Thunder in the tiger.

The purple thunder and lightning of the Immortal Technique and the Seventh Sect's unique skill, the Day Tiger, are combined to form this powerful"Thunder Tiger"!

As soon as this move was performed, it was like rolling thunder appearing in front of the eyes. The purple lightning branches flashed and disappeared with claws and teeth, wrapping around the white tiger composed of air cannons.

Uchiha Xiao is extremely fast, and his powerful attacks drag his purple and white tails forward. Powerful airflow gathers around him, making him look as powerful as a thousand troops!

Facing this move, Wu Shi's face showed a hint of excitement, and Xue Yue's death was quickly forgotten by him.


Wu Shi stepped on the ground with his feet, and a horrifying crater appeared on the ground. His whole body turned into a whistling wind and faced Uchiha Xiao.

"Wanshan Fist!"

Wu Shi opened his eyes wide, ferocious blood vessels bulged around his eyes, his fists were covered with a layer of orange light, and his whole person burst out with an intoxicating aura.

"Just like the name of the attack,"560" has the power of ten thousand mountains!

Soon, the two air currents collided violently. In an instant, the space was torn apart and the earth was cracked!

Because the power was too great, the air was The shock twisted and tore apart, and even erupted with a harsh roar.

After the explosion, the two bodies separated quickly, and then turned into two afterimages that collided crazily.

On the other side, Tsunade The three of them were fleeing frantically towards the village. If it weren't for Wu Shi's strange ability, Kaguya would have opened the Huangquan Hiraban to take refuge.

The speed of the three of them was actually pretty good, but facing the Ōtsutsuki Kagetsu from outside, it was still a little difficult. A little inferior


A gust of wind whistled past her ears, and Kaguya suddenly condensed a black rod from her hand.


A crisp sound resounded around her. Kaguya looked ugly, and the black rod in her hand had been broken into two halves.

Tsunade's reaction was not slow. She turned around and punched out with a punch full of chakra.


The earth cracked instantly, and in the gap between the earth and rocks, a plump figure appeared in front of us, it was Otsutsuki Kagetsu!

"Fire Release-Longyan sings!"Reina quickly formed seals with her hands, and several fire dragons emerged from her mouth and roared towards Hanazuki.

Hanazuki showed a sneer, stretched out her hand, and Otsutsuki's unique absorption ability began to activate, and several fire dragons instantly became invincible. There was no trace.

Reina frowned. She thought that the speed of performing the spell was already very fast, but she didn't expect that Huayue would react. Huayue fell on the broken earth, like a flower in the scorching earth, very It was eye-catching.

However, in the next second, this beautiful scene disappeared in an instant.

I saw Hua Yue sneering:"It seems that I have to deal with you quickly. Mr. Wu Shi, you are still waiting for me......"

As they said that, the three of them were surprised to find that there were several small blood stains on Hua Yue's beautiful face.


Hua Yue's face opened directly like a blooming flower!

In the blooming"flower", the blood-red flesh was clearly visible, and the blood-red tentacles spread their teeth and claws, and the tops of the blood-red tentacles were white and sharp. Bone knife.

Let alone a child, even Tsunade and Reina were frightened by this appearance.


Hua Yue's face seemed to be inhabited by a monster, and it let out a frightening roar.

"What on earth is this!"Tsunade was shocked. Even though she knew what a weird family the Otsutsuki were, she couldn't imagine that they could have such disgusting abilities!

Kaguya had nothing to say. Otsutsuki had developed in the universe for so many years and had already had countless people. The branches and abilities, the subtleties and details, let alone Kaguya, I’m afraid I can’t even remember all the divine techniques.


Huayue let out an inhuman roar, and her speed and strength seemed to have been amazingly improved.


Huayue turned into an afterimage and flew towards me. Kaguya waved his hand, and more than a dozen Dao-Seeking Jade floated around the three of them, trying to form a defense. The blood-red tentacles on Huayue's face all moved out, violently Under the ground stab attack, the powerful seeking jade was actually knocked aside.

Tsunade felt a deep sense of powerlessness. In front of Kagetsu, her role was the same as Reina's, that is, she could not help.

She attracted The medical skills that she is proud of are of no use here.

Kaguya is also very uncomfortable, because her attack method is largely due to her space ability. Tian Zhizhong and Huang Quan are better than each other. These two are the best for Kaguya. Ye's specialty is very good.

However, due to the interference of the strange martial arts ability, Kaguya's two unique skills cannot be used at all. As a result, she can only rely on her unskilled physical skills to resist.


There was a sound of a sharp object entering flesh, and a string of blood beads spurted out and sprinkled on the ground.


"Sister Kaguya!"

Tsunade and Reina shouted anxiously, and saw Kaguya's body trembling, and a tentacle with a sharp bone blade penetrated Kaguya's lower abdomen.


Kaguya opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, her whole body seemed to have lost all strength.

But even so, Kaguya still stretched out her white hand with great difficulty, and the chakra began to rotate...0 A black shield composed of the Tao Jade stood in front of Tsunade and Reina

"Hahahaha!!! Such things are useless!!!"Huayue no longer had the gentleness she had just now, and she seemed to have turned into a man-eating monster.

The next second, other tentacles also launched together. They were like cannonballs, shooting out in unison, piercing all the Tao-seeking jade shields. Wear it!

Soon, the Qiudao Jade shield collapsed, and the tentacles stretched out on Hanazuki's face aimed their sharp ends at Tsunade and Reina.

Tsunade gritted her teeth, frowned, and stretched out her hand to protect Reina. She passed away.

Could it be that she was going to die like this? (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) She finally met the person she wanted to follow forever in this life, was God just joking with her like this?

Tsunade's There were a lot of thoughts in her heart, but she still always protected Reina behind her. After getting along with each other these days, Tsunade has regarded this lovely girl as her own sister. Seeing Reina, Tsunade thought of the rope tree. I don’t want to see anything like this happen again!

"Tsunade sister....."Although Rena was a little scared, she was more dissatisfied with her own weakness.

Seeing the injured Kaguya and Tsunade standing in front of her, Reina felt an emotion she had never felt before.

If she had strong strength, then such a thing would not happen!

Crystal tears streaked down Reina's cheeks, and then, the transparent tears were suddenly covered with blood, and two eye-catching red streaks flowed on Reina's fair skin.

Even Rei 4.2 did not know that her three magatama sharingan began to rotate involuntarily, and the three scattered black magatama began to slowly merge.

Eventually, the magatama merged into a cherry blossom pattern


An evil and cold breath burst out from Reina's body.

"Reina!"Tsunade looked back, and there were two bloody tears on Reina's face, and there were complicated patterns in her blood-red eyes.

Kagetsu also noticed the movement on Reina's body, and she let out a burst of disdainful laughter. Her body was in laughter. It was shaking wildly.

No matter how strong the eyes of lower creatures were, they would never be as strong as their Otsutsuki!

To her, things like the Mangekyo Sharingan were simply waste products of the fusion of Otsutsuki's bloodline and the earth's impure bloodline. It’s not worth mentioning at all.

The chakra on Hanazuki’s body began to mobilize, and dozens of bloody and disgusting tentacles rose high, surrounding Reina and Tsunade.

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