Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 760: The Divine Uchiha Jin

The hotel owner happily passed the news to the town.

And Jin returned to the room he had reserved.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, thinking about what to do next.

"It's definitely not enough for me alone."

It once only required the will of the planet, but now there are demons to hunt.

"Looks like I'm going back to my old job again."

A smile appeared on Jin's face.

Then he will develop his own power to reverse everyone's will, and then kill the demons caused by the tragedy.

"And I can develop that."

Jin slowly raised his fingers, and the darkness in his hand flickered like a flame.

That is his dark power. As the source of darkness, he has long been able to achieve the same effect as chakra.

He raised another finger, and black flames were burning on his fingers. When he raised the third finger.

There was just a layer of gray darkness.

"It seems that only two can be developed."

Jin sighed.

But if these two people grow up, they can continue to spread the darkness.

Until it completely invades the mainstream of the world.

"Two is enough."

Jin slowly closed his eyes.

"Have you heard? Aya is really a devil."

"It doesn't matter what you say, I already know that Aya has been expelled."

"What are you talking about? I have some important news here. The priest who expelled Aya plans to recruit disciples and teach us the methods to defeat demons."

"Who doesn't know this kind of thing, and you still need to tell me."

There was a lot of chatter in the noisy town square.

Everyone is discussing this matter.

But more people are concerned about the priest's recruitment of disciples.

In this way, there is a priest in their town, and they no longer have to fear the devil.

"Coming, coming."

Someone with sharp eyes saw Uchiha Jin walking towards here in the square.

The originally noisy square suddenly became quiet.

After Uchiha Jin walked into the crowd, everyone kept making way.

Only one path appeared in front of Uchiha Jin.

Jin put on a white robe, holding a book in his hand, and walked forward step by step.

There was a gentle smile on his face.

He looks like a magic stick.

When he reached the center of the square, Uchiha Jin looked around.


"I think everyone knows the reason why I am here."

Everyone nodded in unison.

They were waiting for the Uchiha Jin selection.

After Uchiha Jin looked around, almost everyone in the town had arrived.

Whether they were old people or children, men or women, everyone looked at Uchiha Jin with expectant eyes.

In this small town plagued by demons.

They won't say that Jin is a magic stick just to deceive them.

"Those between the ages of twenty and thirty, please step forward." Uchiha Jin said aloud.

Everyone looked at each other.

They thought Uchiha Jin would choose from among children, but they didn't expect that he would be a young adult.

Soon a group of twenty to thirty people took a step forward.

A group of people from Wuyangyang were selected.

"Those who can read, write, and have gone to school continue to come to me."

This time, only a dozen people continued to move forward. Not many people could learn knowledge in this era.

Jin nodded.

"Fatherless and motherless continue to come to me."

This made the dozen or so people who came out look at each other. Those who can read and write must have family support.

In today's world, it is extremely rare to learn without a father or a mother.

A red-haired woman wearing patches took a step forward, and a slovenly young man took a step forward.

Jin looked at the two and nodded, originally expecting there would be no one.

Unexpectedly, it happened to be two people.

"From today on, you are my disciples."

His power currently only has two spots.

"Master Father, why do you choose someone who has no father or mother?"

Others were not very happy with the results.

Or not satisfied with those two people.

"Why can you, a thief, become a disciple of a priest!!"

Several women roared at the patched woman, and even if it wasn't in public, they would have wanted to go up and beat each other up.

"How come you, the person who has harmed the entire family, can become a disciple of the priest?"

The others looked at the scruffy man.

These two people are obviously not very popular here.

"Father, these two people may not do their best for our town."

The innkeeper trotted up to Uchiha Jin and whispered.

The two men didn't even know when they would be leaving town.

Jin glanced at the hotel owner, then looked around at the dissatisfied people and said loudly: "Everyone, becoming my disciple means not only protecting the town, but also fighting those demons for the rest of your life."

"People like us can't escape quietly. Either we are looking for the devil, or the devil is looking for us."

Anyway, the power belongs to him, he can say whatever he wants.

After hearing Uchiha Jin's words, everyone let go of their dissatisfaction.

They don't want to spend their whole lives fighting those demons.

Even the two chosen ones hesitated.

Because of their relationship as clergy, the two of them thought it would be a good career, but they didn't expect that it would just cost them their lives.

Jin saw the hesitation of the two and just looked at them quietly.

They chose the route by themselves, so the good and bad will naturally be borne by themselves.

The two hesitated for a moment and finally lowered their heads helplessly.

They had no choice but to choose this way.

There is no good income in this world, and it is difficult to survive.

It is not easy for both of them to find a job.

They can only bite the bullet and do it.

Seeing that the two were determined, Jin nodded.

"Come with me."

He walked towards the crowd in front, and everyone made way for themselves.

A man and a woman hesitated for a moment and followed Jin's footsteps.

"Mayor, what should we do?" Someone couldn't help looking at the mayor who was holding his grandson.

"Since the master has chosen a disciple, what are you going to do."

The mayor rolled his eyes.

And being a priest is not a good profession, even worse than his position as mayor.

He doesn't need to plan a completely useless profession.

He brought his little grandson here, and he also wanted to try.

Since it doesn't work, just give up.

"That's a job that can repel demons."

Someone realized the point.

"But have you really seen that demon with your own eyes?"

Someone said.

Everyone who saw it died, and there were not many people who really saw the true face of the demon.

"Let's all go." The mayor waved his hand.

Uchiha Jin returned to the hotel with his two cheap disciples.

He sat cross-legged on the bed.

"Now tell me your names."

Jin supported his face with his palm and looked at the two.

"Master, I'm Angelia." The red-haired woman said to Jin.

The sloppy man scratched his head: "Dibang, Dibang, Bright."

Jin looked at the two and slowly raised two fingers.

"The world of the priests is not as easy as you think. If you do well, wealth and power will be at your fingertips. If you don't do well, you will die in the hands of the demon."

Angelia's eyes lit up, and she ignored the last sentence.

Jin had just said the danger in the square.

Since she followed, she was also ready to face the danger.

But she didn't expect that there would be so much room for advancement.

"Teacher, how do priests get power and wealth?" Dibang asked curiously.

They are just a group of people praying to God, how can they get such things?

"Because of power."

Jin slowly raised his fingers, and everything around him slowly floated up.

"You underestimate the existence of priests."

Dibang and Angelica looked at the floating things in the house, and their pupils shrank.

"Is this really the power of priests?"

In the cognition of the two, priests only sprinkle holy water, how can they do things comparable to gods.

Only demons can do such things.

"Demons are enemies we must defeat."

Jin looked at the two with a smile on his face.

Black flames slowly burned on his two fingers.

"How priests live depends on you. It can be justice or evil."

"Isn't this a demon?" Dibang said almost groaning.

"If you think this is the power of the devil." Jin pointed to the door: "You can go out now."

"Power ultimately depends on who uses it. Evil people use it more evilly, and good people use it more kindly."

Listening to Uchiha Jin's words, both of them were touched.

"The things are for you."

Seeing the two people who hesitated and dared not come forward, Jin shook his head and flicked his fingers to throw black flames on the two people.

"Fire! Fire!"

"Quick water!!"

Both of them were panicked, but soon they found that there was no flame burning on their bodies.

Both of them looked at Uchiha Jin, who looked like he was laughing at the joke.

Knowing that they were fooled.

"The power has been given to you. How to use the power and how to use it depends on you."

Jin had a meaningful smile on his face.

"All gifts have been marked with a price in fate."

Black flames burned on his body, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

The two looked at each other: "Is he really a priest? Not a devil?"

The two asked almost at the same time.

But seeing that the other party had no answer, both of them fell into silence.

Angelia raised her white hand, and a black flame suddenly burned on her hand.

The flame burning on her hand did not burn the clothes at all.

"But we seem to be different from today."

As for whether it was a demon or something else, she no longer cared much.

Dibang sighed helplessly.

"I hope this road is right."

It was too late to leave now.

"Knock knock knock!" There was a sudden knock on the door.

Dibang stepped forward and slowly opened the door, only to see Uchiha Jin standing behind the door.

Jin looked at the two with a gloomy face.

"This is my room, you two are the ones who have to leave."

"And come to class tomorrow."

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