Feng Shi howled, and she began to fly quickly, running back.

But Uchiha Xiao would not let her escape so quickly, so he calmly stretched out his hand

"All things are attracted by heaven!"

A strong suction force came, and Feng Shi was uncontrollably sucked into Uchiha Xiao's hand.

"Please, please, don't kill me....."Tears were all over Feng Shi's face, and almost all of his delicate face was covered with tears.

Seeing that Uchiha Xiao didn't respond, Feng Shi looked at Wu Shi in the distance:"Wushi! Save-me!"

Wu Shi frowned, and sprinted towards Uchiha Xiao in a blink of an eye.

A sneer appeared on Uchiha Xiao's lips. He had long expected that Feng Shi would ask Wu Shi for help, so a powerful technique had already gathered in his eyes.

Soon, Wu Shi came to Uchiha Xiao. The lightsaber in his hand was shining brightly, and he was about to save Feng Shi.

However, at this moment, an extremely powerful force suddenly appeared from Uchiha Xiao's eyes.

"Yujia's Soul Control - Solution!"

At this moment, Wu Shi's eyes suddenlyBig, a strong sense of crisis disturbed his heart

"Fifty times more powerful! Fifty times Amaterasu!"

A huge space vortex suddenly appeared, and there was a burst of blazing black flames around the vortex. The rapidly rotating vortex wrapped the black flames and attacked Wu Shi violently. Wu Shi opened his eyes, and he knew whether he was Those who can withstand this move forcefully.

With a whoosh, Wu Shi's figure disappeared, Feng Shi's eyes widened, his only hope of being saved was shattered.

Fifty times Kamui and Amaterasu did not end the offensive, Instead, it was scraped towards the group of Otsutsuki who had suffered from genetic weapons and were languishing.

"No, don't....."These Otsutsukis have been attacked by genetic weapons and become deformed. They vomit blood, faint, and all symptoms of discomfort appear on their bodies.

This made their bodies so weak that they now no longer had the speed to dodge.

"Hoo ho ho!!!"

The Kamui carried Amaterasu and swept towards them. In an instant, bursts of screams came one after another.

Some Otsutsuki's bodies were crushed by the twisted power of Kamui, and some Otsutsuki's bodies were burned by Amaterasu. They went crazy. He slapped the ground on the burned place, but it had no effect.

After this wave of attacks, only a few of the more than thirty Otsutsuki were left alive, and the rest all lost their lives.


The ultimate silence surrounded the surroundings Spreading.

The soldiers of the empire were shocked by Uchiha Xiao's strength. They knew that Uchiha Xiao was strong, but they didn't know that he was so strong!

They spent all their efforts and failed to kill a few Otsutsuki. Uchiha Xiao was just an attack. , directly killed more than twenty Otsutsuki!

How powerful is this?!

The Otsutsuki who were watching the battle were also stunned. When was the last time Otsutsuki suffered such casualties? It probably dates back to thousands of years ago. Come on!

This, this, this is a big change that has never happened in ten thousand years!

They never expected that the big tube wood that has dominated the universe for thousands of years would actually be deflated in this small planet!

This can destroy their proud hearts. My heart was shattered

"Boom!"The crutch in Wu Shi's hand hit the deck of the spaceship violently, and emotions of shock and anger lingered in his heart.

Because of the extreme emotional fluctuations, the crutch in his hand kept shaking.

The lives of more than twenty Otsutsuki, Everything was gone in an instant!

Even if they can win now, it will be difficult to explain when facing the gods!

Shui Jing swallowed, his hands trembled a little, he was thinking, how powerful are their troops really? Is it enough for Uchiha Xiao to kill?

Wu Shi and Shui Jing looked at each other. Now they have to defeat Uchiha Xiao.

Uchiha Xiao sighed with some pity:"It's a pity. If they absorb them all, then my strength can also It’s increased a lot."

Feng Shi, who was afraid to beg for mercy, suddenly trembled when he heard Uchiha Xiao's words.

Absorb? What does this mean?

A terrible suspicion appeared in Feng Shi's heart.

Uchiha Xiao suddenly looked at Feng Shi, his eyes It seems to penetrate people's hearts:

"Yes, just what you thought!"

Feng Shi's eyes widened. Just as she was about to say something, Uchiha Xiao directly covered her mouth.

Uchiha Xiao didn't want Wu Shi and the others to know for the time being that he had the ability to absorb Otsutsuki's power. (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Uchiha Xiao turned his back to everyone, and then opened his eyes to Yuga's Soul Control, and directly began to absorb the power of Otsutsuki Fengshiki.

Fengshi's eyes widened, she felt it Her power was passing away rapidly!

She opened her mouth wide but could not make any sound, and her white eyes began to become cloudy and blurry.

Soon, Uchiha Xiao was done. After absorbing it, he directly pinched Feng Shi The wind's throat was broken with one force.

This gave outsiders the feeling that Uchiha Xiao was just slowly strangling the opponent to death. Although it looked a bit abnormal, he did it very well. Covering up the fact that he absorbed the power of the wind style.

Uchiha Xiao closed his eyes. He had not absorbed the power of Otsutsuki for more than two years. This time, he absorbed it, and it actually made him feel as if he was in heaven.

And despite the fact that Uchiha Xiao restrained Feng Shiki with one punch, this was done when Feng Shiki was defenseless. Feng Shiki's strength is actually quite good. The ability and power contained in his body are much higher than those of Feng Shiki. There are more than one style.

This also made Uchiha Xiao feel good.

Wu Shi looked at Uchiha Xiao suspiciously. For some reason, he felt absurdly that Uchiha Xiao seemed to be stronger.

Madara on the side He looked envious:"I really envy your ability.

Uchiha Xiao smiled:"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.""He turned his attention to Otsutsuki Takeshi

"Yo, long time no see."Uchiha Xiao chuckled.

Wu Shi frowned:"Are you willing to say hello now?...How arrogant. Uchiha

Xiao said lightly:"Those who are strong can naturally be arrogant. Aren't you Otsutsuki supporters of this theory?""

Wu Shi's voice was suddenly choked. Just when he was about to say something, an arrogant voice came from behind.

"You guy! How did you talk to Mr. Wu Shi!"The speaker was an arrogant Otsutsuki.

Uchiha Xiao tilted his head, and his eyes glowed red.


In an instant, black flames burned on the body of Otsutsuki. After a burst of wailing, the body of Otsutsuki began to disappear.

"you!"Wu Shi's eyes were full of anger.

Uchiha Xiao felt the frightened and angry eyes around him, and he said coldly:

"Trash, if you want to fight me, come up! If you don’t dare, just shut up!"

After saying this, the anger in the eyes of the Otsutsuki became more intense, but now they dare not say anything because they know that Uchiha Xiao's strength has far exceeded theirs.

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