Otsutsuki Wushi's eyes widened and he said in disbelief:"What, what is going on?!"

Otsutsuki Shuijing moved back a little, and he said solemnly:"This seems to be some kind of virus!"

Wu Shi also realized something was wrong, and soon he felt a sudden weight on his shoulders, as if something heavy was pressing down on him.

"Is this feeling like poisoning?"Wu Shi felt the changes on his body, and he looked at the imperial soldiers in surprise.

But these imperial soldiers were safe, and all of them showed happy expressions.

These earthlings were obviously breathing, why? But he wasn't poisoned like them?!

But fortunately, Wu Shi's physical fitness was very good, and the attack of the genetic weapon did not have a great impact on him.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed over from the side.

This person was It's Uoyuki Xiyan. She has been waiting aside for a long time, waiting for Wu Shi to show symptoms of being attacked by genetic weapons!

Now is the time!

The light of the blade pierced Wu Shi's eyes, almost blinking. In the blink of an eye, Uzuki Yugan came to Takeshi's side.

Although Uozuki Yuyan's speed has been greatly improved, although Otsutsuki Takeshi was infected by the genetic weapon virus, although her attack was unexpected.....However, none of these factors can make up for the fact that the strength of Wu Style!

Maoyue Xiyan didn't realize how big the gap in strength between her and Wu Shi was!


Golden light suddenly appeared, and the dazzling golden light made Uoyue Xiyan have to close her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, she found that the knife in her hand had turned into fragments floating around, and at the same time, her abdomen was also There was a sharp pain

"it's over."Wushi's eyes were indifferent, and the lightsaber in his hand was firmly pierced into Uoyue Xiyan's abdomen.

"Mao Yue!"The ninja who knew Uzuki Xiyan began to cry out sadly.

"cough....."Maoyue Xiyan coughed a few times, and blood mixed with minced meat spurted out of her mouth.

Wu Shi grabbed the lightsaber and slowly moved the lightsaber upwards


The position of the lightsaber reached the chest. The severe pain made Uoyue Xiyan's expression almost wrinkle together.

Before long, the lightsaber would directly cut Uoyuki Xiyan's head in half.

Wu Shi watched The mighty and domineering Wu Shi could not help but nod in admiration:"Kami Shiki-sama told me that Wu Shi is the most likely to become the next Otsutsuki god. I didn't quite believe it at first, but now it seems that he is really young and talented. Why."

Shui Jing leaned casually against the side of the spaceship, and he said lazily:"Well, if he hadn't been repaired by that Uchiha Xiao before, he wouldn't have worked hard to practice with concentration."

Wushi let out a laugh unique to the elderly:"Hahaha...It seems we have to thank the Earthling."

Mao Yue Xiyan's eyes gradually became distracted, the picture in her perspective gradually blurred, and finally a person's face gradually appeared clearly.


Maoyue Xiyan subconsciously called out the name of her former lover, her eyes filled with longing.

"...."The movement of Wu Shi's hand suddenly stopped, as if he was affected by Uoyue Xiyan's emotion that was almost overflowing.

And just when he suddenly stopped moving, a figure suddenly appeared next to him.


A strong force suddenly grabbed Wu Shi's hand.

Wu Shi looked over in surprise and saw that the face in front of him was none other than the Uchiha Xiao he had thought about so much!

"I didn't expect you to be quite sentimental."Uchiha Xiao still showed a mocking smile.

Wu Shi did not speak, but his eyes lit up with excitement. Looking at Uchiha Xiao's face, he clenched his fists

"Buzz!"The golden light instantly enveloped Wu Shi's fist, and Wu Shi looked excited.

Over the past two years, he has been practicing crazily, just for this moment, to completely defeat Uchiha Xiao!

However, before the fist containing the golden light was blasted out, Uchiha Xiao's body suddenly burst out with a powerful air current.

"Shinra Tianzheng!"

The strong air flow directly blocked Wu Shi's fist, and then Wu Shi could not withstand the attack of the air flow, and the whole person began to fall away.

Seeing Wu Shi being knocked away, Uchiha Xiao stretched out a hand and put it on On Maoyue Xiyan's wound, a burst of green light began to glow in the next second.

"Your injuries are not serious."Uchiha Xiao Yan said concisely and concisely

"Xiao, my lord....."Uoyuki Xiyan looked at Uchiha Xiao, feeling surprised in her heart.

Uchiha Xiao continued:"Uzuki Xiyan, you have done a good job. The empire and the people will never forget you."

Uzuki Xiyan did not expect that Uchiha Xiao actually knew her name. Although she was loyal to the empire, she In my heart, I don't have much loyalty to Uchiha Xiao.

The reason why she became a soldier of the Empire was only for all mankind and the entire ninja world.

But when Uchiha Xiao saved her this time, she suddenly understood.

Suddenly I understood why Uchiha Xiao went from being the public enemy of the world to Lord Meiou in more than three years.

Wu Shi stabilized his flying figure, looked at Uchiha Xiao, gritted his teeth and shouted:"Uchiha Xiao!"

Uchiha Xiao looked at Wu Shi

"Wu Shi, you are still as weak as ever."

Uchiha Xiao spoke up, and the cold voice spread around.

Everyone around Otsutsuki was shocked. Wu Shi is the number one genius in thousands of years! How dare you, a lowly earthling, say that he is weak?!

Wu Shi Looking at Uchiha Xiao, his voice trembled with excitement:"Uchiha Xiao, for you, I work hard to become stronger every day!"

Uchiha Xiao looked at Wu Shi's excited expression and snorted, then turned around and rushed towards Madara and Feng Shi who were fighting fiercely not far away.

"You bastard! Where to go?!"Wushi was very rare and lost his composure.

Uchiha Xiao didn't bother to answer Wu Shi. He was very fast and came directly to Uchiha Madara's battlefield.

At this time, Madara was in full swing following Feng Shi, and Susanoo had already He removed it because it was too bulky.

The two afterimages faced each other crazily, and bursts of colorful light erupted between the two.

Uchiha Xiao did not hesitate, stepped into the deep space, and rushed forward like a cannonball. Go up. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hearing the noise, Feng Shi hurriedly turned around and saw Uchiha Xiao had already arrived in front of her.


Feng Shi was surprised. She didn't expect this Earthling to be so fast. He was already at her side before she could react!

Uchiha Xiao raised his fist and punched Feng Shi in the abdomen.

Feng Shi She crossed her arms and wanted to block.

But she obviously underestimated Uchiha Xiao's power.


A burst of intense pain instantly spread all over Feng Shiki's arms.

Blood, pieces of flesh, and bone fragments floated silently in the air. Feng Shiki let out a shrill cry. She had not suffered such pain for a long time.

Uchiha Madara Somewhat dissatisfied, he shouted:"Hey! Xiao! I was having fun playing!"

Uchiha Xiao patted Madara on the shoulder:"Okay, okay, what a big deal."

Wu Shi frowned, secretly sighing that Uchiha Xiao's power seemed to be greater.

Wu Shi's eyes widened, Shui Jing's mouth opened slightly, and the surprise in their hearts could not be described in words.

"This, how is this possible?!"

"Feng Shi actually failed to receive the punch from this Earthling! This is wrong!"

Shouldn't it be this Earthling who was defeated by Feng Shi's punch? Why is it the other way around?!.

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