Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 759 A planet full of tragedy

Uchiha Jin had changed into a pair of close-fitting black clothes with silver trim.

Entered the small town in front of me.

"European style?"

He watched the horse-drawn carriages passing by on the streets of the small town, and the faces of the poor farmers wearing simple clothes were full of exhaustion.

The sky seemed to be covered with a layer of clouds, and the whole town looked a little gloomy.

Uchiha Jin walked forward and looked at a passerby. The Mangekyō Sharingan flashed through his eyes.

General Yagami.

The other party's body trembled for a moment and quickly returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

But Uchiha Jin had already used Yagami to extract the opponent's memory.

All the languages ​​related to this world come into my mind.

"I can only rely on the Sharingan for now."

Uchiha Jin touched his eye sockets. He had very little power that he could mobilize to the surface. The strongest one now was only the Sharingan.

In the core of the earth's surface, all his own power is devouring the core of the planet, and it is completely the limit to be able to separate out such a trace.

And his awareness is very critical and the key to victory.

"The will of the planet is the condensed will of all living beings on the planet. Now if you want to completely sacrifice it, you need two methods."

"One is to directly massacre all life."

"The second is to let all the consciousnesses on the planet take the initiative to welcome me."

As Jin walked down the street of the town, he rubbed his chin and began to think.

What seems to be the simplest slaughter is actually the most difficult. This life is not just as simple as human animals, but even bugs, ants, bacteria, microorganisms, plants, and many more.

All of these need to be destroyed, no less than directly destroying the planet.

If so many were destroyed, even the energy of the sacrifice would not be enough.

"So, there's really only the second way to go."

Jin rubbed his chin and began to think.

"Guest, do you want to stay in the hotel?" The man at the counter in front of him tapped his hand on the table.

At this time, Uchiha Jin had already entered the hotel.

Because Uchiha Jin was distracted, the owner at the hotel counter looked impatient.

"Ah, sorry." Jin threw a gold coin casually.

"I don't have enough to stay in the hotel."

The hotel owner quickly grabbed the gold coin in his hand and bit it with his teeth.

It's real gold.

The hotel owner's eyes lit up, he looked at Uchiha Jin and said hesitantly: "Guest, this is not a common currency."

Although it is not a currency in circulation, gold coins have always been hard currency.

"Then you can accept it or not." Uchiha Jin rolled his eyes at the other party.

"This is your room key. Go to the end on the left on the third floor and your room will be there."

The shop owner said hurriedly, fearing that Uchiha Jin would regret it.

The value of gold has never dropped in this era. There are wars happening everywhere, and the price of gold has been rising.

Uchiha Jin shook his head and walked up with the key.

It's just a simple material conversion, turning stone into gold is not a difficult method.

Walking up the noisy stairs, you can tell that this hotel has been established for a long time.

"Sir, wait a minute."

A voice came from behind.

Uchiha Jin looked back.

A little lolita with a gauze scarf on her head was running all the way up. When she saw Uchiha Jin's gaze, her face turned red. She couldn't tell whether she was running or because she was shy.

"Sir, is this the wallet you lost?"

The little loli held a brown wallet in her hand and stretched out her hand towards Uchiha Jin.

Uchiha Jin looked at the wallet in the little Loli's hand, but with a malicious smile of unknown meaning on his face, he said directly.

"This is the wallet I lost."

As he spoke, Uchiha Jin stretched out his hand to take away the wallet.

But the little loli took her wallet back and looked at Uchiha Jin suspiciously.

Finally, he raised his head and looked at Uchiha Jin.

"Are you really the owner of this wallet? How do you prove it?"

Jin rubbed his chin with his hand and said, "How do you want me to prove it?"

"But since you came to me, you must have seen what fell out of me, right?"

"That's not the case." Little Loli said loudly: "I just picked it up when I saw it on the street. I only saw you passing by, so I came to ask."

"If you need to tell me what's in your wallet, I'll give it to you."

"Otherwise, I will tell the police officers on patrol and they will put you in jail."

Seeing the little Loli's decisive threats.

Jin was not moved at all, he just rubbed his chin with his hand and looked at the little loli in front of him.

Continue to cooperate with his performance.

"I'm so sorry, I really don't know what's in it?"

The little Loli stared at Uchiha Jin with wide eyes: "Since you lied, I will go and tell the police officer now."

As she said that, she ran directly downstairs.

Uchiha Jin touched his chin and followed him downstairs.

I saw little Loli rushing out of the door.

He chased directly outside.

The boss who was at the bar looked at Uchiha Jin who was chasing him out and opened his mouth to say something.

But Uchiha Jin had already rushed out.

There was no time to say anything.

In the end, he could only close his mouth with a complex expression.

Uchiha Jin chased the little loli.

But he was just a child, but he ran at a speed far exceeding that of an adult. At Uchiha Jin's speed, it was impossible to catch up.

But the distance between the two did not widen at all, and they always maintained the same speed.

Passing through the crowds of people on the street, he quickly ran to an increasingly remote place.

This kind of place doesn't look like a place with a police station.

Jin's steps began to slow down.

The sky has entered dusk at some point.

The little Loli also stopped at the same time, lowered her head and turned around.

Jin couldn't see the little Loli's face for a moment, but just showed a meaningful smile.

"So, by leading me here, you should have revealed your purpose."

The little Loli tilted her head and her eyes became numb.

"What a twisted soul."

Jin looked at the little Loli in front of him with interest. The other person's soul was exposed outside. It was impossible to see the soul floating outside without special methods.

The Sharingan in his eyes slowly rotated.

The little loli's body gradually expanded, and her body became bigger and bigger, causing her body to explode.

A ball-like robot appeared in front of Uchiha Jin, with cannon barrels constantly emerging from its body and aimed at Uchiha Jin.

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless gunfire instantly submerged Uchiha Jin in it.

"Where are you fighting?"

The giant Sharingan appeared behind the round robot.

Artillery fire exploded in the open space.

And Uchiha Jin was walking slowly towards the robot.

"It's so disgusting that a child's body actually houses the soul of an adult."

Jin looked at the robot in front of him expressionlessly.

The pupils of the Sharingan quickly connected together.

"General Yagami!"

A pupil technique that can swallow all life energy and spiritual energy.

It is also a representative of immortality.

The round machine began to twist instantly, and its body turned into gray dust, rushing towards Uchiha Jin's body.

Instantly entered Uchiha Jin's body.

Jin slowly closed his eyes.

"My strength has become stronger."

Just swallowing this strange robot has this effect.

General Yagami's ability is to allow people to develop horizontally.

But after swallowing this robot, he actually developed vertically.

"These things represent a trace of will in this world."

A meaningful smile appeared on Jin's face.

This also means that the emergence of this thing is inseparable from the will of this planet.

"Then I have a good plan."

"Guest!!?" The hotel owner looked at Uchiha Jin in horror.

"Are you still alive?"

That little girl was someone they had never dared to offend. Everyone who chased her away would disappear directly.

Originally this incident aroused their vigilance, but all those who wanted to stop the little girl disappeared.

This also leaves them with nothing but indulgence.

The only good news is that this little girl only attacks outsiders.

They rarely attack people here, which is why they can live in peace.

Jin looked at the frightened innkeeper with a look of compassion on his face.

"I am a cleric. I heard that there are demons here, so I came here specifically to exorcise demons."

"Ah!?" The hotel owner looked at Jin with a look of shock and joy.

"What about that demon?"

What he cared about most was the demon.

"I have already expelled him." Jin looked pitiful.

"Have you been expelled?" The innkeeper sighed: "That's fine."

Jin looked at the innkeeper with a heavy face and asked curiously: "Do you know the origin of this devil?"

The hotel owner shook his head: "I don't know the details."

"The little girl's name is Aya. She is the daughter of a blacksmith in a small town. The good old blacksmith suddenly fell ill and died. This has made Aya depressed. I don't know what happened."

"Suddenly one day, Aya said she found a way to resurrect her father."

"After that, his temperament changed drastically and he became like this."

The innkeepers didn't understand why this happened, and they didn't see the resurrected old blacksmith.

They speculated that it was because Aya had made a deal with the devil.

It’s just that there’s no way the devil can keep his promise.

In the end, Aya turned into a minion of the devil.

Jin thought thoughtfully, if he saw it correctly, the little girl's body was the soul of an old man.

So the old man really came back to life.

Just replaced the original Aya.

"It's an interesting world."

Jin praised in his heart and said calmly on his face.

"What a tragic story. Now that the devil has been expelled by me, he will still return one day."

"Master!" The hotel owner was anxious at that time.

"Save us."

Jin shook his head: "I still have a lot to save, and I simply can't protect you all the time."

"Then what should we do!!" The hotel owner doesn't care what others do.

At least they don't want to die.

Jin hesitated for a moment and said, "Although I can't protect you all the time, I can teach two disciples here and let them protect this place."

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