Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 738 The Arrival of Akatsuki Organization in the Parallel World

A month goes by in a blink of an eye.

In the conference room of the New Navy.

"So you plan to incorporate the new navy into the Akatsuki organization?"

Yahiko looked at Ryuu and Sengoku with a smile.

"That's right, you also need combat power to make up for the vacancies." Warring States said in a deep voice.

This is the result of a month of discussion.

Since you can't bargain with them, then use this method to develop the navy.

"I think you want to replace the Akatsuki organization."

Yahiko looked at Sengoku with a smile on his face.

"That's right." Warring States said directly.

"We have this idea, it's up to you whether we can make it happen."

They don't intend to hide it. Both parties know this matter itself, and it will do no good to anyone if it is concealed.

"I think you are still very confident in your abilities."

Warring States said aloud.

This is also a choice made based on Yahiko's weakness.

Yahiko pondered.

I have to say that Sengoku's proposal made him very excited, but the Akatsuki organization and the navy were completely different things.

The Akatsuki organization mainly focuses on strong people and operates in teams of two.

It can only be said to be a strong organization.

The navy is different. The navy involves all aspects.

They can't be called an organization, they can be called a force.

If the Akatsuki organization brought the navy into the fold, it would be like a small fish trying to eat a whale.

It's difficult in itself.

This made Yahiko hesitate.

Although he is indeed confident, he is not an idiot.

The merging of the navy was not something he could do alone.

"This matter still needs the consent of our leader."

Yahiko finally chose to delay for now.

It is indeed difficult for a small fish to eat a whale, but it is much easier for a shark.

Even if the whale is too big.

It can even allow the Akatsuki organization to directly change its model and truly become a force.

As long as Nagato becomes the six realms.


Yahiko sighed helplessly in his heart. If he didn't have enough followers, he could just do the promotion to the Six Paths.

There are not a few people in the starry sky nowadays, but those who dare to enter the starry sky are strong people, so it is difficult to completely believe in him.

So far, it can barely make him comparable to Dharmakaya.

Sengoku looked at Yahiko and frowned.

If it were Nagato, things would have changed. Nagato and Yahiko were completely two different people.

But this is already the biggest concession made by the other party.

Warring States sighed helplessly: "Okay, I'll wait for your news."

"Of course." Yahiko looked at Sengoku with a smile.

If the other party can enter their Akatsuki organization, then he can also let go of revenge.

It's not that he doesn't want to take revenge, it's just that he doesn't have time to do it because of the 'Xiao Nan' matter.

And recently, 'Xiaonan' seemed to be relieved, as if something she expected didn't happen.

"Then I'll excuse you now."

Yahiko said to Sengoku as he stood up.

"Then I won't disturb you." Sengoku nodded and watched Yahiko leave the conference room.

Long and Garp walked out of the small room next to them.

"Are you really going to give up the name of the Navy?" Garp looked at Sengoku with a dissatisfied look.

Of all the people, he was the one who least wanted to give up the name of the Navy.

"There is nothing we can do now." Warring States sighed.

They do not have the ability to create planets, and their most powerful scientists are now among the starfish.

It’s really hard to develop.

The person below can sacrifice everything for justice, but he must also work hard for the development of the navy.

Even their entire navy was at risk.

How can I allow the people below to continue to maintain their own justice?

Garp snorted angrily and walked out of the door.

"You still haven't said anything?"

Yahiko asked Konan as he returned to where they temporarily stayed.

Xiao Nan shook his head.

She hadn't spoken to that self in a month, and she'd tried every possible method.

The rest are all methods of torture.

But she also didn't want to torture her other self.

"Give it up for now."

Yahiko said helplessly.

"Let her go, we can't waste time here any longer."

The development of Xiao's organization is guarded by specialized personnel, and generally there will be no problems.

But problems can arise if they stay away for too long.

One month is already the limit.

"Let her go?" Xiaonan looked at Yahiko: "There must be something in her that we didn't expect. Do you really give up like that?"

Yahiko shook his head: "We have been working hard for a month, there is no point in continuing."

No matter how important things are, they are not as important as the development of Akatsuki's organization today.

Just then.


A loud noise suddenly came out.

Yahiko stood in front of Konan with a face on his face, and a strong repulsive force rushed towards the two of them.

Yahiko raised his hands.

A layer of light quickly enveloped him and Xiaonan.

The building in front of me was torn apart instantly.

This trick is.

"Nagato's Shinra Tensei!!"

Yahiko's pupils shrank, all the buildings in front of him were destroyed, and a lot of dust was being dispersed.

A figure is floating in the sky in the distance.

Go back in time some time.

Where the portal used to be.

The blue portal lit up again.

One after another figures came out of the portal.

"What a surprising place."

Kisame carried Samehada and looked at the desolate scenery in front of him.

"This is the starry sky." Xie said coldly from the side.

"I really can't imagine this world." Orochimaru stood beside Scorpion, already wearing Akatsuki's uniform.

"Hahaha, let me sacrifice everyone here to the evil god!!" Hidan stuck out his tongue and laughed.

Kakuzu looked behind him in silence.

Zeuzheng walked out pushing a huge cart.

There were six figures surrounding the cart.

"What is this?" Orochimaru looked at the cart in front of him with interest. The cart was covered with a huge cloth, blocking the contents inside.

"This is not something you should know." Payne looked at Orochimaru coldly.

Naturally, his body is on top of this cart.

Orochimaru licked his lips and shifted his gaze. It seemed that this thing was very important to the leader in front of him.

"Is this a parallel world?" Payne looked at the city in the distance.

The sky is nothingness, dotted with countless stars.

"Those people came from there." Jue pointed to the city in the distance.

In a deserted land, a city was built alone.

Payne narrowed his eyes and pointed at the distant building.

"This mission is to bring Xiaonan back and attack them."

Orochimaru licked his lips and looked at Pain.

"The people in this world are terrifyingly strong."

He was still trying to remind Payne in front of him that although he had only met a few people, he had known how terrifying this world was since he was a child.

Payne looked at the distant buildings coldly.

“No one can defeat God.”

"You just have to do your own thing."

Payne waved his hand, and everyone disappeared in an instant.

Payne looked at Jue: "I'll leave the rest to you."

As long as there is no problem with his body, he is invincible.

"Don't worry." Jue nodded.

Now they still need Nagato, but they won't let him die like this.

The body carrying Nagato slowly sank downwards.

But Payne didn't see it. Jue's body suddenly twisted and something disappeared.

Pain saw his body being hidden by Zetsu.

Then he looked at the building in the distance.

Six figures disappeared from the place at the same time.

At this time, the space began to twist, and a man wearing a spiral mask walked out of the rotating and twisted space.

"Parallel world."

Only one eye looks at the city in the distance.

"There's another Konoha here."

"I wonder if you are so useless in this world, Kakashi."

Uchiha Obito said in a low voice.

I don’t know who to tell it to.

Six figures slowly walked into the gate of the city.

There are navy soldiers guarding the door.

"Where are you from?"

The navy soldier asked the six people.

There are relatively few people coming here. Who makes this place so remote?

Six figures took action at the next moment, and several navy soldiers were put down to the ground before they had time to react.

"It's not that great either."

Payne said coldly.

Look at the city in front of you.

Human World grabbed the head of a naval soldier and began to read the other person's memory, trying to find traces of Xiaonan.

But these navy soldiers didn't know anything about Xiaonan.

But I know the Akatsuki organization.

"Akatsuki Organization?!" Payne frowned.

"Another one I built?"

After all, it is a parallel world, so it is normal for such people to appear.

And these are in this city.

Is that so?

He looked at the city in front of him.

"Then let me see what I am like in this world."

Zhushengdao walked to Tiandao Payne and jumped up.

ωwш✿ тTk ān✿ ¢ 〇

Tiandao Payne aimed at the feet of Beast Dao.

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

The powerful repulsive force threw the beast into the sky.

The animal path quickly picks up in the sky.

"Psychic art!"

As the smoke came out, Payne's figure appeared.

Payne followed the same pattern and used the Shinra Tensei again against the beast, directly throwing the person high into the sky.

"Psychic art!"

Payne appears at the top.

The figure of Zhu Shengdao fell from the sky.

Payne's behavior has attracted the attention of many people in the city.

A yellow figure flew towards the sky.

"Brother looks so scary."

Kizaru's lazy voice sounded.

Payne looked coldly at the approaching yellow light.

"Have you ever felt pain? Do you understand pain? Understand pain?"

"If not."

"Then let me tell you."

"What pain is."

His hands slowly parted.

At this time, Kizaru was close at hand.

"Brother, you look like you are going to do something very dangerous."

Pain looked at Kizaru in front of him coldly.

"Super! Shinra Tenzheng!!"

The powerful repulsive force exploded instantly, turning into a huge transparent ball of light that expanded rapidly, destroying everything it encountered.

The entire city was quickly destroyed in this blow.

Six Paths of Pain arrives.

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