calm, widened his eyes:"My body involuntarily stopped you!""


Taoshi stood up angrily, crimson light gathered in his hands

"Crimson spiral!"

A chakra ball shaped like a Rasengan appeared in the palm of Momoshiki's hand. Momoshiki jumped up and was about to kill Uchiha Xiao.

However, at this time, a sudden change occurred.

A sharp pain suddenly fell on Momoshiki's head. , if it was just pain, it would be fine, but it would also be accompanied by side effects of general weakness and reduced chakra.


Taoshi fell from the air to the ground, and the crimson spiral in her hand instantly dissipated and turned into nothing.

"This, what is this!!"Momoshi covered his head, he knelt on the ground and said through gritted teeth.

Jinshi stepped forward quickly to help Momoki up, and the four Otsutsuki looked at Uchiha Xiao with surprised eyes.

At this time, Orochimaru walked away He took a step forward and said with a sinister smile:"This is called the Tightening Curse. It is the forbidden spell I set for the four of you.""

"Forbidden curse! Are you kidding me?!!"Now not only Momoshiki was furious, but the other three people also had angry expressions on their faces.

Forbidden curses are applied to living creatures, whether they are slaves or pets. Our noble Otsutsuki actually wants to become the slave of this low-level creature. slave?!

"Otsutsuki has no such precedent in thousands of years!"Ura Shiki, who has always been humorous, also looked angry.

"There is a precedent for everything, hehehe....."Orochimaru said something strangely, and then continued to introduce the effect of the so-called tightening curse.

"As long as you use this clone's body, you will automatically obey the three laws of cloning." Orochimaru said


Hearing this word, the four of them felt something bad in their hearts.

"First, you must not harm Uchiha Xiao, or sit back and watch Uchiha Xiao be harmed; second, unless it violates the first law, the clone must obey Uchiha Xiao's order; third, unless it violates the first or second law, otherwise The clones must protect themselves.'"

The four of them were not fools, and they soon understood the subtleties of the three laws.

This meant that if Gao Tianyuan came over in the future, even if Uchiha Xiao did not give orders, then they would not be able to give orders. Each clone body will consciously step forward to protect Uchiha Xiao.

The third article is even more subtle. What does it mean to protect yourself? If Gao Tianyuan defeated Uchiha Xiao and wanted to unlock the clone bodies of several people, they would act as clones. People will also resist.

This is simply a trap!

No wonder Urashiki and the other three couldn't help but stop Momoshiki just now. It turns out that it was caused by these damn laws!

I thought that I would become Uchiha Xiao's tool or even a shield in the future.

Momoshiki The expressions of the four Shiki all turned dark. They had never imagined that they would end up like this since they were young!

Orochimaru and Amado looked at Uchiha Xiao. This law came from Uchiha Xiao's idea. When Uchiha Xiao will When these three laws were stated, both of them felt that Uchiha Xiao was a genius.

"This thing can be used not only on human clones, but also on robots. Mr. Xiao, you are really a genius."Amado looked at Uchiha Xiao with stern eyes.

Uchiha Xiao said nothing and accepted Amado's compliments shamelessly.

Uchiha Xiao was very satisfied with this. Amado's cloning technology was indeed incredible. , actually restored Otsutsuki's body one to one.

With the strength of these four people, the ninja world will be even more powerful, and it will be much easier to face the so-called"Takamagahara"

"However, their strength is still too low now. You four, now start training twenty hours a day!"Uchiha Xiao directly issued the order.

After hearing Uchiha Xiao's words, the faces of the four Otsutsuki changed.

"Practice?! I won’t do this kind of thing that only lower creatures can do!"

"You damn inferior!"

"Don't go too far! Uchiha Xiao!"

Listening to the dissatisfaction of the people in front of him, Uchiha Xiao showed a sneer:"It seems that you haven't recognized your situation yet......"

After saying that, Uchiha Xiao thought

"Tightening curse!"

Severe pain swept through their brains.

Although these Otsutsuki were very powerful, they could be said to belong to the flowers in the greenhouse. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They were born in Otsutsuki, I have experienced countless battles since I was a child, but most of them were very easy.

They can bring the ability to crush various planets with their blood, and they have not suffered much at all, and even the battles have brought about They didn't feel much pain.

But as soon as the curse came out, the unprecedented severe pain almost crushed their brains!

"No, stop reading it! Uchiha, Xiao...Stop reading it!"

In the end, Ushiki couldn't bear it anymore and shouted directly.

The severe pain seemed like ten thousand ants gnawing at their brains. They had never experienced such pain.

Soon, the three figures fell down On the ground, only Otsutsuki Onishi was left standing.

However, it can be seen from his sweaty forehead that he was not much relaxed either.

"You are very strong. It seems that I have to add some spice to you."After saying that, Uchiha Xiao stared into Onishi's eyes.


The blood-red light seemed to be injected into Onishi's mind. For a moment, Onishi suddenly found himself tied to a cross.

No matter how hard he struggled, he could not break free from the cross.

At this moment, Uchiha Xiao appeared in front of him

"Uchiha Xiao!! You bastard! What are you going to do?!!"Onishi cursed loudly.

However, Uchiha Xiao ignored Onishi and silently cast a tight spell on Onishi, and then Uchiha Xiao's figure disappeared. Uchiha Xiao's punishment for Onishi's disobedience was very Simple.

Let him enjoy three days and three nights in the world of Tsukuyomi!


In reality, after a scream, Guishi suddenly fainted and fell to the ground.

The other three people looked at Guishi who fell to the ground in horror. They did not expect (Li Liao) that even the most powerful Mr. Guishi, in Uchi Uchiha Xiao couldn't bear the sight of him in front of them.

Uchiha Xiao's voice reached their ears:"This technique is called Tsukuyomi. I just let Onishi feel what it's like to be under a tight spell for three days and three nights. If you If you want to experience it, you can also try to buy it."

Three days and three nights!

Listening to Uchiha Xiao's words, the three of them were terrified. Let alone three days and three nights, they probably wouldn't be able to hold it for three minutes!

In desperation, the three of them had no choice but to agree to Uchiha Xiao's offer. Order.

Practice for twenty hours a day, which is darker than illegal work, but there is no way. No matter how painful it is, it is not as painful as the powerful tightening curse. Only then did Uchiha Xiao nodded with satisfaction, and he walked towards Orochimaru and Amma around

"These four people will be left to you first."

Then, Uchiha Xiao turned around and warned the three of Otsutsuki:"Don't make small moves, all your actions are under my control!"After saying that, Uchiha Xiao left here in an instant.

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