
Susanoo's Complete Form kept moving forward, approaching the remaining Konoha ninjas step by step.

Its huge body brought with it an equally powerful aura.

Some ninjas at the scene could not help but retreat, and some even collapsed on the ground.

"us...We can't win at all."

Some Konoha ninjas began to despair.

Seeing the [Susanoo Complete Form] with a body size of more than 230 meters walking towards them step by step without haste, countless ninjas felt despair!

"The strength is not even in the same dimension."

Xi Ri Hong couldn't help but kneel on the ground with tears in her beautiful eyes.

"asshole..."During this time, Tsunade looked at the entire Konoha that was cut in half by the terrible sword, gritting her teeth, but she was desperate and helpless.

Kakashi, without saying a word, also felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.

The legendary ninja Uchiha Madara was too powerful.

They were simply not someone they could contend with!...


Susanoo Complete���, standing in front of all the remaining Konoha ninjas. The terrifying momentum was overwhelming, leaving countless Konoha ninjas at the scene without any courage to resist.

"finally...Are you not going to resist anymore?"

In the diamond-shaped crystal on the head of the super-giant Susanoo, Chen Yiban, who was wearing red armor, clasped his hands and spoke coldly.

But just as Chen Yiban finished his words:


A wild beast-like roar resounded throughout the ruined Konoha.


Oh ?" Chen Yiban looked down from above and saw a figure that had lost control. He couldn't help but smile with interest....Four nine-tailed demon fox tails have appeared behind Uzumaki Naruto!!

He has entered the beast state!

"Little boy, in order to stop being a puppet of that bastard Madara, I will help you this time."

Inside the body of Four-tailed Naruto, Kurama said

"It's Naruto!" Kakashi turned around and saw the red beast figure.

"Naruto....."The person closest to the four-tailed Naruto at this time is Jiraiya, who has lost his arm.

But Jiraiya is now a little powerless to stop Naruto from losing control!

Moreover, if Naruto regards the Susanoo in front of him as an enemy...

It might be good to lose control for a while!

And just as Jiraiya was thinking


It is indeed seen that the four-tailed Naruto really went for the super huge [Susanoo Complete Form] in front of him

"Interesting!"In the crystal on Susano's head, Chen Yiban smiled faintly.

"Roar....!!"Four-tailed Naruto, in front of everyone's surprised eyes, roared with his hands and feet running on the ground.

He burst out with overwhelming speed and strength, and violently attacked the super-giant Susanoo in full form.


, a giant claw transformed from the chakra of a tailed beast attacked the huge calf of [Susanoo Complete Form], but it only made a slight sound!


It's a bit itchy!"At Susano's head, Chen Yiban opened his eternal kaleidoscope, folded his arms and smiled contemptuously.—————

The four-tailed Naruto seemed to be getting more and more angry. After he roared to the sky again, the fifth tail appeared.

Instantly, the more terrifying tailed beast chakra clothes enveloped Uzumaki Naruto at this moment!

The whole body was full of beast nature!

At the same time, the skin on Uzumaki Naruto's body began to peel off a little.

"That is...Naruto?!"

On the side, Uchiha Sasuke was shocked to see Uzumaki Naruto, who was full of powerful tailed beast chakra.

He couldn't believe that Uzumaki Naruto actually had such a terrifying chakra power.

"Naruto...?"Haruno Sakura also looked very surprised

"This is the fifth tail. You can't continue, Naruto. Kakashi was confused and worried.

"Naruto...cough cough....."Jiraiya was already seriously injured at this moment, and he coughed up blood when he spoke.

"Naruto..."Princess Tsunade looked at Naruto with five tails, her eyes were complicated.

She knew that if all nine tails came out, Naruto would be doomed!

But, facing such a terrifying enemy as the legendary ninja [Uchiha Madara], it seemed that he should"fight to the death" right?

So, thinking about it, Princess Tsunade looked at Naruto with five tails, her eyes were extremely complicated.

Looking at Jiraiya who was seriously injured and had a broken arm,

Princess Tsunade felt that at this time, Naruto's power might really be the last hope of Konoha!

"Jiraiya, hold on."Tsunade soon recovered from her despair and came to Jiraiya.

Then, she used her superb medical ninjutsu to heal Jiraiya!

In response:

"Tsunade, help me...!"

Jiraiya looked at the beloved woman in front of him and pleaded.

Hearing this, Tsunade, who was already healing Jiraiya and looking at the broken arm with doubt in her heart, could not help but be slightly stunned.

Responding, Tsunade seemed to understand something and wiped the blood from Jiraiya's broken arm with her hand.

Seeing this, knowing that Tsunade understood his thoughts, Jiraiya could not help but smile despite the pain.


"Ninja Technique: The Art of Summoning Spirits!!"...

On the other side, Naruto , who now has five tails, is transformed into a beast, and his power is still surging.

Soon, the sixth tail appears!


The terrifying beast-like roar from Naruto's mouth resounded throughout Konoha, shocking countless people!

"Naruto....."Sasuke and Haruno Sakura were also very surprised.

"There are six tails now. If this continues,....."Kakashi was worried about his apprentice, but he was powerless at this moment.


Six-tailed Naruto opened his mouth and began to rapidly condense the Tailed Beast Ball towards Susanoo's Perfect Form.———

Soon, a Tailed Beast Ball was fired directly at the huge Susanoo Perfect Form in front of him.

It hit the huge blue calf of the Susanoo Perfect Form!

This time, Chen Yiban's Susanoo Perfect Form's foot moved back a little.

But that was it!

"" Ha!" Chen Yiban folded his arms and watched quietly.

He was waiting for Naruto to explode with his nine tails and lose control completely!

At that time, it would be the time to put a collar on the nine-tailed demon fox.


At this time, a crystal necklace on Naruto's neck began to emit energy, trying to restrain Naruto at this moment.

Or to suppress Naruto's loss of control at this moment!


Crack!———Just like the scene in the original drama when Pein invaded Konoha, Naruto with six tails grabbed the necklace around his neck and crushed it with a light squeeze.

Suddenly, the power of the seal disappeared in an instant!


Behind Naruto, the [Seventh Tail] slowly emerged.

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