Under the sunlight, the sharp bone blade exuded bursts of murderous aura, and the bloody tentacles connected to the bone blade reflected a burst of greasy light.

Although it wasn't there, several people still felt the smell of blood coming to their faces.

Feeling the murderous aura surrounding her, the kaleidoscope in Reina's eyes began to rotate rapidly.

The next second, Reina's dark hair suddenly began to turn white.

No! Not white!

Instead, her hair began to glow with intense white light.

Along with the blooming of white light, an extremely mysterious power suddenly broke out. In an instant, the surrounding space began to stir and spread like waves!


The bloody tentacles were scattered by this force, and even Hua Yue couldn't help but take two steps back.

At the same time, the earth suddenly began to quake, not from being hit by this force, but from real vibrations. The earthquake was truly coming from the inside out!

A ferocious ravine separated Kagyue and Reina. Kagyue had to retract all her tentacles, and then kept jumping to prevent herself from falling into the cracks in the earth. While avoiding the earthquake At the same time, she also looked at the glowing Uchiha Rena with suspicious eyes.

"this girl...What's going on?!"Kayuki was very surprised in her heart. How could Uchiha Reina, a mere 20-ball native, be able to explode with such power?!

However, if one has mastered powerful power, if he does not have a solid foundation, then that person will usually not be able to withstand it. Live the power unleashed


Reina suddenly vomited blood, and her radiant hair began to dim slowly, and finally turned into the original pitch black.

This power is very powerful, but the price is that Reina suddenly fell unconscious!

At this time, Reina only felt that her eyelids were blinding It was so heavy that my whole body almost fell to the ground.


Tsunade hugged Reina who was about to fall, feeling infinite anxiety in her heart. She began to conduct a detailed examination of Reina. After confirming that Reina was indeed fine, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tsunade, the current situation is not good....."Kaguya covered the wound on her body and said with a frown.

Following Kaguya's eyes, he saw Kaguya leaping high again, and struck again with a fierce attack.

Tsunade gritted her teeth and stood in front of Kaguya. Under Kaguya's surprised eyes, Tsunade shouted:

"You just take a good rest and I'll deal with her! After all, I was once a Sannin!"

After saying that, Tsunade clapped her hands, and the powerful aura suddenly dispersed.

"Yin Seal - Solution! Ninja Technique - Create Rebirth!"

The diamond-shaped mark on Tsunade's forehead danced like an animation in an instant, and black curse seal patterns began to spread all over her body. The diamond-shaped mark on her forehead also flashed with purple light. Soon, a massive amount of chakra filled her body Lush, the whole person's momentum has become different.

"It seems that I underestimate you lower creatures."

Kagetsu was a little surprised. She didn't expect that in thousands of years, the ninja world could actually play with chakra to such an extent. It was really surprising.

Tsunade stared at Hanayuki and shouted:"You There are so many things that are unimaginable!"After that, Tsunade bit her finger and poured blood into the earth.

"Psychic art!"


A tall cloud of white smoke rose up and enveloped the land.

The white smoke quickly dissipated, and a huge blue and white slug came into everyone's sight.

Huayue looked at the slimy slug. The slug couldn't help but exclaimed:"What is this?"...It's really disgusting."

Hearing what Hanayuki said, Tsunade looked at Hanayuki's"blooming" face, and felt that Hanayuki was more disgusting.

"Tsunade, summoning such a large body seems to be in big trouble."The slug said while turning its two tentacles. Finally, the tentacles were fixed on Huayue.

Without him, it was Huayue who was an Otsutsuki beyond the horizon. The aura exuding from her body was strange and powerful.

"This person didn’t come to our world."Slug said sharply.

Tsunade nodded, and then said:"Master Slug, the opponent is very strong, please be careful."

The slugs don't care about this. The number summoned by Tsunade only accounts for one-tenth of the original slugs. Even if they are all killed, more slugs will split into the wet bone forest.

Tsunade also values ​​​​slugs. It was this characteristic of the slug that she channeled here, because she knew that the slug could not die and there was no need to worry about being hurt by Hua Yue's attack.


The slug jumped up high, its huge figure blocked the sun, and the surrounding area of ​​Kagyue instantly fell into the rule of darkness.

Even if she was pressed down by such a huge giant, she would not feel comfortable. (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hua Yue rolled over and dodged this heavy blow.

However, it was not over yet. The huge slugs began to split in large numbers and turned into countless small slugs..

These slugs formed a huge wave and swept towards Hanazuki.

Faced with such an attack, Hanazuki could not avoid it, but she was not helpless. The Rinne Sharingan in her eyes suddenly burst out. A burst of energy.

The next second, a white halo suddenly appeared. It centered on Huayue and expanded outward.

As long as it came into contact with this white halo, all objects turned into smoke and disappeared.

Transformed into slugs. The waves of Tsunade swept over and everything that hit the aperture disappeared into thin air without exception.

A small slug attached to Tsunade's shoulder and said to Tsunade:"Tsunade, I have lost contact with many slugs. Pay attention to that weird thing." The aperture is very simple."

Tsunade frowned because she didn't know how much Kagetsu's abilities were yet to be used, but all of Tsunade's trump cards were revealed now.

Moreover, Kaguya's injuries were difficult to heal for some reason, and her combat ability was greatly reduced. And Reina is still unconscious.

Summoning the slugs this time is just a temporary measure. Tsunade can only hope that Uchiha Xiao can solve it quickly. Kagetsu set off, and she slowly walked towards Tsunade. , the surrounding white aperture also began to move as Huayue paced.

There was nothing the surrounding slugs could do, let alone get closer. Even if they sprayed acid water from a distance, the acid water would instantly touch the area of ​​the aperture. The smoke disappeared.

It was really a weird ability.

Just when Tsunade didn't know what to do, a figure suddenly walked over not far away. Kagetsu felt a familiar aura. Looking over, the figure who came over was all in white. He belonged to a noble. The veil is fluttering in the wind

"Momoshiki-sama?!"Huayue screamed in surprise when she saw the person coming.

All the blood-red tentacles returned to her face, and Huayue's gentle and beautiful face appeared again.

Momoshiki walked to Huayue without saying a word.

Huayue He was very surprised and said:"What has Master Tao Shi been doing these days? Your speed is too slow, Master Wu Shi was also sent to investigate here."

Huayue was chattering a little, and it seemed that the two had known each other before.

However, Momoshi just stared at Huayue without speaking, and the whole person was extremely silent.

Seeing that Momoshi didn't speak, Huayue immediately had a clue in her heart, and she looked towards Behind Momoshiki, she found that Jinshiki, who was usually inseparable, was missing.

She had sensed that the person in front of her was indeed Momoshiki, but the feeling it gave her was different, as if she had experienced something!

"What about Jin Shi?"Kagetsu looked at Momoshi, but Mooshi's face was still expressionless. The next second, Momoshi's Adam's apple began to tremble, and words fell out of Mooshi's mouth.

"Run away!".

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