
At this time, Chen Yiban, who was holding his hands in front of his chest, also noticed the changes in Might Guy at this moment.

"It seems that you have finally made up your mind."

"have to say...I'm looking forward to it!"

Chen Yiban opened his blood-red Mangekyō Sharingan with a smile on his face.

The power of Uchiha Madara was too strong, and

Chen Yiban was inexplicably longing for an opponent who could really let him face him!

In response to this:


Might Guy suddenly called out from a distance, and looked at Kakashi who was trying his best to fight against Chen Yiban's shadow clones of Susano.

During this period,

Kakashi was already seriously injured!

His arms and abdomen were bleeding and injured!

But he still insisted on gathering chakra with other Konoha ninjas and releasing ninjutsu to attack those Susano-3rd level.

Then, he suddenly heard the voice of his best friend:


Kakashi also retreated a distance, separating himself from those [Susanoo 3rd Stage], and looked towards the direction of Might Guy in the distance.

"���Cassie, this time...I'm the winner."

Might Guy and Kakashi looked at each other from a distance and suddenly said this. Might

Guy and Kakashi are lifelong"rivals"!

The two of them have been competing in various long-term competitions!

During this period, it can be said that Might Guy lost more than he won.

However, Might Guy felt that he should be the winner this time!

"Akai...What do you want to do?"Kakashi had a bad feeling in his heart.

At this time:


All of Chen Yiban's shadow clones at the scene stopped attacking with their [Susanoo - Level 3]. Even

: swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh—————

All disappeared! All the chakra returned to Chen Yiban's body.

Chen Yiban knew what

Might Guy wanted to do! So, of course, he tried his best to take back all the power in himself.

Because he was about to face...It is very likely a Six Paths level physical technique!!

Even Chen Yiban, who has the ability to"create Madara's full combat power", dare not be arrogant.

At this moment, it can be said that the only person in Konoha who can make Chen Yiban take him seriously is...

Only: Might Guy!!


Chen Yiban withdrew those shadow clones that were teasing many Konoha ninjas.

He concentrated all his strength on the main body!

This is a respect for the strongest physical opponent who is about to come....

"Akai...Have you reached that level?"

Seeing that Chen Yiban's clones had disappeared, Tsunade jumped to the side of Might Guy at the right time, and then looked at Might Guy in front of her with a little surprise and hope.

"Lord Hokage, please keep everyone at the scene away as much as possible. Because the blue beast of Konoha wants to bloom all its youth for Konoha!!"

Might Guy has slowly lowered his body and is gathering strength.

In this regard, Chen Yiban could have disturbed Might Guy.

But Chen Yiban didn't!

But Chen Yiban would not do nothing.


Suddenly, blood suddenly gushed out of Chen Yiban's right eye in the head of Susanoo.

Chen Yiban had dug out his original [Right Eye·Mangekyo Sharingan]!

Then, he put it into the system's internal space without anyone noticing!

At the same time:


He performed a simple medical ninjutsu and pressed on the bleeding right eye.

The next second, the medical ninjutsu was retracted and Chen Yiban's hand moved away....

A [Three Magatama Sharingan] appeared in the eye socket of his right eye!

In this way, Chen Yiban's left eye was in the Mangekyō Sharingan state, while his right eye was in the ordinary Three Magatama state. He had obviously taken back the power of the Shadow Clone and strengthened his main body's combat power. Why did he switch to the ordinary Three Magatama Sharingan to reduce his combat power at this moment?

"Teacher Akai...!!"

Here , Xiao Li seemed to understand Might Guy's determination, and once again looked at his teacher Might Guy with tears in his eyes.

"Xiao Li! Be brave and carry out your youth!!"

Might Guy glanced at the direction of his disciples in the distance.

Then, under the gaze of countless Konoha ninjas from all directions:

"Eight Gates of Dunjia..."

"The eighth gate, the gate of death...."Go!" Might

Guy roared as he gathered all his strength.


In an instant, blood-red steam exploded.

Might Guy seemed to have turned into a bloody man covered in blood-red steam, looking as hideous as if he had been roasted.

"Teacher Akai!!"Little Li burst into tears.—————

At this time, the powerful chakra that erupted from Might Guy's body continuously shook the air, forming strong winds that swept in all directions!


When Kakashi raised his hand to block the strong wind, he looked at the blood-red figure with shock. He couldn't help but recall the scene when he and his father first met Might Guy when he was a child.

At that time, Kakashi's father, Hatake Sakumo, said: Might Guy will definitely become a very powerful ninja in the future.

At that time, little Kakashi didn't think so!

But, at this moment:

‘Father, you are right. Kakashi 's eyes were now filled with admiration and amazement.

"This power....."

Many members of the Hyuga clan who had Byakugan, such as Hyuga Hiashi, Hyuga Neji, Hyuga Hinata, etc., opened their Byakugan at this moment, and then, one by one, they looked at Might Guy with blood-red steam bursting out of his body in amazement.

"Akai..."Princess Tsunade looked in admiration.

At the same time, she felt deeply regretful!

Because she knew what would happen after the Eight Gates of the Eight Gates were opened!

But this chakra was really too strong.

Even the legendary ninja Uchiha Madara could not defeat Might Guy who was exploding with absolute power at the cost of his life at this moment.

In response:

"This chakra...Such blood-red steam....."

"I recognize you as a guy!"

"Then, let's dance!!" Chen

Yiban, who was in the third level of Susanoo, felt inexplicably excited at this moment.


The next moment, Chen Yiban's left eye, [Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan] suddenly opened.

"I will also fight hard!!


Suddenly, Chen Yiban's"Susanoo Stage 3" suddenly grew larger.

Finally, it became a bloated Susanoo with a body size of"over 80 meters".

At the scene, countless Konoha ninjas were stunned!


"Not yet finished"

"" Sure!"

Chen Yiban slowly smiled and clenched his right fist.


Clang clang clang—————

The bloated Susanoo suddenly grew in size, and even took on a blue armor....

The [Susanoo Complete Form] that appeared in the original drama stands in front of every Konoha ninja.

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