However, at this moment, a sound broke through the air from behind.

It turned out that Wu Shi secretly hid several black sticks in order to hurt Uchiha Xiao at this moment.

Uchiha Xiao's body rotated rapidly, and the blue chakra light turned into the shape of a ball.

"Back to the days!"

Uchiha Xiao directly used Kaiten to scatter all the black sticks.

For the current Uchiha Xiao, it is not difficult for him to learn all the ninjutsu in the ninja world, and there is no problem in small Kaiten.

Uchiha Xiao will Wu Shi's carbine was scattered, and Wu Shi took this opportunity to escape.

He fell from the air to the ground. In this short period of time, his hands condensed a golden light wave and shot towards Uchiha Xiao.

And just at this time, Uchiha Xiao's hands were also flashing with dazzling white light

"Dust Escape - Limitation - Peeling Technique!"

Two light waves, one gold and one white, suddenly collided, and a strong halo suddenly expanded, and the light even shone on the huge Ming Ninja Village.

This made the Ming Ninja Village, which was already in the daytime, a little brighter, and the followers The light came with a visible halo, and the halo swept across the Ming Ninja Village.

In an instant, except for the relatively solid buildings, all other private houses and ancient buildings collapsed under this halo!

For a moment, Ming Ninja Smoke and dust billowed from the village, and the rumbling sound spread for ten miles around the village.

Fortunately, the villagers of Mingren Village evacuated early. Hundreds of thousands of people hid in a huge air-raid shelter underground and were not affected by the halo's attack. Arrive.

Uchiha Xiao fell to the ground, and from the corner of his eye he saw smoke rising in the village.

He turned his attention to the martial arts.

This guy's strength really should not be underestimated.

Even though Uchiha Xiao fought so easily, it felt like The martial arts style is not strong. In fact, the martial arts style is stronger than the ghost style.

However, the difference between the strength of the ghost style and the martial arts style is not very big.

And Uchiha Xiao, who is already very powerful, is absorbing After mastering the abilities and power of Ghost Style, it is natural that his strength exceeds that of

Wu Style. Wu Style looked ugly, and he seemed to have guessed this.

His strength is actually very powerful, but the degree of damage caused by fighting is actually not great. Wu Shi's moves are more suitable for individual combat.

However, such a person who is very powerful in single combat is still slightly inadequate against Uchiha Xiao!

This made Wu Shi feel dissatisfied, despite his appearance. He and Uchiha Xiao looked sympathetic to each other, but in his heart he still discriminated against non-Otsutsuki people.

He looked at Uchiha Xiao's extremely indifferent face, and an unknown anger arose in his heart. In his hands Bursts of golden light were released again.

At this moment, several figures suddenly appeared, interrupting Wu Shi's movements.

Several fell around Wu Shi, forming an encirclement.

Wu Shi looked around Several people with smiles on their faces:

"You guys, what do you mean, are you going to betray your people?"The green Rinne Sharingan suddenly appeared in Wu Shi's eyes, with murderous intent like a sharp sword.

Momoshi and the others did not speak. They could not explain themselves even if they wanted to, because they were all controlled by Uchiha Xiao at the moment. Living


Jin Shi took the lead, his arm split open, and the twenty-turn Gatling appeared in front of Wu Shi.

Seeing this scene, Wu Shi was immediately confused. When the sensor was released and found that there was no chakra fluctuation, he became even more confused. Got it

"What are you...."

However, Jin Shi didn't wait for Wu Shi to finish his words and directly launched Gatling's attack.

"Blah blah blah!!!"The dense firing sounds gathered together to form an extremely cheerful sound. Blue flames continued to bloom, and bullets covered Wu Shi like rain.

Wu Shi snorted coldly, and the golden light directly enveloped his body, giving him a He added a layer of hard outer shell.

The bullets poured out crazily on Wu Shi's body. Wu Shi's expression was as normal. He didn't think his shield would be broken like this.

In his opinion, these bullets even contained chakra. There is no meaning, it must be just some strange skills.

However, after living for hundreds of years in martial arts, the understanding of technology is really lagging behind.

Each of these bullets can crack monuments and rocks, and in one second, this weapon can increase the number of weapons. Trin can fire three hundred rounds! In these ten seconds, three thousand rounds of bullets were shot on Wu Shi's shield.

And the bullets were shot at one point very accurately.

In this situation Down, the hard golden light shield was directly broken within a few seconds.

Wu Shi was surprised and quickly dodged.

He turned into an afterimage, and the speed was so fast that Jin Shi's eyes couldn't keep up. Gatling's The bullets also began to shoot randomly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Wu Shi soared into the sky like a kite, and then his toes caught the strong wind and landed directly on Jin Shi's chest.


The sound of gold and iron echoed around, and Wu Shi frowned when he felt the hard touch coming from his toes.

This touch...It's a machine!

Wu Shi changed his attack method and kicked Jin Shi in the head.

This time Jin Shi did not choose to resist, but turned his head to dodge the attack. The breeze brought by the attack made Jin Shi's hair fly.

Jin Shi felt a little regretful when he saw that Wu Shi did not kill him.

0Please ask for flowers0

He wanted to die by Wu Shi's hands, but it was no use. His body still automatically avoided Wu Shi's attack.

Nothing else, because his act of seeking death violated the third law of the three laws of cloning, which is to protect yourself as much as possible without violating the first and second laws.

Wu Shi's heart was not very peaceful.

He couldn't believe that Jinshiki's body had actually been transformed into a machine. They, the Otsutsuki people, regarded their own bodies as the most powerful material in the entire ninja world!

How is it possible to do these body modifications?!

And the more I thought about martial arts, the more something felt wrong.

He knew Jinshi, and Jinshi's loyalty to Otsutsuki was ranked high in the entire clan.

To put it bluntly, even if Otsutsuki Takeshiki rebelled, Jinshiki should not have rebelled.

At this time, a conjecture appeared in Wu Shi's heart.

But as soon as this conjecture appeared, Wu Shi couldn't believe it in his heart.

Compared to betrayal, this conjecture is even less likely!

At this time, Ushiki took action. He broke off his hand, and countless missiles shot out from it, with tails of smoke, attacking Wushi from all directions and angles.

Wu Shi calmly dodged the attack, and then quickly approached Ghost Shi

"Hello! Old ghost, what's going on? You won't really rebel, will you?"Wu Shi was like an old ghost as soon as he spoke. Obviously, his relationship with Gui Shi was not very good.

However, Gui Shi, who usually talked back sarcastically, was surprised not to speak at this moment, but the anger in his eyes was the same as before.

Look. At this scene, Wu Shi's eyes flashed with surprise.


Ghost Shi punched, and the strong wind of the punch brushed Wu Shi's cheek. Wu Shi launched a spinning kick towards Ghost Shi.

Ghost Shi blocked the kick, and powerful physical skills began to be released to Wu Shi.

Wu Shi Then he blocked all the ghost style moves with punches and kicks. His fists and feet turned into afterimages and collided wildly. Waves of air surged and blew a breeze. What others did not notice was that the ghost style and the martial arts style were intertwined. During the fight, the two parties looked at each other and kept blinking.

After a while, Wu Shi's face showed a look of surprise.


Wu Shi kicked Oni Shi away. Although he won the fight, Wu Shi did not feel happy.

Instead, the shock on his face remained undiminished, and he turned his attention to Uchiha Xiao.

Feeling the gaze, Uchiha Xiao turned his eyes away and saw Wu Shizheng looking at him in disbelief:

"You guy is really a devil!".

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