Seeing the pitch-black ball, the Otsutsukis instantly detonated it.

"This black ball! Why does it look so familiar?!"

"Is Mr. Ghost Shiki's big hole the God of Mouchi?!"

"This, this, this, isn’t this right! Isn't this Uchiha Xiao from Earth?! How could an earthling possess the abilities of a ghost-sama?!"

The Otsutsuki people were talking about it, and they were all surprised by the scene on the battlefield.

Shui Jing's nose twitched, and then his expression instantly turned ugly:"This smell is indeed Mr. Ghost's ability!"


After hearing Shui Jing's words, Wu Shi's expression became solemn.

As we all know, judging from the nameplate, Onishi is not dead yet. Could it be that Uchiha Xiao relied on some ability to take away Onishi's power?!

If that's the case, then Uchiha Xiao is so powerful, everything seems to make sense!

Shui Jing asked anxiously:"Master Wu Shi, do I want to go back to Gao Tianyuan to report to Master Shen Shi?"

Wu Shi pondered for a while, then shook his head:"The current situation does not support our return."

Wu Shi Shi looked at Shui Jing and said:"Wait a moment, if Uchiha Xiao is defeated by Wu Shi, then you should report it, if not.....Then you and I will go up to help Wu Shi."

Shui Jing listened to Wu Shi's words and nodded. If Wu Shi loses later and Shui Jing, who is a powerful force, is not here, their earth crusade will probably retreat.

Once they retreat , , that is something that has never happened to Otsutsuki in the past, and this incident may detonate the entire Otsutsuki.

The two turned their attention to the battlefield again, and saw that the light waves released by the martial arts were slowly fading away, and everyone raised their necks, trying to See if Uchiha Xiao is still alive.

The soldiers of the empire clenched their fists and began to pray for Uchiha Xiao in their hearts.

They knew that if Uchiha Xiao died or was seriously injured, it would represent their earth. It will really become the territory of these aliens!

Soon, the traces of the battle began to disappear, and the ball made of black material still stayed there.

However, the appearance of the black ball was full of cracks


Kaguya and Madara flew out from the army and protected the black ball.

Wu Shi snorted coldly, moved and appeared in front of the black ball.

"`.Don't even think about touching him!"Kaguya instantly activated Tianzhuchu, trying to pull her and the opponent into the home court.

However, the martial arts style is no longer what it used to be. His ability to isolate space power has become more sophisticated, and Kaguya's Tianzhuchu has no effect at all. Effect.

Wu Shi waved his hand and knocked Kaguya away.

"Susanoo!"Madara turned on Susan, and the blue giant appeared. Susan held the giant blade and swung it at Wu Shi with all his strength.

Wu Shi's figure disappeared in an instant, and the whole person appeared behind Susan.


Suzuo's heart instantly opened a gap, and strong golden light bloomed in it.

"What?!"Madara's eyes flashed with shock. He didn't want to cause harm to Wu Shi, he just wanted to make an expedient. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But he didn't expect that even such a simple expedient would Can't do it again...

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