"Nagato is trying to advance to the Six Paths realm, and I have confidence in him."

Yahiko said slowly.

"And we only need to hold Aizen down until Nagato comes out, and then we can repel him."

"Aizen is not that easy to deal with." Capone Beki said solemnly.

He has done some research on the strong men of the Six Paths.

Aizen's specific strength is unknown, but this person is definitely not someone to be fooled.

"Believe me, because I am God." Yahiko said with a confident smile.

Everyone looked disdainful. When the six powerful men appeared, God had been redefined.

They also never believed Yahiko's words.

Yahiko smiled and said nothing.

With his background in the Kingdom of Shadows, he didn't think it would be difficult to hold Aizen back.

Just then.

A figure suddenly appeared among the high-rise buildings.

"Lord Yahiko, the new navy has requested a deal from us."

Yahiko touched his chin and looked at the person in front of him: "New Navy?"

They have no connection with the New Navy. That group of people does have a lot of fighting power, but they are a bunch of poor people.

And Yahiko doesn't like those people either. Most of those people's will is too strong and he can't bewitch them at all.

"What did they say they were trading with us?"

Although they knew that the new navy was in their Akatsuki Star Territory, they only restricted its development.

No matter how you look at it, there is no room for dealing with them.

The person reporting the report cautiously raised his head and looked at the expressionless Xiaonan.

"They said Master Xiaonan is a guest at their place."

"Huh?" Yahiko and Konan both frowned.

"They think you are fools, hahaha." Qiao Ellie Bonny laughed loudly at Yahiko.

If Xiaonan is a guest at their place, then who is Xiaonan here?

These people really have no brains at all.

And they use these false things to make deals with them.

And it’s too easy to poke through.

"The navy is not like that." Luo said aloud.

"They don't lie to people this way."

Those marines might do something that even pirates would look down upon, but they would not lie so easily exposed.

"I also don't think they would say such stupid things."

Yahiko also agrees with Luo's concept.

I just still can't understand it.

"Or maybe someone pretended to be me and was caught by them." Xiaonan said with a frown.

"It seems that we are going to meet those navy." Yahiko narrowed his eyes.

No matter how the other party did this, Xiaonan was used as a bargaining chip.

They made the wrong decision.

If Xiaonan was really in their hands, maybe he could give in.

But in fact there is none, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Let's arrange it and let me see what these new marines have in mind."


On a remote continent in the Akatsuki Star Territory.

Among the naval stations.

The sky is a color of nothingness, and some dilapidated buildings are connected together.

The largest building among them is the new navy's conference room.

Sitting in the conference room were Long and others.

"Crane is watching the angels of the Akatsuki organization. All that's left is to wait for news from the Akatsuki organization."

Sengoku, who was sitting on the main seat, said in a deep voice.

Xiaonan was their only bargaining chip, so they naturally had to be heavily guarded.

Of course, in order to prevent conflicts with the Akatsuki organization, they naturally treated Xiaonan to good food and drinks.

"The Akatsuki organization will never ignore angels." Long Ye responded.

This news is known to everyone.

If it weren't for Xiao Nan's strength, I don't know how many people would want to catch Xiao Nan.

"But I still feel like something is wrong."

Garp scratched his head and said.

"Why did that Xiaonan become so weak?"

Xiaonan is a strong Dharmakaya, why is he suddenly so weak?

"There will naturally be an explanation for this kind of thing."

Sengoku doesn't care why Xiaonan became weak, he just wants to develop the new navy now.

Just when everyone was discussing.

The door was opened.

A navy soldier walked into the conference room and said to everyone.

"Generals, the Akatsuki organization has agreed to trade with our new navy."

"Very good." Warring States nodded.

"What else did they say?"

"They said they would bring people here to trade."

The soldier's words made Seng Guo and others deep in thought.

They wanted to let the Akatsuki organization choose the trading location, but they didn't expect that these people directly chose their base camp.

"It seems that they are very confident." Kizaru said while clipping his nails: "They are not worried about what we will do at all."

"What a horrible bunch of people."

Warring States thought for a while and said.

"It should be that Yahiko's idea. That Yahiko is very confident."

They have studied the Akatsuki organization for a long time.

The real leader, Nagato, has the highest combat power among them. He has six weak dharma bodies. Although one dharma body is very weak, the strength of these dharma bodies together is not weak at all.

Even very powerful.

Even they don't have the confidence to win.

Now only Garp in the entire conference room has this ability.

Among them, Yahiko has a powerful ability to confuse people, even causing Zefa to have a mental breakdown.

Although it has improved now, there are still sequelae.

"Why are you looking at me?" Zefa glared at Warring States fiercely.

Zhan Guo sighed inwardly.

However, Yahiko had an obvious weakness, which was that he was too confident.

"Okay, let's wait for them to come."

Zhan Guo said in a deep voice.

In terms of strength, they are not at all inferior.

Akatsuki did not let the new navy wait any longer.

Only one day had passed.

A huge spaceship flew out from the continent above and landed on their continent.

The spaceship was streamlined and looked like a sphere from a distance.

A spaceship produced by the Kingdom of Shadows.

Akatsuki had already prepared one for itself.

As the spaceship slowly landed on the ground.

A group of navy had been waiting on the ground for a long time.

The flap under the circular spaceship flipped out as a landing gear, while slowly lowering a gate.

"Welcome to the Akatsuki organization."

The new navy members said in unison.

"I am Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy. I have been waiting for a long time." The mole with a mohawk came forward and said respectfully.

"The navy did a really good job in this form." Yahiko looked at the mole with a toothy smile on his face.

"Then lead the way."

"Everyone, please follow me."

Mole looked behind Yahiko and saw the pupils of the woman behind Yahiko shrink rapidly.

The woman wearing Akatsuki clothes, purple-blue hair, and a white paper wing behind her was floating.

Isn't this an angel of Akatsuki?

Why is she here.

So who are they holding! ?

"What's wrong? You seem to be sweating a lot. Are you nervous?" Yahiko looked at Mole jokingly.

"It's a bit hot." Mole wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Everyone, I have something to do here, Sicily!!!"

He shouted to the crowd.


A rough-faced man ran out.

"You lead the guests to the hall!"


Mole said to everyone, "I'll leave first."

After saying that, he ran away without waiting for the Akatsuki to think about anything.

"Everyone, I'll lead you." Sicily said loudly.

Yahiko said sarcastically with a smile on his face: "It seems that the navy still lacks etiquette."

Sicily said nothing but led the way in front.

Yahiko motioned for everyone to follow.

The Akatsuki organization followed Sicily and walked forward.

Mole rushed into the conference room first.

"Not good! Not good!"

Zhan Guo frowned and looked at the panic-stricken Zhan Guo: "Vice Admiral Mole, don't panic because of a little thing. You have lost the style of the navy."

"Tell me what it is."

Mole took a deep breath and said: "The Akatsuki angel is here too!!"

"The Akatsuki angel is here. Huh!?" Zhan Guo stood up suddenly.

"What did you say!?"

Mole said hurriedly: "I saw the Akatsuki angel following Yahiko."

Everyone who heard it almost popped their eyes out.

"How is it possible!?"

Zhan Guo hurriedly took out the Den Den Mushi and quickly made a call.

The Den Den Mushi turned into an old woman.

"Is the Akatsuki angel still there!?"

The old woman snail looked at Zhan Guo strangely: "She is next to me now, what's wrong!?"

Zhan Guo opened his mouth for a long time before saying: "Keep an eye on her."

After that, he hung up the phone directly.

"Marshal Zhan Guo?" Long looked at Zhan Guo, wanting to get the result.

Why is the Akatsuki angel there?

"The Akatsuki angel is still there." Zhan Guo said in a deep voice.

Long frowned: "Are there two angels?"

Otherwise, it would not make sense, but the sudden appearance of two angels does not make sense either.

"Let's see what's going on with Akatsuki first."

Zhan Guo immediately suppressed his panic in his heart, things didn't seem to be as good as he expected.

"It's too late to discuss now."

Akatsuki has arrived at the door.

He turned his head and looked at Mole: "You go down first."


Zhan Guo looked at everyone and said: "Now everyone, don't talk too much, let me and Long deal with it."

"Yes!!" Everyone agreed.

"Especially you, Garp, eat your snacks there!!"

Garp picked his nose with disdain: "I know, I know, I've prepared your senbei a long time ago."

"Why mine!!" Sengoku's forehead veins popped up faintly, and he took a deep breath to suppress his anger.

Garp, that bastard, stole his senbei again.

And footsteps were heard at the door.

The door opened at this time.

Yahiko walked in with a smile on his face: "This should be the second time we meet, Marshal Sengoku."

Sengoku has restrained all his emotions and looked at Yahiko with a sullen face.

"Yahiko, deputy leader of the Akatsuki organization."

His eyes glanced at the floating Konan.

"Why didn't your leader Nagato come?"

The smile on Yahiko's face slowly faded: "Our leader Nagato naturally has his things to do, and he can't spare time for the time being, so I can only discuss the transaction with you."

"I just don't know what you mean by Konan being a guest here?"

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