"seven...Seven tails."

Looking at the beast-like Naruto with seven tails, Kakashi was very suspicious.

As soon as the seven tails appeared, a layer of bone coat began to appear on the out-of-control Naruto.

Further strengthen the defense!


Afterwards, he roared and rushed to the feet of the super-giant [Susanoo·Complete Form].—————

He swung his claws at a very fast speed, attacking the"Susanoo Perfect Form".

During this time, the Tailed Beast Ball was also like it was free and kept bombarding the Susanoo Perfect Form in front of him.

However, it could not cause any effective damage to the super huge [Susanoo Perfect Form]!



When Naruto with seven tails climbed up along the huge body of Susanoo's complete form, Chen Yiban had an idea....Susano's big hand immediately firmly grasped the out-of-control beast-like Uzumaki Naruto

"Roar...!!"Naruto the Seven-Tailed was still roaring at Chen Yiban in Susano's hand

"Oh, you danced well. But, I have no patience anymore!" Chen Yiban said coldly with his eyes full of eternal kaleidoscopes.


"Nine-Tailed Fox!"

"I'll just put the collar on you like this!" He formed a seal with his two fingers, preparing to use the power of the Eternal Mangekyō on Naruto the Seven-Tailed.

He would completely stimulate the power of the Tailed Beast in Naruto's body, and use it to catch the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox in his body!


""Super Big Ball Rasengan!!"

Suddenly, a figure jumped up and hit Susanoo's huge wrist with a bang.

Although it couldn't break Susanoo's big hand, it still made Susanoo loosen his grip and let Naruto escape.

"Hmm?" Chen Yiban's eyes narrowed and he looked coldly.

It was Jiraiya!

But Jiraiya was in a completely different state at the moment. He looked a little ugly.

Like a toad!

There were also two small figures standing on his shoulders!

"this...Have you entered Sage Mode?" Chen Yiban frowned slightly. He was a little unhappy with the other party's interference just now!

At this moment:

Boom boom boom———!!

Three huge figures, each holding a huge weapon, suddenly attacked the legs of the"Susanoo Perfect Form".

When Chen Yiban relaxed and had no intention of resisting, the Susanoo Perfect Form took a small step back.

Then, Chen Yiban looked down with his pair of Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan: three huge toads came into view!

It turned out to be the three brothers Gamabunta, Gamahiro, and Gamaken in the original play.

Gamabunta had just been summoned by Jiraiya. The other two, as well as the two small toads on Jiraiya's shoulders at this time, were obviously the toads from Myoboku Mountain who had just been summoned!

""You're in the way!" Chen Yiban said coldly.

Then he kicked out suddenly!

Bang bang bang—————

"Wow...!"The three big toads immediately flew backwards, and finally fell to the ground in a mess!

"The three of us attacked at the same time with all our strength, but the big guy only took a small step back."

"But its random attack....."

The three brothers, Gamabunta, Gamahiro, and Gamaken, who were lying on the ground in a panic, looked at the Susanoo in front of them, which was four or five times taller than them.’

"Immortal Technique: Frog Croaking!!"At this moment, the two toad sages on Jiraiya's shoulders launched the magic of Myoboku Mountain.

Wow wow wow—————

Suddenly, the sound of illusion began to hit Chen Yiban on the [Susanoo·Full Form].

However, Susanoo Full Form was too tall. The power of the frog croak was greatly reduced!

What's more, Chen Yiban, who possessed the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and the incomparably powerful power of the spiritual world, was not afraid of the frog croak at all.

""Shut up!" Chen Yiban shouted coldly.

Then he wanted to chop out the Susanoo sword and kill Jiraiya!



A Tailed Beast Ball that was countless times larger than the previous one suddenly blasted towards Susanoo's Complete Form from the side. Chen Yiban couldn't help but change his strategy and slashed at the Tailed Beast Ball that was blasting towards him from the side with his sword!


The tailed beast jade was cut open, and a terrifying explosion suddenly erupted.

A mushroom cloud rose quietly!


In the crystal of Susanoo's head, Chen Yiban was unharmed and controlled Susanoo's big hand to slap the air.

The smoke and dust were blown away!

Suddenly, the beast-like Naruto with eight tails appeared.

"Nine-tailed Fox, do you think you can escape? Come here and submit to my pupil power!" Chen Yiban said with an evil smile.

Facing the siege of many powerful men, Chen Yiban was always at ease and relaxed!

"However, some flies are still a nuisance."

Chen Yiban said as he slowly formed a seal.

Five shadow clones immediately appeared around him!

"Get rid of those flies!"

"I'm going to put a collar on the Nine-Tailed Fox!"

Looking at the five shadow clones, the original Chen Yiban said so lightly.

To this, the five shadow clones all nodded.

The next moment: swish swish swish swish—————

Five shadow clones all jumped down from the tall Susanoo's head.

Then, three of them faced Gamabunta, Gamahiro, and Gamaken.

One faced Jiraiya in Sage Mode.

The last shadow clone slowly came in front of all the Konoha ninjas, including Tsunade, Kakashi, and others.

"Don't get in the way!" ×5

The five shadow clones of Chen Yiban said coldly at the same time

"asshole..."Looking at the shadow clone Chen Yiban in front of them, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Kakashi, Gamabunta, and Gamahiro could not help but curse angrily and helplessly.

On the other side:

"Okay, no one will disturb me anymore. You can wear the collar now!"

The original Chen Yiban was in the crystal head of the 'Susanoo Complete Form', looking at the beast-like Naruto who had eight tails not far in front of him.


"Damn it, Motor!" In the sealed space, Jiu Lama roared angrily.———

Outside, the beast-transformed Naruto also roared at Susanoo's perfect form.

Just now, the huge tailed beast ball was cut open by Susanoo's sword. Kurama's understanding of the power of Susanoo's perfect form was raised to a new level.—————

Next, the out-of-control Eight-Tails Naruto continued to fire multiple"Tailed Beast Balls" at Susanoo's Perfect Form. It seems like: Prince's Battle Method!!...

Susanoo walked straight towards it.

As he walked, he casually knocked away the small tailed beast balls. It was as easy as a human slapping a mosquito!


Kakashi, Jiraiya, Tsunade and others are all worried about Naruto at this moment.

Because Naruto already has eight tails, if he gets another one......

It's irreversible!

However, just as Jiraiya, Tsunade, Kakashi and the others were about to make the slightest move, they saw: swish swish swish swish—————

Five 'Shadow Clone·Chen Yiban', at different positions, simultaneously released chakra and launched [Susanoo·Level 3].

In an instant, five 'tens of meters' tall blue bodies blocked everyone's way!

"I told you. Don't get in the way!" ×5

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