
Hearing the sudden voice, Kakashi, Asuma, Might Guy, Yuhi Kurenai, Nara Shikaku, Mitarashi Anko and other Konoha senior ninjas...

They all turned around in confusion and looked behind them where the voice came from!

The next second, they saw a man wearing a black suit, a red armor in the style of the Warring States Period, black gloves, and a striking head of long hair that reached his waist.

He stood behind them without knowing when.


During this time, Kakashi, Asuma, Might Guy, Kurenai Yuhi and other jonin were all shocked.

The other party had approached so close without any of them noticing.

How could they not feel anything? If the other party was an enemy and wanted to attack any of them......

Wasn't it just now...

Thinking of this, Kakashi and the others could not help but feel a sense of doubt in their hearts!

At the same time, they looked at the man in front of them curiously.

And the person who suddenly appeared behind Kakashi, Yuhi Kurenai and the others was naturally Chen Yiban, who had obtained all the power to establish Konoha Uchiha Madara!...

"Then, do you mind adding me in?"

Chen Yiban, who was wearing red armor and had long flowing hair, looked at Kakashi, Might Guy, Asuma, Kurenai and others at the table in front of him, and asked again with a faint smile on his face!

During this time, it must be said:

Madara-sama's appearance is really top-notch when he smiles!

Even Kurenai couldn't help but secretly admire Chen Yiban's appearance.

"Hey, who are you? We don't want strangers to come and eat and drink for free."

At this time, Yutarashi Anko held her chin with one hand and looked at Chen Yiban, who was standing beside her in red armor.


"Say...I look at you, and I feel a sense of familiarity, as if I have seen you somewhere before."

Suddenly, Yutemachi Hongdou looked at Chen Yiban and felt that he looked more and more familiar.

"I have the same feeling."On the side, Yuhi Kurenai also echoed.

Similarly, Asuma, Nara Shikaku, Akimichi Choza, Yamanaka Inoichi and other Konoha jonins all felt that Chen Yiban looked strangely familiar. It was as if they had seen him somewhere before!

It was indeed that Chen Yiban's appearance, looks, and clothes were exactly the same as [Uchiha Madara], which made them feel very familiar.

But these jonin couldn't remember where they had seen him for a moment!

"Really? It seems that there is a special fate between us, right?"

Chen Yiban said with a faint smile again.

In his heart, he was thinking:

‘Would it be enough to knock down all these Konoha jonin to get an extra chance to sign in? '

The strong strength gave Chen Yiban great confidence.

It also made him look like a man who played with the world, ignored all worldly rules, and looked down on everyone.

"Oh, I remember now!"

At this moment, Yutemachi Hongdou suddenly shouted.

Then, pointing at Chen Yiban:

"The red armor you are wearing is a replica of the old-style armor from the Warring States Period, right?"

"No wonder he looks so familiar!"

Yutemashi Anko felt that she had finally found the part of Chen Yiban that made her feel familiar.


Kakashi was watching Chen Yiban. Kakashi felt that Chen Yiban looked familiar not only because of his old-fashioned armor.

"It seems to be true. I think the huge stone statues of the first Hokage and the Uchiha predecessor, Uchiha Madara, at the Valley of the End, are wearing this kind of armor, right?"

After hearing what Mitarashi Anko said, Yuhi Kurenai added.

These are the words...

Kakashi suddenly thought of something, and then he looked at Chen Yiban in front of him again, and began to compare him with the"stone statue" of the man he had seen in his memory.

However, the more he compared, the more doubtful Kakashi became!

His right eye began to widen a little!

‘No way...Impossible!!

Kakashi began to doubt himself.

"I see, you seem to like the old-style armor from the Warring States period. Well, if you don't mind, let's sit together!"

Xi Ri Hong felt that it would not look good to let Chen Yiban stand in the aisle all the time. So, after saying a few words, she made room for Chen Yiban without thinking too much.

"cough cough..."My friend, please sit next to me!"

Seeing Xi Ri Hong giving up her seat to Chen Yiban, Asma suddenly gave up a seat as well.

He really didn't want Chen Yiban to sit next to Xi Ri Hong!

""Okay, thank you!" Chen Yiban, who had been smiling all the time, nodded slightly.

Then, he wanted to sit down.

But suddenly:

"Wait a minute!"

Hatake Kakashi, with a look of surprise, suspicion, and even disbelief, suddenly stood up and stared at Chen Yiban.

Chen Yiban's movements also paused slightly!

"Who are you?"

Kakashi, at this moment, had a vigilant look on his face.

He was even ready to make a seal!

Kakashi, at this moment, was like he was facing a great enemy!!

As a result, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became inexplicably tense.

"Hey, Kakashi, although I hate to have one more person to share our barbecue, you don't have to be so nervous, right?"

Mitarashi Anko felt a little funny when she saw the very nervous Kakashi.

But she didn't know how surprised, suspicious and unbelievable Kakashi was at that moment.

On the side, Asuma, Shikaku, Yamanaka, Choza and other Konoha jonin were also a little confused when they saw the suddenly nervous Kakashi.

"Hey, Kakashi, what's wrong with you?"Might Guy was a little confused about what Kakashi, his best friend, meant at the moment.

But Might Guy, who also knew Kakashi well, thought that there must be a reason for Kakashi's defensive behavior at this time.

In response:

"Your name is Kakashi, right?..."


"You, what do you see in me?"

Chen Yiban smiled with interest, and his black pupils looked at Hatake Kakashi at this moment.

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