"Asshole, do you have to be so exaggerated?..."

Gamabunta, who was over 50 meters in size, was looking at the 230-meter-long [Susanoo Complete Form] in front of him with a look of shock.

As a summoned beast, although a little smaller than a slug, Gamabunta thought he was big enough.

However, looking at the [Susanoo Complete Form] in front of him at this moment,

Gamabunta said: Okay, okay. I am your younger brother!!


"How...how come....."

Tsunade-sama was also in disbelief at this moment.

She couldn't believe that Chen Yiban's power was so terrifying.

The"140-meter" Susanoo's complete form of the Single-Eyed Eternal Mangekyo was already amazing enough, and now......

More than 230 meters!

It's outrageous!!

The Susanoo just now was in its perfect form. I think the slug and Gamabunta should be able to fight together.

If Jiraiya enters the Sage Mode again, there will definitely be more hope.

But now this.....

Damn, I feel like I can crush all of these people and the spirit beasts to death with one kick!

It's outrageous!...

"The only one who can stop me is Hasirama!"

"Unfortunately, he is no longer in the human world."

In the diamond-shaped crystal on the head of the super-giant Susanoo, Chen Yiban's voice rang out.

During this time, while speaking, a giant hand of the Susanoo Perfect Body pressed down on the Susanoo Sword at his waist.



The sword slashed out like a sword.

The blue-white blade light flashed like a terrifying thunder, and it rushed straight to all the Konoha ninjas on the opposite side.

"No, hurry up....."Tsunade and Jiraiya were both horrified. But they didn't have time to say anything more, as they saw:


"Uh ah...!!"

There were constant screams.

But more people were turned into ashes directly under the sword light.

They couldn't even make a scream!

"puff...!"After Jiraiya was blown away, he vomited a large mouthful of blood. At the same time, he felt a sharp pain on the right side of his body....

Then he saw that his entire right hand was cut off and worn out!

Because at the last moment, Jiraiya pushed Tsunade away with his right hand.

Although Jiraiya finally avoided the shocking sword in time, his entire right hand was gone.


On the other side, Gamabunta, who had dodged the fatal sword in time by leaping for a frog, was still blown away by the terrifying force of the sword and crashed into many houses in Konoha.

"cough cough...!"Then, Gamabunta was also injured and coughed up blood.

He couldn't even hold the knife in his hand!

"Asshole, almost...You're going to kill me." Gamabunta complained weakly while coughing up blood.

On the other side:

Tsunade was pushed away by Jiraiya in time, and because of the Hundred Healings Technique, she seemed to be fine at the moment and stood up from the ruined Konoha ground.

Then, she stared at the Konoha in front of her with wide eyes like an idiot. There was an abyss about 70 meters wide, several kilometers long, and bottomless....

At this moment, it was across the entire Konoha!

It really split the entire Konoha in two!

During this time, there were many broken limbs and arms of Konoha ninjas on both sides of the abyss, which were constantly falling into the abyss.

This scene...

Tsunade saw that his eyes were filled with red bloodshot!

""Lady Tsunade!" On the side, the summoning beast slug came to Tsunade.

Because it can split, the slug should have suffered the least trauma.

But it is not completely without damage. At least many of its own offspring that split out at the beginning were evaporated into nothingness under the shocking sword just now.

At this moment, when it came to Tsunade, the slug also saw the bottomless abyss in front of it.

There are also countless broken limbs!

"this....."The slug was so frightened that he was speechless.

"Shikamaru...!"On the side, Ino and Choji looked at their partner who had lost all signs of life on the ground, tears streaming down their faces.

"Sorry."The slug's offspring can't save the dead.

Soon, the still-living Nara Shikaku covered his injured abdomen, slowly walked over, then squatted down and quietly looked at his dead son in front of him.

On the other side, it was actually:


Tenten and Lee looked at Hyuga Neji on the ground in disbelief.

It seemed that just now, in order to reduce the danger for Lee and Tenten, Hyuga Neji used all his strength to restore the sky at the critical moment.

Then, Lee and Tenten survived, but Neji himself was injured and died!

A slug split beside him was also helpless!

However, there was one place where the damage was the least.

That was:


Hatake Kakashi removed the huge earth flow wall.

Then, he and his three disciples behind him, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, and Haruno Sakura, looked at the scene around them in shock.

Especially the abyss that cut through Konoha, the bottomless gap!

Such power, can his own earth flow wall block it?

Kakashi noticed that the damage on his side was the least!

‘Could it be...Sasuke?

Kakashi looked at Uchiha Sasuke beside him in surprise, and thinking of what Chen Yiban had just said to Sasuke, he couldn't help but guess so. The only reason that could explain this was that he was holding back on someone from the same Uchiha clan.

"This power..."At this time, Uchiha Sasuke looked at the power of the sword that cut through Konoha.

He couldn't believe it. Was this the power that humans could possess?

Could the legendary ninja, the strongest patriarch of his clan, be so powerful?

He simply couldn't believe that the scene before his eyes was real!

"How did the village become like this?....."Haruno Sakura stared blankly at Konoha being split in two.

Next to her, Uzumaki Naruto had already run out of control.



Uzumaki Naruto saw the body of Nara Shikamaru


Hyuga Neji!

"Naruto-kun."Not far away, Hyuga Hinata walked over here with her father Hyuga Hiashi.

Then, she saw Hyuga Neji lying on the ground covered in blood, and she covered her mouth in shock.

"Lustful Immortal...!"Turning his head, the already angry Uzumaki Naruto was surprised to see Jiraiya who had lost his entire right arm.

"Lecherous Immortal!"Uzumaki Naruto immediately rushed over and supported Jiraiya

"Lecherous fairy, you...you....."Having just seen the death of Shikamaru and Neji, Uzumaki Naruto was inexplicably afraid that the lecherous sage would also die.

The bloody scene on Jiraiya's right side was too scary.

"Hahaha, don't worry, I'm the Toad Sage Jiraiya, I won't die like this." Jiraiya forced a laugh and reached out to touch Naruto's head.

At this moment, there were already two tear marks on Uzumaki Naruto's face!

Then, the still alive Kakashi, Mitarashi Anko, Yuhi Kurenai, Hinata Hiashi, Nara Shikaku and others, gathered together again.

At this time: ding dong———Zhengdong————

Susanoo, in its complete form, took extremely heavy steps, approaching the last surviving Konoha ninjas step by step.

"asshole..."Uzumaki Naruto's eyes began to turn red.

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