In the original plot, the Chakra Cannon was a powerful weapon developed by the Cloud Hidden Village in the Land of Thunder. The only time it appeared was in the theatrical version of the Naruto anime.

According to Raikage Ai, the power of the chakra cannon can even shatter the moon!

This kind of power is really amazing. You must know that the powerful Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion can only cut the moon in half, but it has not yet reached the power of crushing the moon!

Regarding this chakra cannon, Uchiha Xiao has always had some thoughts in his mind. Among other things, such power is very effective against Otsutsuki.

When Uchiha Xiao was searching for the inheritance of Yunyin Village, he discovered the drawings of Chuck-La Cannon.

Uchiha Xiao did not expect that Kumogakure Village would develop a chakra cannon so early. He just didn't know which ninja village the muzzle of this cannon was aimed at.

Uchiha Xiao added a lot of his own ideas to this drawing, which greatly improved the portability and power of the chakra cannon.

The incandescent lamp in the workshop polishes the luster of the chakra cannon very well

"Is there any natural energy infused into it?"Uchiha Xiao suddenly asked.

After all, this is to deal with Otsutsuki. If the enemy reacts quickly enough, it can absorb all the energy of the chakra cannon.

So in order to respond better, Uchiha Xiao suggested Instilling natural energy into the chakra cannon.

He used powerful sealing techniques to create a core that could absorb natural energy indefinitely, while Orochimaru and Amado created a sophisticated machine to protect the core.

Then The machine continuously extracts the natural energy in the core to the maximum extent, and then installs it into black boxes. This black box is equivalent to the bullet of the chakra cannon.

Each black box can support the full force firing of the chakra cannon ten times!


In Uchiha Xiao's expectant eyes, the door of the workshop slowly opened, and the chakra cannon was pushed out


There was a sound of machinery, and the barrel of the chakra cannon began to move, aiming at the mountain several hundred meters high in the distance.

There is a screen behind the cannon that displays various data about the cannon.

Amado stepped forward and pressed the red button. The next second, the countdown immediately started on the screen, and at the same time, a blue light bloomed from the muzzle.


The light from the muzzle became more and more powerful, and an extremely powerful force gradually climbed up. At this moment, even Uchiha Xiao felt a hint of threat from the chakra cannon.

Although it was only a trace, it was enough to surprise Uchiha Xiao..Finally

, the countdown on the screen changed to"0"

"call out!!!"

A blue light wave suddenly emitted. As the light wave was emitted, there was a powerful impact all around, which made the clothes of the people present rattle.

The light wave rushed towards the distant mountain peaks, passing by A deep ravine appeared everywhere, and finally, the light wave hit the mountain peak in the distance.

The next second, several ferocious cracks suddenly appeared on the tall mountain peak, with azure light shining through the cracks, and then, blue The light grew bigger and bigger, and the mountain peak exploded.


At this time, the sound of the mountain explosion belatedly reached everyone's ears.

Orochimaru said:"The power of the Chakra Cannon can be adjusted. The shot just now was five points higher than the Chakra Cannon. With the power of one, if you use all your strength, it will not be a problem to destroy the moon."

After seeing the power of the chakra cannon, Uchiha Xiao couldn't help but nodded, and his tense mood relaxed a little.

"How many chakra cannons have been built?"Uchiha Xiao asked

"This is the first one, and there are still areas that can be improved."Orochimaru was thinking in his mind.

"When can such a cannon be mass-produced? The timing of the Otsutsuki attack is uncertain."Uchiha Xiao continued to ask.

Orochimaru stretched out his long tongue and licked around:"If we continue to keep this financial tilt, we can build the cross in half a year, and achieve mass production in a year!"

In one year, this speed is already very fast.

Under Uchiha Xiao's plan, a full 20% of the country's total GDP is tilted towards military spending!

Even though 20% doesn't seem like much, , but for ordinary ordinary countries, five percent is already very amazing, let alone twenty percent?!

Under such a financial tilt, the military weapons and technological levels of the entire ninja world can be It sounds like things are changing with each passing day.

But even so, Uchiha Xiao still frowned.

Seeing Uchiha Xiao's expression, Orochimaru's heart sank. If even this speed and development can make Uchiha If Bo Xiao felt worried, Orochimaru could not imagine how powerful the enemy would be in the future.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit dull, Amado took two steps forward and said,"Master Xiao, although the chakra cannon cannot reach the limit, However, I have some good inventions that can be mass-produced."

Hearing what Amado said, Uchiha Xiao became interested. You know, Amado is known as a genius scientist. If such a genius said a"good invention", it must be very good. Something!

"Take me to see it!"

Uchiha Xiao followed Amado to his laboratory. He saw that everything in Amado's laboratory was arranged in an orderly manner, and on the table, a pair of green gloves looked extremely eye-catching. (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

0 Asking for flowers

Amado stepped forward, held up the glove, and then introduced it.

To put it simply, this glove is very specific to Otsutsuki. It can not only It isolates and rebounds chakra attacks, and it also contains a very special poison gas that can be released at any time.

"poison gas? Do our soldiers need to wear gas masks?"Uchiha Xiao asked.

After hearing Uchiha Xiao's words, Amado's glasses suddenly reflected a strange light.

"This is my latest research, genetic weapons."

Hearing the words genetic weapons, Uchiha Xiao's heart was touched. He had heard this word a lot in his previous life, but until he traveled through time, there was no definite information that such a thing had been developed.

Uchiha Xiao His eyes showed interest.

If Amado really researched the genetic weapon he imagined, it would be much easier to deal with Otsutsuki.

Sure enough, Amado lived up to expectations and directly told the research process.

Ah After Mado learned that the so-called Otsutsuki were aliens, he became very interested in their body structure and cells.

Not long ago, Kagetsu was captured alive, and Uchiha Xiao was using Kagete's power After absorbing all of it, he no longer cared about Hanayue's life and death.

Amado applied for Hanayue's body, and after many days of experiments, he finally developed this genetic weapon.

Because Otsutsuki is a foreigner after all. Even though the human body structures of Star People are very similar, there are still many differences.

And Amado discovered the genetic differences between Otsutsuki Kagetsu and Earthlings from the body of Otsutsuki Kagetsu.

Then Amado can use these differences to genes to create very targeted biological viruses. These biological viruses are non-toxic and harmless to people on earth, but they are the most deadly to Otsutsuki!

Hearing Amado explain how he Genetic weapons, Uchiha Xiao's eyes shone brightly. He knew Amado was a genius, but he didn't expect Amado to be such a genius.

Orochimaru also looked surprised. He highly recognized Amado's scientific research ability. , and even surpassed him in some aspects, but he still did not expect that Amado would actually create such a heaven-defying weapon.

After receiving the recognition, Amado showed a smile on his face:"To be appreciated by Mr. Xiao, I'm also very happy. In fact, besides this glove, there are many other ideas being put into research. I believe that in a year's time....."

Amado's eyes flashed with a hint of fanaticism that was different from his character:"In one year, Mr. Xiao will be able to see new and shocking changes!"

"If Otsutsuki's attack will be later, my technology will teach them that there is no return!".

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