Under Uchiha Xiao's plan, the entire country began to move at high speed.

He no longer hid it, and the deeds and information about Otsutsuki were spread throughout the Kingdom of Ming through newspapers and television.

For a time, the whole country was in an uproar. The people did not expect that the real enemy was not inside, but outside the stars!

Originally, many people were still dissatisfied with Uchiha Xiao. Even though the entire ninja world was unified into one country, why did they still develop the military so vigorously? Why not take care of people's livelihood?

Many people complained about this, but due to Uchiha Xiao's terrifying strength, they did not dare to say anything.

But now they know that their planet is not alone in the universe. There are even a group of aliens in the distant stars who want to destroy the earth!

Can the people still tolerate it?

Soon, the people spontaneously mobilized the"760", and they even volunteered to participate in the construction of various projects.

The entire ninja world has fallen into a kind of fanaticism, a kind of fanaticism to resist foreign enemies and dare to be the first!

In the Ming Ninja Village, under Uchiha Xiao Yanyan, there is an inconspicuous tall building.

After the luxurious palace was destroyed, Uchiha Xiao asked engineers to build this ordinary-looking high-rise building.

For him, no matter what kind of buildings they are, they are all the same.

"seize seize seize....."

A knocking sound came from the window behind him. Uchiha Xiao stretched out his hand to open the window, and the majestic eagle flew onto Uchiha Xiao's shoulder.

"Mr. Xiao, the people are very enthusiastic and even actively demand an increase in taxes."Eagle's voice was a little exciting. Uchiha Xiao was so supported that he, a psychic beast, felt proud.

Listening to Eagle's words, Uchiha Xiao had a smile on his face.

How can a country be durable and strong?

That is to establish an enemy, an external enemy, an enemy that is a complete threat to the people of the country.

In this case, the people will automatically ignore the existing internal problems and focus on the outside world.

Otsutsuki is the best person to unite people. Tool.

Uchiha Xiao knew that in such a united environment, it would be a big loss if he didn't do something.

He took out a scroll and wrote the order to increase taxes, and by the way, he continued to increase military expenditures.

The original military expenditure was raised directly from 20% of GDP to 30%!

After issuing these orders, Uchiha Xiao turned his chair and turned his body to the back. The large floor-to-ceiling windows showed the entire Mingnin Village. He closed his eyes.

Uchiha Xiao stood up from his seat and looked at the sky outside the window. His eyes gradually became sharp:

"Otsutsuki, come a little slower, a little slower, and you can see the best gift I have prepared for you!"

Time flies, and more than two years have passed since the last Otsutsuki invasion.

In these two years, the ninja world has ushered in unprecedented unity, and all the people's atmosphere for military construction has been unprecedentedly high.

With the help of people and the strategic management of Uchiha Xiao, the technological and military level of the entire ninja world has grown significantly! The first satellite of the ninja world was launched half a year ago. After its success, more satellites were sent to

These satellites do not contain chakra and are purely technological creations. Moreover, these satellites are equipped with various sensing tools and cameras to ensure that they can capture everything that is wrong around them. Relying on this

, the Kingdom of Ming responded to the arrival of Otsutsuki. It can respond faster and will not be as sluggish as before.

The chakra cannons mentioned earlier have also been mass-produced. Chakra cannons are already scattered in major places on the entire planet.

These cannons are equipped with space telescopes , you can clearly see enemies in outer space, and even directly locate and launch them, which is very convenient!

And the development of the military goes far beyond these large weapons. In terms of individual soldiers, the ninja world has also made great progress.

The entire ninja world, as long as All working ninjas can receive an exoskeleton device.

Wearing it on the body can not only provide defense, but also have a variety of fighting methods.


A newly appointed ninja received an exoskeleton device. Under the sunlight, the military green exoskeleton reflected a beautiful light.

"So handsome!"The ninja put on the exoskeleton and felt that his appearance had improved a lot.

He stretched out his hands, a green glove wrapped his hands, pinched them with his index finger and thumb, and a colorless and odorless gas Sprayed out, this was the genetic weapon developed by Amado two years ago to target Otsutsuki... 0 waved his hand again, and a tube shot out from his wrist. The next second, a blazing red light appeared at the mouth of the tube. appear


A red laser shoots out from the tube, and wherever the laser passes it draws a black mark. Even hard stones will be shattered.

Some people may think this looks familiar. Yes, this is a clone. Momoshiki's modified weapon. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At first, this weapon belonged to Momoshiki alone, but now it has become popular in the military.

As for the source of the flame, it is very simple.

In a few years A few months ago, Uchiha Xiao led people to find a huge extinct volcano. He controlled Susanoo and blasted the extinct volcano to life.

After the huge volcano was activated, Uchiha Xiao The sealing technique was planted there. This sealing technique is connected to every ninja's exoskeleton. As long as he wants to use it, infinite volcanic flames will spurt out! The exoskeleton equipment is much more than that.

Specialized Smoke-free dust to prevent see-through, thermal imaging sensors, portable submachine guns, and even they are equipped with a seal scroll, which contains a powerful attack. Immortal method - Samadhi True Fire!

If you encounter a strong enemy, you can unlock it The seal of the scroll, and the flames with natural energy cast by Uchiha Xiao himself, will immediately spurt out!

As long as the opponent is not a powerful Otsutsuki like the martial arts, then the Samadhi True Fire can generally bring about a very effective attack!

The appearance of Ming Ninja Village has not changed much in 3.8, but that is only on the surface. As long as there is an enemy attack, a light curtain made of pure technology will appear in Ming Ninja Village.

Huge air raid shelter openings will also appear. In order to allow people to take refuge.

The current strength of the ninja world is much faster than that of the ninja world three or four years ago.

If two time and space collide, then the current time and space can completely replace the ninja world in any previous time period. Beaten


A white figure flew past. His appearance was pale, and his pair of pure white pupils looked very frightening.

The Mingren Village has long been accustomed to this person. They all know that this person is called Otsutsuki Momoshiki, and he is Mr. Xiao. His subordinates.

In the past two years, after inhumane training and countless human transformations, Taoshi's current strength is even more powerful than before!

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