
There were roars from the dilapidated palace in the distance, like thunder deep in the clouds.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"Four figures flashed in an instant and rushed towards the palace.

Tsunade was healing Kaguya while taking care of the fainted Reina.

"Shinra Tianzheng!"

Uchiha Xiao stretched out his hand, and a strong shock wave roared away. Then, Uchiha Xiao quickly went around to the other side and attacked Wu Shi from another angle.

Faced with the two-two attack, Wu Shi was not afraid at all, and a burst of energy bloomed in his hand. With a ray of light, he held the light in his hand and poured it into the earth.

In an instant, infinite wailing sounds suddenly sounded from the ground. The battlefield seemed to have fallen into a super-large funeral, and the sounds of wailing could be heard all around.

"It seems that this land contains countless evils~" Wu Shi smiled, raised his hand, and countless rays of light emerged from the ground, and then the rays of light turned into humanoid shapes. Most of these humanoid figures were wearing Konoha clothes. Ninja clothing.

This is the Samsara Sharingan ability of Wu style, which can summon the dead souls of a specific land.

Uchiha Xiao showed a sneer:"It's just killing them again, not worth mentioning."

However, at this time, Uchiha Xiao was surprised to find that ordinary attacks had no effect on these dead souls.

Instead, the dead souls could attack Uchiha Xiao. This feeling was like Obito's Mangekyō Sharingan, which was blurred. Same.

Although these dead souls cannot harm Uchiha Xiao, they are still 433 a kind of interference, and martial arts physical skills and strength are not weak. Under such circumstances, Uchiha Xiao can't even cope with it.

"Wanshan Fist!"The light condensed on Wu Shi's fist, and Wu Shi's eyes flashed with fighting spirit, and he punched Uchiha Xiao.

"Susanoo!"A red light emerged on Uchiha Xiao's body, and a huge skeleton suddenly appeared, blocking Wu Shi's fist.

"Click! boom!"

With just one punch, the hard Susanoo shattered immediately!

"This is not possible! Earthling!"A trace of disappointment flashed across Wu Shi's eyes. He thought Uchiha Xiao had some trump card, but he didn't expect that he was just a weak chakra giant. With a thought in Wu Shi's mind, all the dead souls around him disappeared, and at the same time, something appeared in his hand. A long sword bloomed with golden light.

The long sword turned into a golden stream of light and stabbed Uchiha Xiao quickly.

In Wu Shi's view, this blow could have decapitated Uchiha Xiao.

However, the next second, Uchiha Bo Xiao's eyes turned into the pattern of Fuma Shuriken


The sharp sound of breaking through the air reached Uchiha Xiao's ears. The golden lightsaber did hit Uchiha Xiao, but it did miss!

Looking at Wu Shi's shocked expression, Uchiha Xiao said :

"I'm so sorry to disappoint you (cafj)...."

After saying that, the virtualization ability ended, and Uchiha Xiao turned into a physical entity again. He raised his foot, chakra condensed rapidly, and kicked into Wu Shi's chest.

"boom! call out!"

Wushi was knocked away by Uchiha Xiao again, but this kick seemed powerful, but it was far from the shock of Uchiha Xiao's punch just now.

Wu Shi directly hit his body in mid-air. He stabilized and landed firmly on the ground.

He stretched out his hand and gracefully patted the place where Uchiha Xiao had just kicked.

"Are you actually hiding your secrets in front of me?...interesting."Wushi murmured, but Uchiha Xiao didn't reply.

The next second, Wu Shi's eyes suddenly changed color, from red to green!

Seeing Wu Shi's appearance, Uchiha Xiao became vigilant. He knew that each Otsutsuki's abilities were different, and the martial arts abilities were likely to be very weird!


Wushi took action, he raised his hands, and a golden thin line flew straight over. Uchiha Xiao rolled to avoid the golden thread.

However, Wu Shi's attack came immediately after, and he saw Wu Shi's ten A golden thread appeared on every finger. There were ten golden threads in total, stretching infinitely and curling towards Uchiha Xiao. The speed of the golden thread was very fast. Uchiha Xiao's speed was already as fast as lightning, but his speed was also Just the same as the gold line


Uchiha Xiao took out a black stick and wanted to open all the approaching golden threads.

At this time, Uchiha Xiao had a flash of light. Almost instantly, black lines appeared on his face.

Wu style brows One challenge:"What is this power?!"Although he has only lived for a few hundred years, he thinks he has seen a lot of things.

However, the energy that burst out from Uchiha Xiao's body is really unheard of for him! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Uchiha Xiao snorted, and then smiled:"Alien, let you feel the original power from this planet!!!"

As he said that, the vitality as strong as the forest showed up in Uchiha Xiao. Wu Shi just glanced over and seemed to see all kinds of things appearing in front of him!

"Immortal method-Samadhi True Fire!"

Uchiha Xiao opened his mouth and spit out flames. However, this flame did not show red or yellow light like ordinary flames, but bloomed with a beautiful white color.

Wu Shi stretched out his hand and sneered:"No matter how strong it is, it is only Can be sucked by me....."However, before he finished speaking, he discovered that the absorption function didn't work!

Fortunately, the martial arts speed was quite fast, and he was able to dodge the white flames at the critical moment.

The white flames fell on the ground and made a sound like an explosion. The burning fire looked very scary.

"Is it this kind of energy that cannot be absorbed again? This planet really brought me a lot of surprises...."Wu Shi murmured.

Senjutsu is an energy system completely different from chakra, and it has great restraint on Otsutsuki, the source of chakra.

However, Uchiha Xiao's attack did not end. He opened his mouth slightly and the purple light shot towards Wu Shi rapidly.

"Immortal method - Lan Dunguangya!"

Facing the speeding purple laser, Wu Shi did not dare to neglect. With a wave of his hand, a black portal appeared instantly, and a black cube immediately appeared from it.

Uchiha Xiao recognized it. He remembered the name of this thing. There are also many stored in the space. It seems that many Otsutsuki people use this black cube as a means of defense.

Soon, Lan Dunguangya hit the cube, but it had no effect. The cube was still as strong as ever, and even There aren't even any traces!

The cube is still looking brand new!

Wu Shi knew that Uchiha Xiao's attack had no effect, so he said with great shame:"Your attack has no effect, Earthling."

At this time, Uchiha Xiao's voice came over


The next second, Wu Shi noticed that the surrounding environment flickered a few times. Just when he was confused, he saw that the dark cube in front of him suddenly disappeared! It was replaced by Uchiha Xiao's handsome face.

Uchiha Xiao flew and kicked After launching a kick, Wu Shi raised his arms to block, but this kick was originally Uchiha Xiao's cover. Uchiha

Xiao's stature suddenly dwarfed, and a sweeping kick hit Wu Shi's legs, causing him to lose control. The martial arts style will make the whole person fall to the ground.

"Shadow dancing leaves!"

Uchiha Xiao suddenly raised his leg, and his powerful kick directly knocked Wu Shi into the air.

In mid-air, Wu Shi grinned. He waved his hands, and countless black sticks emerged in the sky, fiercely attacking Uchiha Xiao. pierce the ground


Uchiha Xiao directly used the virtualization ability, and all the black rods passed over his body, but it did not cause any damage.

When he came to the martial arts, Uchiha Xiao raised his hand to attack.

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