
Hinata Hyuga, who had just followed her clan leader father Hiashi Hyuga to the battlefield, couldn't help but look at Uzumaki Naruto who was standing beside Kakashi not far away.

"that is....."

Looking at the blue Susanoo Level 3 that was several dozen meters tall, Hinata Hiashi couldn't help but frown.


"Hokage, the current situation is...The other party is really a legendary ninja....."

Hinata Hiashi turned around and came to Tsunade-sama again, asking the question hesitantly.

"My great grandfather's only rival...Uchiha Madara!!"

Tsunade-sama said this while looking at the blue Susanoo standing tens of meters tall.

At the same time, she looked at the thousands of elite ninjas from all the major families who had come to the battlefield:


"Unfortunately, I have to tell you that the man with the blue Susanoo on his head may be the strongest enemy Konoha has encountered in the past fifty years."

"his name...It’s Uchiha Mada!"

"Can you protect Konoha?...This time, it depends on the strength of all of us!!"

Tsunade-sama is trying her best to boost morale.

At the same time, she is also telling the newly arrived ninjas from the Hyuga clan, the Yamanaka clan, the Nara clan, and many other Konoha clans how critical the current situation is.

"Legendary Ninja..."

"Uchiha Mada?!!"

"How is that possible? Wasn't he already dead a long time ago?"

"Yes, how can such a strong man still be alive?"

"Also, that blue monster feels so cold and powerful"

"Can we really defeat such an enemy? He is a legendary super-powerful man who is as famous as the first generation of Hokage who is called the God of Ninja by everyone!!"

After hearing Tsunade's words, countless ninjas at the scene were extremely surprised and doubtful.

At this time:

"So many rabble have come, it seems that my situation is very unfavorable."

In the blue Susanoo level 3, Chen Yiban said with his hands folded in front of his chest. However

, although he said that his situation became unfavorable, the corners of his mouth were not filled with sadness. Instead, he showed a sneer of extreme contempt!

Chen Yiban did not take the entire Konoha ninja seriously at all!


Princess Tsunade also noticed the disdain on Chen Yiban's face, and she couldn't help but clench her fists in resentment and unwillingness.

"So what if it’s the legendary ninja Uchiha Madara?"

"We have many friends around us now, and you...There is only one person!"

Kakashi came out from behind a wall and said in a slightly high voice

"Oh?" Chen Yiban's smile deepened, and he continued to jokingly say:

"Is that so?"

As he said this, he slowly formed a seal in Susanoo.


The next moment, dozens of similar figures appeared out of thin air around Chen Yiban.

And they quickly jumped down from Susanoo and came in front of the Konoha ninjas.

It was indeed: a full thirty clones of Chen Yiban!!

Obviously, didn't you say that I was the only one?

So, what about now?

"It's a shadow clone! Why can this damn guy do it too?"

Naruto said with his eyes wide open.

On the side, Uchiha Sasuke was feeling very complicated at the moment.

Sakura looked at the tens of meters tall Susanoo, and couldn't help but feel fear in her eyes....

"Ask a Question!"

"These shadow clones, use or not use Susanoo?"

In Susanoo's head, Chen Yiban asked all the Konoha ninjas in front of him with a pair of scarlet eyes of Mangekyō Sharingan and a faint smile.

"this....."Tsunade-ji was shocked at what she thought.

And as if to confirm Tsunade-ji's shocking guess:

Swish, swish, swish, swish.—————

Thirty shadow clones, all radiating blue power, finally gathered into one after another dozens of meters tall blue Susanoo, level 3.

Almost exactly the same as Chen Yiban's original Susanoo!!

And the thirty...

It blocked the entire view in front of us, leaving only the blue scenery!

"this...How can this be....."

Tsunade, Naruto, Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura, Yuhi Kurenai, Mitarashi Anko, Ino, and every Konoha ninja, all looked in disbelief at this moment.

They were extremely shocked!

How could there be so many.....

This is too much!!

During this time, Kakashi couldn't help but want to slap himself.

Damn, why did I say so much just now?!!

In response:

Boom boom boom boom—————

The Konoha ninjas were all in shock, with many flaws. Would the thirty clones of Chen Yiban just sit there and watch? They just swung their swords and threw their eight-board magatama.

They just started fighting all of a sudden!

The eight-board magatama and the Susanoo chakra sword light...

They are extremely fast and powerful.


Instantly, there was a great wailing.

The eight-plate magatama and the sword light of Susanoo's chakra took away countless lives at once.

【Kill 'Ten Konoha Ninjas' and achieve a primary achievement once. Congratulations! Get: Primary Achievement Lottery Once!】

【Kill 'Akimichi Dingzuo' and achieve a medium achievement once. Congratulations on getting: Medium achievement lottery once!】


Akimichi Choza had already had one arm cut off by Chen Yiban's body, and now he was besieged by two third-level Susanos.

He was pierced through his giant heart by several huge blue chakra knives and fell down!


Not far away, Akimichi Choji, who was also fighting, cried out in sorrow.

"Bastard!" The next moment he took the pill and rushed to the rescue in butterfly form.

""Chouji, don't be impulsive!" Shikamaru shouted loudly.

He knew rationally that he and his ninjas could not fight against the legendary super strong man like Uchiha Madara.

However, Choji had lost control and could not be stopped! Boom!———

The next second, Susanoo easily punched the butterfly-transformed Choji hard. Although the butterfly-transformation is powerful, it depends on who you are facing!!


The next second, the third-level Susanoo continued to swing his sword towards Akimichi Choji, preparing to send the father and son down to meet each other!

"Vomit..."Shikamaru was already vomiting blood and couldn't dodge. He was about to die under Susano's sword!

———! !

A green figure appeared in time and kicked away Susano's chakra blade.

It was: Might Guy!

""Day Tiger!!


Then, Might Guy once again released the super physical technique of the Seven Gates, Daytime Tiger.

He directly forced back the Susanoo in front of him!

He saved Akimichi Choji!

However, there were now thirty [Susanoo Level 3] on the field.

They were constantly slaughtering Konoha ninjas!

"Eight Trigrams Sky-Splitting Palm!!"

Hyuga Hiashi and his tribesmen were fighting against so many Susanoos at this moment.

But it was extremely difficult!

"Bastard! Die!!"Tsunade-sama has been fighting.

But, 'Susanoo 3rd Stage' is not something she can easily shake!

"Well...!!"The next second, a magatama of eight plates was seen piercing directly into Tsunade's abdomen.

If it weren't for the"creation and regeneration" being turned on, Tsunade would have died long ago!

"They are really a bunch of rabble!" Chen Yiban's real body was looking at them coldly.

At this point,

Might Guy seemed to have made up his mind and looked at Chen Yiban's real body with a determined gaze.

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