Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, several days have passed.

Today, just after finishing a morning of official business, Tsunade-sama has already left work.

However, just after walking out of the Hokage Building...

Tsunade-ji couldn't help but look back at the rooftop of the Hokage Building.

She saw a red figure that had been there a few days ago, but it seemed that he had disappeared in the past few days.

"Where did that guy disappear to?"

"I hope he doesn't cause any more trouble...."

"I don't know why, but I always have a bad feeling."

Tsunade looked at the direction on the rooftop and said to herself.

The legendary ninja, Uchiha Madara, has returned to the ninja world.

His every move will bring some changes to the entire ninja world!

There is no way, his strength is too strong. He has this ability!


The Nine-Tailed Fox that was originally sealed in Naruto's body has now been taken away by the other party.

He was already extremely powerful, and with the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox's tailed beast, I really don't know what kind of terrifying strength that is!

Tsunade shook her head and really didn't dare to think about it!

"It would be great if my great grandfather were still alive"

"The legendary Shura of the Ninja World, Uchiha Madara, seems to be the only one who could suppress him."

After muttering a few more words in a low voice, Tsunade turned around and walked away.......

At this moment, far outside the Land of Fire, at the junction of the Land of Wind, Land of Earth, and Land of Fire:

Rain Village!

This village is really a bit special.

It is almost rainy all year round!

Because it rains all year round, the buildings in this village are very distinctive and can almost be called a steel city.

The houses that catch the eye are all steel buildings!

The scenery is special!

During this period, there were many ninjas or villagers walking with red umbrellas on the streets of this steel village.

The atmosphere and economy of the whole village seem to be very good.

It seems that the leader of this village has managed this Rain Village very well!


During this time, two figures, one big and one small, appeared on the road where the ninjas and civilians of the Rain Village were walking.

They were an underage boy and an adult man!

The adult man had long hair down to his waist, and wore a red armor in the style of the ancient Warring States Period. The boy was wearing a black tight suit with a bright clan crest printed on the back!

In addition, the two people, one big and one small, were now wearing bamboo hats, which not only protected them from the wind and rain but also covered their originally stern and extraordinary looks.

The two people, one big and one small, were actually Chen Yiban and Uchiha Sasuke!

They have now arrived in the original drama: the Rain Village where the leader of the Akatsuki organization is located!

Chen Yiban's target is also Uzumaki Nagato in the original drama.

Hmm....Let's deal with the leader of Akatsuki first, and then deal with the others!


Nagato's Samsara Eye...

"Teacher, why do we come to this village?"

After curiously admiring the unique architectural style of this village, Uchiha Sasuke looked at Chen Yiban beside him and asked.

In response:

"The leader of this village is the leader of Akatsuki"

"Oh, you should already know....."

Chen Yiban said this directly.

When he heard the word"Akatsuki Organization", Uchiha Sasuke opened his eyes instantly:

"Teacher, is this the Akatsuki organization that Uchiha Itachi is in now?!"

Erizu was a little excited and even interrupted Chen Yiban's words accidentally.

In response, Chen Yiban smiled faintly on his stern face under the bamboo hat:"Yeah!"

""Teacher, should we get rid of this organization?" Uchiha Sasuke couldn't help asking again.

At the same time, the image of Uchiha Itachi, whom he hated, appeared in his mind!

"Teacher, can you please not touch Uchiha Itachi?"

Suddenly, Erzhuzi, who was also wearing a bamboo hat and was a head shorter than Chen Yiban, asked Chen Yiban.

"Oh? You want to kill him yourself, right?" Chen Yiban glanced at the kid next to him who was only twelve or thirteen years old.

"Yes! Teacher!"Erzhuzi nodded and admitted it.

"With your current strength, it is almost impossible to do it."Chen Yiban shook his head and smiled.

"I know. But I believe that with you, my teacher, guiding me in my practice, I will soon be able to have the strength to kill that man!!"Erzhuzi was determined.

Seeing this, Chen Yiban couldn't help but look at Erzhuzi twice!

He has some perseverance and courage, and he is confident enough!

It seems like the beginning of a powerful ninja!


In this world, right now, Uchiha Sasuke is the reincarnation of [Otsutsuki Indra] in this life.

If the two pillars can draw out the power of 'Indra', then it is certainly not impossible to defeat Uchiha Itachi fairly.


"I don't have to kill anyone. If I can solve it with words later, I don't even have to do it!"

Chen Yiban said slowly while walking slowly.

At the same time: swish swish swish swish swish—————

At this very moment , six figures fell from the sky one after another and landed on the street in front of Chen Yiban and Erzhuzi, blocking their way....

The pedestrians had almost disappeared without anyone noticing.

The entire street, which was very busy just now, suddenly became a little too quiet.

Chen Yiban had actually noticed this a long time ago. But he didn't care at all!

At this moment, the surroundings became so quiet that the only sounds left were the sound of raindrops hitting the ground and a slight sound of the wind.

In addition, the purple eyes of the six people opposite gave off an inexplicable sense of oppression and a hint of mystery.

Erzhuzi was a little suspicious, but because the teacher next to him was Chen Yiban,...

Erzhuzi feels that there is nothing to be afraid of in the world!!


"Teacher, their eyes seem to be....."

Erzhuzi noticed the purple eyes of the six people opposite him.

"Sure enough, it's the Six Paths of Pain that are coming!" Chen Yiban smiled faintly under his bamboo hat.

At this moment, the one blocking the way ahead was the Six Paths of Pain that"invaded Konoha" in the original play.

Hmm....They were also the ones who killed Jiraiya in the original drama!

Speaking of which, Chen Yiban felt that he had accidentally changed the plot. Can it be considered as indirectly saving Jiraiya's life?

Although, Jiraiya has now lost his entire right arm because of him.

Okay, that’s getting off topic!

"Sasuke, can you protect yourself?"

Chen Yiban suddenly spoke

"Don't worry. Teacher, although I don't have the strength to kill that man yet, I have become stronger after your guidance!"Uchiha Sasuke directly opened the three-magatama Sharingan.


At this time, a figure with wings like an angel landed beside the six people who were originally the Six Paths of Pain.

It was indeed Konan!


Xiaonan, who had just landed, couldn't help but murmured when he saw the blood-red pair of three-magatama Sharingan opposite him.

At this time:

"That's good!"

After hearing Sasuke's answer, Chen Yiban slowly took off the hat that was used to protect him from the wind and rain.

Suddenly, he revealed his handsome long flowing hair and...

A pair of blood-red, strange and beautiful Mangekyō Sharingan!

See this:

"That is...A Mangekyō Sharingan of the same level as Uchiha Itachi?"

"Also, his posture....."

Xiaonan, once again speaks with a unique voice

"Uchiha, Madara."Pain of the Heavenly Path among the Six Paths of Pain, seemed to be helping Xiaonan to complete the rest of the sentence.

But he mentioned a name that could not be ignored!

"Who was that man wearing the brown swirl mask before?"Konan thought of Uchiha Obito.

After all, before, 'Obito' had always appeared in front of Nagato and Konan as 'Mada La'.

But now...

It seems that Chen Yiban at this moment is the real Uchiha Mada!!...

"Want to dance?"

At this moment, Chen Yiban opened his scarlet Mangekyō Sharingan and looked at Pain Six Paths and Konan.

In response, Tendou Pain's eyes of Samsara Eye condensed slightly:

"Intruder, you have already stepped into the realm of God."

Tian Dao Pain looked at Chen Yiban opposite him and said so.

Hearing this, Chen Yiban smiled immediately:"God? Are you looking at me with a smile?"

The rain gradually wet Chen Yiban's waist-length hair, but the momentum of the Mangekyō Sharingan under Chen Yiban's sneer became stronger and stronger.

Xiaonan felt that the air around him seemed to become cold all of a sudden!

"Submit to me and unify the ninja world. In this way, I can promise not to kill you!"Chen Yiban's Mangekyō Sharingan stared coldly at the seven figures opposite.

The Mangekyō Sharingan looked directly at the Samsara Eye, but

Chen Yiban's aura was obviously more powerful!

"Why? Even if you are the legendary ninja Uchiha Madara, so what?"Konan, unexpectedly showed a cold and arrogant expression.

At the same time, she glanced at Pain Six Paths beside her:"The Samsara Eye is the real power of God!"

"Samsara Eye, divine power, these words are true. But, it depends on who uses them!"Chen Yiban finally smiled evilly.



The tall blue 'Susanoo Level 3' rose straight up from the ground and roared like a wild beast.

"Is this the power that can destroy everything in the universe, Susanoo?!"The man behind the Six Paths of Pain, Uzumaki Nagato, couldn't help but murmured behind the scenes. At the scene, Konan also looked at the tens of meters tall [Susanoo 3rd Stage] with a serious look, feeling the fierce cold chakra....

Xiaonan couldn't help but feel surprised:"What a strong chakra!"

Uchiha Itachi has always kept his cards close to his chest, so this is probably the first time she has seen something like Susanoo with her own eyes.

"Shinra Tensei!!"

At this time, Pain Tiandao's eyes condensed, and he directly exploded one of the basic abilities of the Samsara Eye towards the 'Susanoo Third Stage'.


Suddenly, a powerful repulsive force surged towards the tens of meters tall Susanoo Level 3.

In response, Susanoo's head, Chen Yiban's mind moved, and Susanoo immediately clasped his hands together:

Clang Boom!—————

Resist the repulsive force of 'Shinra Tensei'!

"He actually blocked the Shinra Tensei."The Animal Path among the Six Paths of Pain whispered.

And the next second:


I saw that Susanoo not only blocked the Shinra Tensei, but also roared, and then———

A single"Eight Plate Magatama" was thrown directly from the side towards the Six Paths of Pain.

"Shinra Tensei!!"

At the critical moment, Tendo Pain released Shinra Tensei again, and just in time he shook open the Eight Plates of Magatama.

"The force is very strong!"After shaking off the Eight Plate Magatama, Tendo Pain was a little surprised by the power of Susanoo.


" Be careful!" Xiaonan suddenly exclaimed.—————

However, Susanoo slashed out countless amazing blue sword lights, constantly flying towards the seven people here.

Suddenly, the Six Paths of Pain immediately scattered!

Xiaonan even spread his paper wings and flew into the sky!

Boom boom boom—————

However, the steel building in front of him was in trouble. Everywhere Susanoo's sword slashed through, it was torn into pieces.

Seeing this, Konan's face was furious.

The next second, he directly released a special paper escape technique.

Countless small paper cranes flew towards the tall Susanoo Level 3!


Boom boom boom boom—————

It was a detonating talisman!

At this moment, the Susanoo, who did not dodge at all, continued to explode.

However, afterwards, the tall blue Susanoo III stood in front of everyone unharmed.

"It's totally useless?" Xiaonan was slightly surprised.

""All things are attracted by the sky!!"

Suddenly, Pain Tiandao pulled together the countless broken pieces of steel houses like a huge iron block, and then threw them towards Susanoo.


Susanoo is at the third level, but only���One punch smashed the huge iron block

"Samsara Eye: Summoning Technique!!"

On the other side, the Animal Path of Pain's Six Paths began to summon summoned beasts.


It was a huge bull, and as soon as it appeared, it rushed towards Susanoo III.———The two-faced, four-armed Susano

Sankai used both hands to block the huge bull that was charging at him. Then



One knife!

Cut it in half!

Boom boom boom—————

At this time, countless artillery fire came again.

It was Shurado!

Susano's third level, four huge arms took turns to strike.

Soon, those artillery fire was broken!—————

Suddenly, the laser cannon came.

Susano Sankai could not help but put his hands together to block!

Then under the impact of the powerful laser cannon, Susano Sankai's feet could not help but plow back seven or eight meters on the ground of the street, and then he was hit by this powerful laser cannon.

However, although the laser cannon was strong, it still could not break the strong defense of [Susano Sankai]!

"Turtle shell!" Xiaonan complained indifferently.

"The enemy is really strong. But, the teacher is even stronger!"Erizu hid behind Susanoo Sandai and watched intently.

At the same time, Erzuzu was full of admiration and respect for Chen Yiban!!

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