
The next moment, the invisible [Rinnegan Shadow] directly cuts off Uchiha Obito's head.



The beheaded Uchiha Obito did not die.

His head and body disappeared in an instant!

Then he was completely restored.

Then, Uchiha Obito looked at Chen Yiban, who had a pair of lavender eyes, with a look of extreme surprise.

The next second, he turned around and ran away!

"Izanagi? It's a bit troublesome!"

Chen Yiban's reincarnation eyes looked at the fleeing Uchiha Ohbito with an evil smile on his face. Although he said troublesome, there was no trace of real trouble on Chen Yiban's face.

Instead, there was a hint of fun similar to 'cat catching mouse'!...

""White Zetsu!"

Uchiha Ohbito shouted after escaping the Hokage Building and jumping to the ground. Suddenly

, the Whirlpool White Zetsu, who was originally on Uchiha Obito's body, took over the body temporarily.

And with a"swish", he used the special ability of White Zetsu to directly merge into the ground and escaped underground.

In response, the rooftop above the Hokage Building...Chen Yiban came to the edge of the railing, and looked down at the place where Obito had just left with his eyes.


"Oh, Bitto, you are doomed. Chen Yiban smiled coldly, as if he were the god of death....

Since the conditions for each person's use are different, the invincibility time after each person activates [Izanagi] is also different.

For example, in the original play, under the bombardment of [600 billion detonating tags] of"Akatsuki Organization·Konan",...

When the [Divine Power Hollow] was about to expire, he used Izanagi to escape.

Therefore, if Ohbito's Izanagi is not invincible for five minutes, it should be three minutes.

Three minutes!

Chen Yiban let him escape. Just wait until these three minutes are over!


The second backup plan I secretly left just now can be activated.

Oh, Bitto!

You are destined to be the fifth one!!......

On the other side!

With the help of Uzumaki White Zetsu 'Afei', Uchiha Ohbito quickly escaped from Konoha.

Arrived outside Konoha!

During this time, someone may ask: Why not use [Kamiu] to leave?

Ohbito: Damn, there is an enemy clone in the Kamui space. If I don't find a way to solve it, how dare I go in for the time being?

Asking 'Afei' for help was also a last resort.

As for fighting Chen Yiban?

Ohbito said don't even think about it!

Just now, the Kamui space was almost beheaded by the opponent's clone.

Later, it was really beheaded by some invisible and unfelt ghost thing.

Ohbito guessed that it was the unique pupil technique of the opponent's Samsara Eye!

If it weren't for him, Ohbito, who secretly activated Izanami, his life would have been reimbursed just now.

Damn, it seems that all my information just now was known to the opponent!

The guy opposite...It's so damn sinister!!

Even more sinister than him, Ohbito!!

At this time, almost two minutes had passed.

"Ah Fei, keep going!"

After arriving outside the Konoha city wall, Uchiha Obito still felt that it was not safe enough.

He let White Zetsu Ah Fei continue to sneak underground!

"Yes Yes Yes..."Ah Fei nodded repeatedly.

Then, he continued to move away from Konoha.

Until he was more than ten kilometers away from the Konoha Ninja Village! Only when he felt that he had completely gotten rid of the enemy did Ohbito dare to let Ah Fei return to the ground.

At the same time, [Izanagi] had already reached its time limit and lost its effect.


Back on the ground, Uchiha Obito covered his broken left arm and couldn't help but let out a slight cry of pain.

"Oh, Bitto, I really suffered a big loss this time. Who is that guy who looks exactly like Madara-sama? He actually has the real Samsara Eye."

White Zetsu Afei couldn't help but speak out at this time

"I don't know!" Uchiha Obito said coldly.

At the same time, he took off the brown vortex mask....

Revealing that slightly scary right face!

At the same time, in addition to the [Kamiu Sharingan] in his right eye,

Uchiha Obito's left eye is now an eye that has lost its light.

Before, there was an ordinary three-magatama Sharingan!

Because Izanami was activated just now, the Sharingan in his left eye has lost its light.———

The next moment, Obito dug out the blind eye in his left eye.

Then, he took out a bottle from his arms. Inside the bottle was a new three-magatama Sharingan soaked in liquid! He was indeed preparing to replace the left eye!


Suddenly, a flash of light wearing red armor suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh, Bitto!"Chen Yiban, with his eyes wide open, sneered at Obito in front of him.

‘Flying Thunder God Technique? How is it possible!! '

Obito was in disbelief.

At the same time, Obito reacted and cried out in his heart that something was wrong.

Then he prepared to enter the Hollow again at the risk of his life! But



The invisible and unfelt existence instantly decapitated Uchiha Obito.

It was: Chakram Tomb Shadow!

Then, with a bloody parabola,

Uchiha Obito...

The head falls to the ground!———

The invisible 'Rinnegan·Shadow' dug out Uchiha Obito's [Shinmu Sharingan] from his right eye.

Then, he handed it to Chen Yiban in front of him!

Chen Yiban, with his eyes open, took the 'Shinmu Sharingan' and put it directly into the system's internal space.

On the other side:

Uzumaki White Zetsu 'Afei' is not dead yet, and seems to want to escape at this time.

Rinnegan·Shadow took it directly!

Then a fire escape...Burn it to ashes!

【Congratulations on killing Uchiha Obito and achieving a high level achievement. Congratulations on receiving a high level achievement lottery!】

【Congratulations on killing 'Afei·Bai Zetsu' and achieving a medium achievement. Congratulations on getting: Medium Achievement Lottery·One Time!】

【Your current number of draws of various types:

Primary achievement draws: 3 times!

Medium achievement draws: 3 times!

High achievement draws: 1 time!】...

In the void, a system prompt that only Chen Yiban could hear and see appeared at the right time.

Chen Yiban glanced at it and temporarily ignored it!

Then, he looked at Uchiha Obito, who was separated from his head and lying on the ground:

"do you know?"

"In the Divine Power Space, although my clone failed to behead you, he left the mark of the Flying Thunder God on you."

"So, Oh Beato...You are destined to be the fifth one!"

Looking at Obito's corpse, Chen Yiban announced an answer.

It turned out that Chen Yiban's clone, who failed in the sneak attack in the Shenwei space, left the mark of [Flying Thunder God] on Obito.

It's really...The original body is a shady guy, and the clone is just as shady!!

Chen Yiban uses information asymmetry...

The previous Eight Gates Kai, Shimura Danzo, and Uchiha Obito at this moment, all five of them were calculated to death.

"Fire Style...!"

Finally, Chen Yiban used a fire ninjutsu on Uchiha Obito's body.

A simple cremation!

To prevent the body from polluting the environment in the wild!

After that, take back the [Wheel Grave] and:


Flying Thunder God Technique, leave!

In this way, only two flames were left here slowly burning.

However, not long after Chen Yiban left...

White Zetsu's true form and Black Zetsu slowly emerged from the underground.

"Madara-sama's Eternal Mangekyō, Samsara Eye, and even seems to be able to use Madara-sama's Wheel Graveyard...."

"At this moment, he showed the Flying Thunder God Technique that even Madara-sama did not possess."

"Who is the other party?"

White Zetsu couldn't help but look shocked.

"I don't know. But this person has seriously affected the progress of the Moon Eye Project!"The other half of the body, Black Zetsu, had a gloomy face.

""Obito has been killed, can the Moon Eye Project still continue?" White Zetsu said faintly.

In response, Black Zetsu clenched his fists in anger:"Nagato is still here!"...

On the other side, after Chen Yiban launched Flying Thunder God several times, he crossed ten kilometers and returned to Konoha and reached the rooftop of the Hokage Building.

At the same time, he saw Tsunade, who seemed to have just eaten and was about to return to the Hokage Building to continue handling the Hokage's official business.

Because of the destruction of Konoha by Chen Yiban a few days ago, the already busy duties of the Hokage had to deal with more documents.

For example: the wholesale funding documents for the reconstruction of the streets and houses of Konoha that were destroyed by Chen Yiban a few days ago. Even which house should be repaired first and which one should be repaired later, requires Tsunade to consider it and sign for approval.

In this way, Tsunade is really busy these days!

During this period, Tsunade kept cursing and scolding Mada in her heart.

"Hasilama's granddaughter!"

Suddenly, downstairs, Tsunade, who was just about to step into the Hokage Building, heard the voice of the person she hated the most in her life.


Tsunade thought to herself.

Then, she looked up and saw Chen Yiban, whose eyes had returned to their normal black pupils, standing on the railing on the rooftop of the Hokage Building, looking down at her below.

‘Why didn't I throw you to death?

Looking at Chen Yiban above, Tsunade secretly cursed in her heart.

""What are you doing? You bastard!"

Then, Princess Tsunade responded with a shout.

As for Princess Tsunade's verbal attack, Chen Yiban seemed not to hear it and said indifferently:"Come up!"

"What are you going to do?" Tsunade was very reluctant.

"I'll say it. Don't make me say it for the third time!" Chen Yiban still spoke coldly.

But this time, it was obvious that there was a hint of threat in his tone!

"you..."Tsunade-ji glared at the man above with her beautiful eyes full of resentment.

"Here it comes. Bastard!"I couldn't help but curse again, and the next second I saw Tsunade-ji lightly jump up and jump onto the rooftop of the Hokage Building!

���The two Anbu ninjas who were on duty at the gate of the Hokage building watched their Hokage do whatever others said....

The two dared not say a word, and even felt a little nervous.

Fortunately, their fifth-generation Hokage came up very quickly.

The two Anbu ninjas inexplicably felt relieved!...

"Why are you looking for me again?"

"Do you know that because of you, my duties as Hokage have increased at least three times these days? I am so busy that I don't even have time to sleep well!"

As soon as I arrived on the rooftop, Tsunade pointed at Chen Yiban in front of her and kept complaining.

"It's so noisy." Chen Yiban listened and said calmly

"you...Humph!"Tsunade-ji looked like she really wanted to 'bite the man in front of her to death'.

Chen Yiban went straight to the point:


He took out the"Kamiu Sharingan" from the system space, and a bloody [Mangekyo Sharingan] immediately appeared in his hand.】

"This is....."

Princess Tsunade was startled.

She had long been curious about Chen Yiban's ability to take out various items and weapons out of thin air. Now she was even more surprised to see the man in front of her take out items out of thin air again, and it was a [Mangekyo Sharingan].

In response:

"With your medical skills, is there any way...Integrate this Mangekyō Sharingan's pupil technique into my eyes?" Chen Yiban finally told the purpose of his visit to Tsunade....

He wanted to fuse the pupil technique and divine power!!

Actually, Chen Yiban found the system.

But, it actually consumes [three medium achievement draws].


I created an independent beast pet space for 'Jiulama' two days ago, and it only consumed three medium draws.

Why is it so expensive to fuse the pupil technique?

The profiteer system!


It was at this moment that Chen Yiban thought of Tsunade, the medical expert.

He thought: Would she have a solution? Maybe

I could save three medium draws!

"You, do you think I am a god? No matter how powerful I am, I can't do this kind of thing."

Tsunade stared at Chen Yiban in front of her speechlessly.

At the same time:

"besides...Where did you get this Mangekyō Sharingan?"

"As far as I know, there are very few people with the last name Uchiha left in this world. Apart from the brat named Sasuke in Konoha and you, the annoying guy, there is only the crazy Uchiha Itachi in the outside world."

"Could this be Itachi Uchiha's eyes?"

"But when did you leave Konoha to meet Uchiha Itachi?"

Tsunade suddenly asked curiously.

"Even you can't do it?" Chen Yiban almost didn't listen to what Tsunade asked later. It seemed that he only heard Tsunade's words, 'She couldn't make the pupil technique of the Kamui Sharingan merge into his eyes.'



Suddenly, Chen Yiban activated the [Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan】

"Hey, what else do you want to do?"Tsunade couldn't help but take a step back.

"I don't believe what you said. I need to confirm it!" Chen Yiban said with his eyes wide open.

"You, you are really a bastard!"Tsunade-ji gnashed her teeth helplessly and humiliated.

But she could do nothing about it!

In the end, Chen Yiban directly unleashed the powerful pupil power of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

He controlled Tsunade-ji!

However, the answer she got in the end was still: It can't be done!

"It seems...I can only ask the system for help. Three medium draws, three times!"

In the end, Chen Yiban had no other choice.


But at this moment, Princess Tsunade suddenly punched Chen Yiban in the face.

But Chen Yiban blocked it with one hand without even looking at it!

""Oh, there was a mosquito on your face just now!" Princess Tsunade smiled coquettishly.

Hearing this, Chen Yiban opened his pair of Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and looked at her indifferently.

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