Uchiha Xiao's idea is very simple, relying on divine power to absorb all the light waves.

However, Uchiha Xiao underestimated Wu Shi's attack.



Huge light waves hit Kamui, and under Uchiha Xiao's operation, Kamui space began to rotate at high speed.

However, even so, the speed of the light wave did not slow down at all. Even though Uchiha Xiao saw a lot of energy being absorbed by Kamui, it seemed a bit insignificant under the huge size.

The power of the light waves seems to have been reduced only a little.

Soon, the intense light wave swallowed up the divine power.

Uchiha Xiao frowned. He knew that Kamui could not swallow this attack, but he did not expect that Kamui would have such a small impact on the light wave.

Even sixty times the power of Kamui could not weaken the energy of the light wave much. Except for a small amount of light being sucked into the Kamui space, most of the light waves still roared towards Uchiha Xiao.

Uchiha Xiao knew that if he didn't use all his strength to defend, he wouldn't be able to get better!

The next second, the chakra on Uchiha Xiao's body began to emit bursts of air.


The huge red giant enveloped Uchiha Xiao. Uchiha Xiao did not stop mobilizing chakra. He clapped his hands and continued to activate Wood Release.

"There are literally thousands of wooden escapes!"


The wood began to climb up Susanoo's appearance. The wood full of Senjutsu Chakra has the ultimate defensive power.

However, Uchiha Xiao knew that this was not enough!

His eyes turned golden again

"Daxun Mouchi God!"


The black matter appeared for the first time in a long time. They were extremely agile and directly enveloped Uchiha Xiao.

This wave of defense of Uchiha Xiao is not an exaggeration to say that it is three layers inside and three layers outside. If it is in the ninja world, this The layer of defense cannot be broken even by the resurrection of the Six Paths Immortal!

"This earthling! What an exaggeration!"

"Can Master Wu Shi really break through such a defense?!"

Ever since Uchiha Xiao appeared on the scene, he has continuously slapped the Otsutsukis in the face, so that now, they are beginning to worry about whether the martial arts can break Uchiha Xiao's defense.


Soon, the light wave directly hit Uchiha Xiao's defense.

In an instant, a strong light began to bloom.

The intensity of the light even affected the earth. Some people in the dark night area clearly saw another sun appearing in the sky!

"Boom!!!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Uchiha Xiao clearly felt that the surroundings were trembling, even though he was currently in the innermost layer of heavy defenses.

Soon, the outermost layer of immortals The Jumu Release was directly transformed into flying ash under the action of light waves.

Immediately afterwards, cracks appeared in Susanoo, who is known as a combination of offense and defense. The cracks began to spread rapidly and spread directly all over Susanoo's body!


The crimson giant collapsed instantly, and countless crimson fragments began to scatter. Between the fragments, a dark ball loomed.

Wu Shi stretched his head forward, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes at first, and then uncertainty..

Soon, the light wave swept directly on the dark ball..

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