
"you really are....."

"Impossible! That person can't be alive, and even less can he be as young as you!!"

Hatake Kakashi looked at Chen Yiban in shock and disbelief. Kurenai

Yuhi, Asuma, Might Guy, Shikaku Nara and others watched as Kakashi became more and more nervous, even saying something inexplicable....

At this moment, many jonin were a little confused about what happened to Kakashi!

"Kakashi..."Nara Shikaku thought Kakashi wouldn't suddenly act this strange.

So, Nara Shikaku also re-examined Chen Yiban, who was wearing red armor and whose sitting action was interrupted.




Suddenly, it was like a thunderclap in Nara Shikaku's mind.

He became like Kakashi at this moment: with a shocked and unbelievable expression, he looked at Chen Yiban, who was wearing red armor and had long and smooth hair.

"Shikaku, why are you like this too?"

Akimichi Choza looked at Shikaku with confused eyes, who also had the same surprised expression as Kakashi.

Meanwhile, Yuhi Kurenai, Mitarashi Anko, Asuma, Yamanaka, and Might Guy also looked puzzled.



Chen Yiban, who was interrupted by Kakashi from sitting down, laughed for no apparent reason.


"Did you recognize it?"

"You two!"

A pair of black pupils looked at Hatake Kakashi and Nara Shikaku at this moment.

"Everyone..."Hatake Kakashi looked at the jonin around him, as if to remind them to get ready for battle immediately, at least...

You have to be defensive!

The person in front of you might be the legendary.....


"What happened between you and Lu Jiu? Why are you so wary of this strange man?"

Might Guy scratched his head.

"But I believe in Kakashi."

"So, give up your identity. Friend!"

The next second, Might Guy suddenly smiled, staring at Chen Yiban with shining teeth.

As Kakashi's opponent for so many years,

Might Guy knows Kakashi well enough!

Therefore: Might Guy chooses to trust Kakashi unconditionally!!

So, Might Guy became alert to Chen Yiban at this moment.

On the side, Yuan Fei, Asuma, Yuhi Kurenai, Shikaku, Yamanaka, Choza and other senior ninjas also began to stare at Chen Yiban.


"Hey, what are you guys doing?..."

Mitarashi Red Bean, I still feel that these companions around me are a bit weird


"Oh, give up your identity?"

"I didn't expect that in just 70 or 80 years, Konoha would completely forget the people who existed in the Warring States Period."

Chen Yiban, who was wearing red armor and had lush hair, sneered.

"Well, but it doesn't matter."

"Want to know my name? Sure!"

"In this world, I allow you to call me..."

Chen Yiban said this to Kakashi, Nara Shikaku, Might Guy and others with a slightly cold smile on his face.

At this time, Chen Yiban had not finished speaking:

"You are indeed...Uchiha Madara!!"

Before Chen Yiban finished speaking, Kakashi actually answered Chen Yiban like this.

Chen Yiban:???

Hearing this, Mitarashi Anko, who originally felt that Kakashi and the others were a little bit inexplicable, was instantly shocked. The chopsticks in her hand fell on the table!

Yuhi Kurenai, Asuma, Akimichi Choza, Might Guy...

All of them were suddenly filled with astonishment and disbelief, and for a moment they could not help but stand there in a daze.

Even though they had already guessed something about Nara Shikaku, at this moment, after hearing Chen Yiban's words that seemed to half admit his identity, the two of them still looked at Chen Yiban, who was wearing red armor, with doubts in their eyes!

"Yu...Uchiha, Madara?!"

"You, you are....."

Yuhi Kurenai, at this moment, really couldn't believe the name that Kakashi said on her behalf.

But, at this moment:

"This attitude..."

Through the name"Uchiha Madara", Xihi Hong finally discovered that

Chen Yiban in front of him was extremely similar to one of the two huge stone statues that had always existed in the Valley of the End.

I hadn't thought of it just now!

But at this time...In Xirihong's eyes, Chen Yiban really looked very similar to a stone statue in the Valley of the End.

Especially the Warring States armor and the long hair!

It was as if the stone statue had come alive!

At this moment, Xirihong was thinking of the stone statue....

It is the legendary strong man Uchiha Madara!!

Chen Yiban:"....."

During this time, of course, Yuhi Kurenai was not the only one who thought of this.

In addition to Kakashi and Nara Shikaku who realized it from the beginning, everyone else, including Asuma, Might Guy, Mitarashi Anko, Yamanaka Inoichi, and others, also thought of this.



"The legendary ninja, Uchiha Madara, died in a battle with the first Hokage, Senju Hashirama, many years ago." Yuan

Fei Asuma suddenly stood up and denied Chen Yiban's identity.

Might Guy, Yuhi Kurenai, and Mitarashi Anko also agreed with this.

How can a dead person be resurrected?


Hearing that person's name again, Chen Yiban, who had received almost all of Uchiha Madara's memories, suddenly shuddered.

At this moment, a terrible fighting spirit and murderous intent could not be controlled from the depths of his memory.

Chen Yiban, who possessed [Uchiha Madara's All Memories], could not control his murderous intent and fighting spirit the moment he heard the name of 'Senju Hashirama'.

""Not good! Retreat!"

Kakashi saw Chen Yiban's situation in time and immediately waved his hand and shouted to the others around him.

The people on the side were all at the level of Jonin, and their reaction ability was at least qualified.

Immediately, no matter what was about to happen, they listened to the team's instructions: Retreat!

"Don't be in front of me...Mention that person's name!!"


The powerful chakra exploded.

In an instant, even though Kakashi and the others had retreated in advance, they were still hit by the explosive force of the powerful chakra and smashed through the wall one by one.

"Uh ah..."

Everyone was blown out of the barbecue restaurant and landed on the street outside.

"good...What a powerful chakra!"

"This level of chakra is simply unprecedented!!"

After Nara Shikaku stabilized his body and stood on the street with others, he couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

On the side, Kakashi, Might Guy, Yuan Fei, Asuma and others were also shocked and extremely solemn.

During this period:

"This terrifying amount of chakra...Hey, Kakashi, he can't really be....."

Might Guy was very shocked at this time.

In response, Kakashi was holding a kunai, staring at the barbecue restaurant that had been shaken to pieces by the powerful chakra with an extremely serious expression.

At this time, countless diners in the barbecue restaurant ran out of the store in panic.

In the end, the boss and the waiter all ran away!

I guess those who didn't know thought it was an earthquake!

When most of the people in the barbecue restaurant ran away:


"I already...They have reached the other side!!"

Chen Yiban was almost immersed in Uchiha Madara's memory at this time.

Chakra and terrifying pupil power were bursting out!

Roar———The next moment, there was a roar.———!!

A blue statue of Susanoo, Stage 3, several dozen meters tall, broke through the roof of the barbecue restaurant. In the end, it even stepped on the entire barbecue restaurant!...

Kakashi looked thoughtfully at the kunai in his hand.

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