Not only Momoshiki, but also Otsutsuki F4's strength has been greatly improved, but no matter how strong they are, they can only submit obediently to Uchiha Xiao's tight spell.

After all, the Tightening Curse is a spell that penetrates the soul, and they have no way to break it. Therefore, in the past two years or so, they can only accept their fate, and then act as protective officers to protect the Ming Ninja Village conscientiously.

Momoshi walked to a ramen restaurant and found a huge figure eating and drinking in the noodle restaurant.

"Golden style?"

Taoshi walked over and opened the door curtain, only to see a familiar huge figure feasting on the sea bowl in front of him. There were already more than 20 bowls piled high on the side of the table.

"Sir, how are you? Are you full?"The boss's voice is very bold.

"That's about right. I'm seven to eighty percent full.....Momoshiki-sama?!"Jinshi was talking to the boss. Suddenly, he noticed the figure behind him.

Taoshi waved his hand expressionlessly:"I didn't know you had this preference. You eat your food, and I have to go on patrol."

Speaking, TaoHe walked out of the ramen shop without looking back.

Jin Shi stood up suddenly and wanted to explain to Tao Shi, but the boss suddenly appeared in front of Jin Shi

"Hey, this guest, I have a small business, I don’t accept 20 yuan credit!"

Jin Shih hurriedly poked his head out of the store door and found that Tao Shi's figure had disappeared.

Feeling Jin Shi's angry gaze, the boss swallowed his saliva and felt a little frightened in his heart.

Jin Shi snorted coldly:"Humph! one more bowl!"

"ah...Unexpectedly, even the golden style has changed. I thought it was just me."Taoshi walked leisurely on the street, with a relaxed look on her face that she had never seen before.

If she didn't say anything, who would know how unruly the person in front of her was.

Walking on the street, Taoshi suddenly felt a dozen glares from around her.

"Ah~ Master Momoshi~ You are so handsome~" A voice full of energy and shyness sounded. Momoshi looked over and saw a dozen girls running over with pink faces.

Mooshi suddenly shuddered, He left there in an instant.

Momoshiki's figure kept flashing, and finally came to Uchiha Xiao's Yanyan

"call...Earth girls are really difficult to deal with."Taoshi murmured. He didn't seem to notice that his name for the people on earth changed from"lower creatures" to"people on earth."

Although there was still a sense of alienation, there was no longer that feeling in his words. Discrimination and disgust.

He stood on Yanyan, overlooking the prosperous Mingren Village. Although the country was in a state of war preparation, it was still very prosperous.


A gust of breeze came, and Tao Shi closed her eyes, and a relaxed and free feeling came from the bottom of her heart.

I don't know when, Tao Shi fell in love with this feeling, as if he came out of a hard training. When we arrived at Yanyan, a breeze happened to blow by.

That wind seemed to blow the noise of thousands of lights into Taoshi's ears, and seemed to blow away the hatred for the ninja world in his heart. Everything was blown away.

For the first time, Momoshiki doubted Otsutsuki's lifestyle. Is it really right to be busy getting stronger every day?

Momoshiki's heart is very complicated, and he doesn't know how to treat his mood.

Just when Taoshi was upset, suddenly, a strange feeling sounded in her heart.

Taoshi suddenly looked up and saw that the blue sky was dotted with a few white clouds, and nothing happened above the sky.

"Is it an illusion?...Alas, I don’t know when I will be able to return to my clan."Taoshi murmured.

In the dark sky, a spaceship was slowly approaching. The style of the spacecraft was very simple, like a palace.

At this time, a dozen white figures walked out of the cabin. As soon as they came out, they saw Earth.

The blue light shines like a goddess in the deep black sky.

"Is this the earth?"

"Quite beautiful~"

"I just like to see such a beautiful planet turned into scorched earth!"

More than a dozen people were talking to each other, and their words were full of contempt and disdain for the earth.

At this moment, a cold snort came from behind them.

"Mr. Wu Shi."

Everyone saluted when they saw the visitor.

There was no way, Otsutsuki Wushi was the oldest person in Otsutsuki now.

Wushi looked at the blue earth and said in a deep voice:"Gods of Takamagahara, Don't underestimate your enemies. Throughout the ages, have there been few cases of killing gods?"

Wushi's voice was dull, but it sounded sonorous and powerful.

A dozen Otsutsuki nodded in agreement, but their expressions were respectful, but in their hearts they were very disdainful. Momoshiki and the others will fail because they are too weak. Forget it, that kind of trash should be eliminated from the noble status! Get out of Takamagahara! Otsutsuki, who preys on the weak, will not tolerate that kind of trash!

Soon, the spacecraft was getting closer and closer to the earth, and the next second, the spacecraft stopped, A dozen figures walked out of the spacecraft. They stepped on the deep space and floated in the deep space.

A long-haired Otsutsuki looked at the earth and complained unconvincingly:"It's obviously a small planet. I don't know why. Such a large number of troops were mobilized, and they were all from Gao Tianyuan.

Another female Otsutsuki said immediately:"Stop talking, we are the advance team, don't embarrass Mr. Kamishi!"

The long-haired Otsutsuki looked back helplessly and saw that in addition to their spaceship, there were two more people following behind. There are a dozen Otsutsuki in these two spaceships.

For this battle to conquer the earth, Otsutsuki Kamishi directly sent fifty powerful Otsutsuki warriors.

Moreover, all three spaceships have a powerful captain. The captain of the advance team is Otsutsuki Ishiki's father, Otsutsuki Mushiki.

The other two ships are Otsutsuki Takeshi, the current star of Kamishiki, and Otsutsuki Kamishiki's other confidant, Otsutsuki Mizukage.

The strength of these three people is among the best in the entire Otsutsuki. To conquer this small planet is indeed like swatting mosquitoes with a cannon.

But the three people who knew the inside story didn't think so. Just saying that Uchiha Xiao on Earth could kill Demon Shiki and Wu Shiki alone, and enslave Momoshiki and four others. His strength must not be underestimated.

Wu Shi looked at Earth 440, anger arose in his heart, and the anger was transmitted to his face, making his facial features extremely ferocious.

"Uchiha Xiao, I, Otsutsuki Takeki, am here for revenge!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


The heavy rain fell in patter, and along with the heavy rain, a thick fog rose up, covering the huge city.

The neon lights on the high-rise buildings gave off a hazy glow in the thick fog, which was psychedelic to watch.

This was the Kirigakure Village of the Water Country, and now it is the Kirigakure Village of Kirigakure. It is managed by Obito Uchiha.

With the development over the years, Kirigakure Village has also built high-rise buildings and has the neon lights of the city. It can be said that the situation is very good.

But now Obito has a serious look on his face. At this time, he is at the astronomical station in Kirigakure Village.

Because in order to expand the scope, astronomical stations have been set up in the five major countries of the Ninja World to better observe whether Otsutsuki is attacking.

"Master Obito, please take a look, this is radar data from outer space satellites!"

A staff member in a white robe brought out the radar and showed it to Obito.

Obito looked at the dozens of dense light spots on the radar and thought something was wrong.

"Are you sure it's a living thing? Could it be a meteorite or space junk? Obito asked cautiously.

The staff member replied:"The target is about to enter the shooting location. We will know later whether it is a living creature or not.""

After a while, the machine next to it suddenly glowed with green light, and the next second, several warm photos came out of the machine's mouth.

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