Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 737 The encounter between the two Xiaonans

Cold sweat flowed from Seng Guo's forehead.

He didn't expect Yahiko to ask directly.

He didn't know how to answer this for a moment.

"I'm also curious, when did I come to your navy as a guest."

Xiaonan also asked aloud from the side.

She was also very curious about her appearance among these navy.

She has absolutely no contact with these people.

"This is a misunderstanding." Long said in a deep voice.

"We have a person here who looks just like Miss Angel. We mistakenly thought he was Your Excellency."

Konan and Yahiko looked at each other, not expecting this to be the case.

"But I think my strength is such that people won't admit my mistakes."

Xiao Nan looked at the navy people with cold eyes.

"So I really want to know what kind of person it is that makes you misunderstand me?"

Both Warring States and Long sighed helplessly. This transaction seemed to have failed.

"Then I'll ask her to come out and meet you."

Now we can only save a little bit.

Yahiko had a confident smile on his face. He was not here to discuss with these people from the beginning.

Sengoku waved his hand.

Ask a lieutenant general to bring that 'Xiaonan' over.

Everyone is waiting quietly.

Soon 'Xiao Nan' was brought over.

The two Konans have the same purple-blue hair and the same Akatsuki clothes.

The two people looking at each other were stunned.

"What do you mean?" Yahiko's smile slowly faded and he looked at the navy: "Are you trying to trick me? Even the clothes are the same for her."

Warring States and Long looked at each other.

Finally, Warring States said: "This is what she was wearing when we found her."

'Konan' looked at Yahiko who didn't have any nails on his body, and she understood what happened in an instant.

Her lips quivered.

"Are you Yahiko?"

"Huh?" Yahiko turned to look at 'Konan' strangely.

The face of 'Xiao Nan' in front of me was complicated, with some nostalgia, some surprise, and some loss. All kinds of complex emotions were squeezed into one face, with a pitiful look.

Xiaonan cautiously stood in front of Yahiko, looked at 'Konan' in front of him and asked: "Who are you?"

The other party didn't look like Yahiko was pretending at all.

'Xiao Nan' did not answer the other party's words directly, but looked at her with complicated eyes and said: "You are so happy."

Xiaonan frowned: "What do you mean!?"

"You don't understand what you are saying at all?"

'Xiao Nan' lowered her head and remained silent. No matter how Xiao Nan asked, the other party remained silent.

It was as if I had lost my voice.

Yahiko walked past Konan and walked in front of 'Konan', looking her up and down.

The other party looked at him directly.

A faint light flashed across Yahiko's body, and he began to sense the emotions of 'Konan' in front of him. He always felt that things were not that simple.

"Missing, hatred, jealousy, powerlessness, desire to die."

Yahiko feels the other person's emotions carefully. The nostalgia is for him, the hatred is for himself, the jealousy is for Xiaonan, the feeling of powerlessness is because of the inability to do certain things, and the desire to die is to keep some secrets.

"Are you Konan?" Yahiko asked aloud.

'Xiao Nan' just glanced at him and fell into silence.

However, Yahiko has determined that the other party recognizes him as Konan from the bottom of his heart.

He looked at the navy. It was true that there was no way to change people's thoughts and will, but he didn't think the navy would be so stupid.

In other words, this is the real Xiaonan.

Things get interesting.

"Would you like to come back with us?" Yahiko said directly.

Xiao Nan's face was expressionless, but her heart was churning.

She now wants to keep the fact that she came from a parallel plane and pass the information to Payne as soon as possible.

But now it seems impossible.

"You don't want to come with me." Yahiko said directly.

'Konan' looked at Yahiko in shock, but quickly returned to normal.

The other party definitely can't read minds, otherwise he should already know about the parallel plane.

Yahiko thought thoughtfully. It is true that he cannot read minds, but as long as he senses the other person's general emotions, he can grasp something vaguely.

He turned to look at the navy: "I don't know if I can stay here for a few days."

Warring States thought for a moment and said, "Okay."

If they have enough time, maybe they can think of a way to convince these people.

"Then it's okay for her to come with us." Yahiko pointed at 'Konan' and said.

Sengoku nodded.

Since this is not an angel of the Akatsuki organization, there is no use for them to keep it.

"We have prepared a place for you to live."

Nowadays, there is nothing shameful in the Navy, and it doesn't matter even if he is allowed to stay for a while.

"Okay." Yahiko nodded.

Under the arrangement of the navy and others, all members of their Xiao organization lived in the same building.

inside the room.

Xiaonan couldn't help but ask: "Do you know what happened to that person?"

Why is there another person wearing Akatsuki clothes? Logically speaking, she should know that this person exists.

But this was the first time she had seen this person.

"The opponent is not a transformation jutsu or some ninjutsu." Yahiko said with certainty.

Any transformation technique is actually of little use in his eyes. No matter how powerful the transformation technique is, he can see the true appearance of the other party.

"Then what's going on?" Xiaonan still looked puzzled.

"If you want to know everything, you have to know it from her mouth." Yahiko said while stroking his chin.

"How to do it?" Konan looked at Yahiko.

Yahiko looked at Konan instead: "I can only ask you personally."

"After all, only you know yourself."

Xiaonan fell into silence. According to her understanding of herself, this was not an easy task.

'Xiao Nan' sat at the window and looked out the window.

The world seems to have always been black, and only through light can there be some light.

The streets in the city are paved with street lights, and the street lights illuminate the neat gravel roads.

In the distance is a void of blackness.

"Is this the starry sky world?"

'Xiao Nan' thought silently in her heart.


Just then the door was pushed open.

Xiaonan walked in from the door with an expressionless face and looked at the person in front of him who looked exactly like him.

"Are you jealous of me?"

'Xiaonan' looked at herself in front of her and became silent.

The self in the parallel world may not be trustworthy either.

She wouldn't trust anyone except Nagato.

Seeing that the other party did not answer, Xiaonan walked into the room and sat on the bed.

Looking up at the white ceiling, there is the navy's logo on it.

"If you were really me, I think I would always choose silence if I encountered you in this situation."

And sometimes silence is actually an answer.

"There are things you must never say. Once you say it, it will have a huge impact on you and the people around you."

Konan looked at 'Konan' with a compelling look: "And the only ones I care about are Nagato and Yahiko."

"So it's them."

Xiaonan panicked in her heart, but she didn't make any move. Any unnecessary movements would be interpreted to reveal the truth.

She just looked at her peer quietly.

"That means there is another Yahiko and Nagato." Seeing that the other party ignored her, Xiaonan focused on her own analysis.

"And you are jealous of me because something happened to one of them, it was Yahiko, right?"

‘Xiao Nan’ still didn’t answer.

Xiao Nan fell into silence.

If the other party is yourself, then this may really be the case.

It's just that she still doesn't understand the other party's existence at all.

'Xiaonan' looked at his peer and said, "It's useless for you to ask anything. Since you know me so well, you should know that I won't say anything."

Xiao Nan looked at the other person without any expression and sighed helplessly.

It's really hard to let yourself talk, and these things are just speculation.

"Where did you come from?"

Xiaonan couldn't help but asked.

But there was only silence in exchange.

And outside the house.

Yahiko was leaning against the door, deep in thought.

He sensed 'Xiaonan's' emotional fluctuations, and through Xiaonan's guessing and analysis, things began to get closer to the truth.

"Has the memory been tampered with?"

He could only think of this reason.

He didn't believe that there would be exactly the same thing happening in two places in this world. The occurrence of this kind of suffering must be a change in memory.

What is the purpose of someone who does such a thing?

"Close to us?"

Yahiko frowned in thought, even if he claimed to be a god, he would be really confused when encountering this kind of thing. ,

Soon Xiaonan opened the door and walked out.

Yahiko nodded at her.

It means that you already know a lot of things.

'Xiaonan' was the only one left in the room.

She walked to the window and saw navy soldiers patrolling outside.

"We have to get out of here."

Or pass the information on.

A piece of white paper condensed in her hand, with all the information she knew composed of code.

But in the end, the paper turned to ashes in my hands.


This code is shared between her and Nagato, and even Yahiko knows it.

Then the self in this world must be able to crack it.

But if she uses other words, she won’t know it and Nagato won’t be able to interpret it.

Meeting another self is really troublesome.

"Nagato must not come!"

Xiaonan prayed silently in her heart, the people in this world are really terrible.

And that Yahiko.

Giving her an extremely weird feeling.

Parallel plane.

The current location of the Akatsuki Organization.

In Orochimaru's secret base.

"Parallel world!? It's so interesting! Hahaha!!" Hidan was laughing wildly while flying the scythe in his hand.

The angle next to him was silent.

"The people in that world are very scary." Kisame looked at everyone with a smile on his face.

"Then let them see my art!!" Deidara didn't feel any fear.

"Kabuto wants you to take care of the machine this time."

Orochimaru asked Yakushi Kabuto.

Scorpion and Yakushi Kabuto looked at each other and exchanged information in an instant.

Payne looked at the portal that was gradually collecting energy.

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