Konoha , on a large river not far from the Uchiha Clan's territory:



I saw that [Wooden Clone·Chen Yiban] was fighting with [Uchiha Sasuke] in the middle of the river and on the surface of the water.

It seemed that the wooden clone was defending with ease, while Uchiha Sasuke was struggling to hold the kunai and make useless attacks.

"Fire escape, Hao..."

During this time, Erzhuzi was about to release ninjutsu to the wooden clone Chen Yiban.




The wooden clone Chen Yiban accelerated and kicked Uchiha Sasuke out with a force that he could not resist.

"So fast!"

"My Sharingan, which has just evolved to the level of three magatama, can only detect a little bit of the opponent's movements...."

The second pillar was kicked in the abdomen, and was surprised and flew backwards for seven or eight meters and finally fell into the water.

The fire ninjutsu that was originally intended to be released was also interrupted!

Soon, Uchiha Sasuke used the skill of"Chakra Treading Water" to stand on the water again.

"Come again!"

Looking at the soaked Erzhuzi, the wooden clone Chen Yiban signaled him to continue the attack.

"Damn it!"Uchiha Sasuke couldn't help but marvel at Chen Yiban's power.

A clone can easily suppress him!

But think about it. After all, a few days ago in the Konoha War, Chen Yiban's shadow clone could block countless Konoha ninjas including Tsunade, the fifth generation Hokage!

Although Chen Yiban used a clone to guide his practice, it was a bit foolish.

But after the fight, Nizhuzi knew how powerful Chen Yiban's clone was!

Even if it was a clone, it was still a great honor to have such a powerful master to guide him....

I will definitely become stronger quickly!

"Senior's wooden clone, I'm ready to use my strongest move yet."

"Please be careful!" Uchiha

Sasuke held his right wrist with his left hand, and with his right palm open in five claws, he began to quickly gather the chakra in his body.


It is indeed Lightning Release: Chidori!!

Because the plot has just passed the"Chunnin Beginning", it is exactly when Uchiha Sasuke learned the Lightning Release: Chidori.

"Oh?"The corners of Chen Yiban's mouth slightly raised, and he also showed a little interest.

Then, the next second: whoosh whoosh—————

The wooden clone Chen Yiban slowly raised his right hand....The attributeless pure chakra began to quickly condense in the palm of his hand.

Then a round chakra jade could be seen quickly taking shape!

"That is...Naruto's....."

Uchiha Sasuke was surprised when he saw it. It was indeed the wooden clone Chen Yiban who was condensing Uzumaki Naruto's signature skill at this moment.



Gradually, Uchiha Sasuke mistook the wooden clone Chen Yiban opposite him for Uzumaki Naruto.

"This time, I will never be like that day on the rooftop." The second pillar remembered something, and the look in the three-magatama Sharingan became very fierce.


The next second, he was seen holding a Chidori, with a pair of three-magatama Sharingan, and running towards the wooden clone Chen Yiban at a very fast speed.

"Lightning Style: Chidori!!"

The second pillar roared

""Heh." The wooden clone Chen Yiban smiled.

He tried his best to control the chakra similar to that of the second pillar to operate the Rasengan!



Chidori and Rasengan collided with each other

"Uh ah..."Uchiha Sasuke flew backwards.

Just at this moment, a figure who looked exactly like the wooden clone Chen Yiban appeared and caught the two pillars that flew backwards!

It was indeed Chen Yiban's real body that arrived here at the right time!

"I...Did you lose again?" Uchiha Sasuke's mouth was bleeding, and he fell unconscious on Chen Yiban's body.

"Is it cooked? Not necessarily!"Looking at the unconscious Erzhuzi with a little blood on the corner of his mouth, Chen Yiban's real body looked at the wooden clone in front of him.

However, he saw that the wooden clone who had just kept the same chakra as Erzhuzi and then fought with him had a slightly damaged right hand.

"Rasengan and Chidori each have their own merits. It's just that their lethality is slightly different!"

Chen Yiban's original body thought about it.

The next second, the wooden clone turned into wood and fell into the river....

About three hours later!

By the river,

Uchiha Sasuke slowly woke up, opened his eyes, and saw a figure in red armor grilling fish next to him.

"Senior Madara's wooden clone."The second pillar spoke

"Wake up?!" Chen Yiban, who was grilling fish, glanced at Erzhuzi who had just woken up with his black pupils.

At the same time:

"I have already removed the wooden clone!"

Chen Yiban added.

"Hmm?" Erzhuzi opened his eyes, and then asked with a little surprise:"Are you Madara-senpai himself now?"

""Ah!" Chen Yiban smiled faintly and handed a roasted fish to Erzhuzi:"Eat something!"

"Thanks...Thank you, Senior Ban!" Erzhuzi seemed a little flattered for some reason.

He quickly stood up and took the grilled fish!

"hiss...!"Just sitting up from the ground, Uchiha Sasuke felt a dull pain in his chest.

Then he couldn't help but think of the scene where he had just fought against Chen Yiban's clone's Rasengan and was defeated in the end.

Involuntarily, Erzhuzi looked a little gloomy!

Seeing this, Chen Yiban, who had eaten almost half of the fish, saw the look of this kid and knew what he was thinking:

"Didn't the person who taught you the Thunder Escape Technique tell you its characteristics?"

Chen Yiban said this while chewing the fish slowly.

"Madara Senior..."Sasuke looked at Chen Yiban.

In response:


Chen Yiban said nothing more, and walked to the cliff beside him.



The Rasengan quickly condensed and hit the cliff.

Soon, a pit about four or five meters wide and more than two meters deep appeared in the tall cliff.

"I controlled my chakra to a level similar to yours, and then used the so-called Rasengan."

"Now, use your Chidori to attack the cliff again. See the effect!"

Turning back to look at Erzhuzi, Chen Yiban said so.

After saying that, he did not forget to take another bite of the grilled fish in his other hand!

"Yes, Madara-senpai."Sasuke seemed to understand something.

Soon: hissing———!!

The Lightning Chidori bombarded the same cliff at a different location.

In an instant, a hole that was only two meters wide but nearly five meters deep was created by Erzhuzi.

Erzhuzi almost fell into the cliff!

"Senior, I...I understand what you mean!"

"Thank you!"

The next moment, Erzhuzi jumped out of the hole with a smile on his face and came back to Chen Yiban.

Chen Yiban smiled but said nothing. He turned around and sat down to continue eating the grilled fish in his hand.

‘Naruto, that day on the rooftop...I didn't lose to you. Just like what Senior Madara said, it's just that the killing effects of Chidori and Rasengan are different! '

Thinking in his heart, Nibashi regained his confidence.

I felt that the dull pain in my chest just now didn't hurt anymore!

This is also the result that Chen Yiban wanted. How can a growing ninja lose confidence?......

Three days passed quickly!

On this day, in front of a tombstone at the Konoha cemetery:


Sunset Red, placing a bouquet of flowers in front of the tombstone, eyes can not help but a trace of memories

""Hong!" Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

Yuhi Hong looked back and found that it was Nara Shikaku.

He also held flowers and placed them in front of Asuma's tombstone!

See this:

"Shikaku, I heard that Shikamaru also...Have you ever thought about seeking revenge on that man?"

Xihihong looked at Nara Shikaku beside her and couldn't help asking.

"I have thought about it." Nara Shikaku answered immediately

"That....."Yuhi Kurenai wanted to continue talking.


"But I won't do that!"

Nara Shikaku suddenly added.

"Why? Don't you want to avenge Shikamaru?"Yuhi Kurenai was puzzled.

When she heard Shikamaru's name...

Nara Shikaku's eyes could not help but show a hint of sadness, but:

"We can't possibly be that man's opponent. Attacking him will only anger him."

"You probably don't want to see the people of Konoha being slaughtered, right?"

Nara Shikaku looked directly at Yuhi Kurenai.

If revenge was really possible, Nara Shikaku would certainly want it.


The enemy is the legendary ninja Uchiha Madara! So, is it really possible to succeed?

If it fails, what will be the consequences?

Will the civilians and ninjas of the entire Konoha really have to pay for his failed revenge?...

Under the gaze of Nara Shikaku, Yuhi Kurenai finally turned away in disappointment.

"well..."Afterwards, looking at Asuma's tombstone, Nara Shikaku also lowered his head and sighed.

‘Shikamaru, will you understand me?’...

On the other side!

Still on the river not far from the Uchiha clan's land


The sound of weapons clashing continued to ring out!

It was indeed Erzhuzi who was constantly fighting against Chen Yiban's wooden clone.

Although he was still no match for Chen Yiban's clone,

Erzhuzi had made significant progress in a few days.

At least: the newly awakened [Three Magatama Sharingan] was being used more and more skillfully!

In addition, the battles were fought on the water these days.

Uchiha Sasuke's chakra control has also risen to a higher level!

Before, under the powerful attacks of the wooden clone, Erzhuzi often lost control of his chakra and fell directly into the water.

Now, this situation rarely happens!

During this period, when the wooden clone and Erzhuzi were fighting on the river......

Chen Yiban's body had been sitting cross-legged on the river bank, because the Samsara Eye had just opened and the power of Ashura and Senju Hashirama was still taking effect in his body. The power in Chen Yiban's body was getting stronger day by day! Until today, Chen Yiban felt that the Samsara Eye and the power of Ashura and Senju Hashirama in his body were basically completely stable....

I can now proceed with my other plans!

Chen Yiban has initially managed Konoha.

However, Konoha alone is not enough!

Chen Yiban wants to learn from the Qin Emperor in another world and unify all the countries!

Chen Yiban remembered that when he was watching videos in another world, he saw a comment:

【Originally, Uchiha Madara could be the Qin Emperor of Naruto. 】

Ha, why not?

Think about it, unifying the entire ninja world!

What level of achievement is this?

What level of lottery will the system give?

Chen Yiban said: I will look forward to it!!


At this time, he exhaled slowly towards Chen Yiban who was standing by the river bank. A pair of bright and ambitious black pupils appeared in his eye sockets as his eyelids slowly opened.

"Konoha, the first"

"Then the second one..."Xiao!"

Chen Yiban showed an ambitious smile.

At this time:

"Lightning Release: Chidori!!" ×2

Erzhuzi and his wooden clone Chen Yiban, both of them performed Chidori on the river at the same time.



The wooden clone was a little damaged, but Erzhuzi came back with blood all over his right hand to apply medicine!

"Ha." Chen Yiban couldn't help but smile again.

Erzhuzi, he really doesn't care about his life when practicing!

Is he anxious to become stronger and take revenge on Uchiha Itachi?

Sure enough, in this world, the power of hatred cannot be ignored!

Although Chen Yiban knew the truth about Uchiha Itachi, Chen Yiban thought it would be better for Erzhuzi to know it later.

Let's keep this hatred as the motivation for practice!...

"Sasuke, I may need to leave for a few days.

Looking at Erzhuzi who was applying the medicine, Chen Yiban suddenly said

"Teacher, are you leaving Konoha?" Sasuke couldn't help but ask in surprise.

"Well, because I want more than just Konoha. Chen Yiban smiled and said

"teacher..."Er Zhuzi looked at Chen Yiban blankly, as if he didn't understand what Chen Yiban meant.

"Teacher, can I leave with you?"

Then, Sasuke looked at Chen Yiban in front of him with hope.

"Come with me?" Chen Yiban thought for a moment.

‘Xiao's words...Uchiha Itachi is here!’


‘Goodbye bro. Interesting!’

‘With Uchiha Itachi's temper, he will definitely block my way. Maybe Itachi's death can open the Mangekyo! '

Thinking like this, the next second, Chen Yiban nodded to Uchiha Sasuke beside him.

Suddenly, the second pillar showed a rare smile that he didn't usually see!

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