In the past two days since returning to Konoha with Uchiha Madara and the Akatsuki organization...

Chen Yiban has actually used [one super and two high-level achievement draws].

They are:

【Super Achievement Lottery:

Eye Power Sublimation!】

【High-level achievement draw:

Moon Reading, Sage Mode Mastery】...

Among them, the special sublimation of pupil power seems to promote the further evolution of [Samsara Eye].

Chen Yiban, [Six Magatama Samsara Eye] opened.

It is indeed the six magatama like Uchiha Sasuke in the original drama!


Chen Yiban can open both eyes six magatama!!

There are also those two high-level achievement draws, Tsukuyomi...

There is nothing much to say.

However, [Sage Mode·Mastery] allows Chen Yiban to enter the state of Sage like Uzumaki Naruto, Senju Hashirama, Jiraiya and others.

Gain powerful Sage Chakra!


If Chen Yiban could obtain the [Ten-Tails Chakra] now,

Six Paths Sage Mode] and [Six Paths Sage Technique] will blossom!!...

Chen Yiban also learned [Yin Yang Release] from Uchiha Madara, as well as some other techniques that were originally lacking in the"creation of Madara's combat power template", such as Yin Release Thunder School, Storm Release Light Fang, etc....

Chen Yiban also taught Uchiha Madara how to master the [Flying Thunder God Technique] and the [Sage Mode] that he had just acquired in the past two days.

During this period, he also entered the Sage Mode and transferred natural chakra into Uchiha Madara's body to help Madara master the [Sage Mode] as soon as possible.

For this, we have to admire: Madara's talent is perfect!

Whether it is 'Flying Thunder God' or 'Sage Mode', Uchiha Madara mastered it at an extremely fast speed.

It can be said that...

Now, as long as they have the [Ten-Tails Chakra], even if it is only a part of the Ten-Tails Chakra, Chen Yiban and Uchiha Madara can:

Six Paths Sage Mode, Six Paths Sage Technique, all blossom!!

In addition, before, using [Three Times·Medium Achievement Lottery] was only enough to fuse one [Mangekyo Sharingan·

Shinu Hollow].

Chen Yiban didn't have enough capital to fuse the other 'Shinu Mangekyō' and Uchiha Shisui

's two [Mangekyo Sharingan·Kotoamatsukami]! It just so happened that Chen Yiban had [12 Times Medium Achievement Lottery] in the past two days, and he divided 'three quarters' of it at once, and fused 'three Mangekyō Sharingans' into his [Six Magatama·Rinnegan].

Six Magatama·Rinnegan can be almost perfectly compatible with all the abilities of Rinnegan and Sharingan.

After the fusion, all of Chen Yiban's eye techniques now include:

Rinnegan, Tenten Riki, Kotoamatsukami, Kamui, Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu, Kagutsuchi!

(PS: Let’s set the initial Mangekyō Eye Technique that Uchiha Madara obtained to be Amaterasu and Kagutsuchi-no-Mikoto. Just like Nibashi, they were all the reincarnations of Indra anyway!)......

At this time, in the back mountain of Konoha!

Uchiha Madara, Chen Yiban, the Akatsuki organization, and a large group of White Zetsu all appeared in the back mountain of Konoha.

And in front of everyone at this moment, there were several coffins!



Looking at the coffins in front of him, Uchiha Madara, who had always been cold and arrogant, could n't help but show excitement at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yiban stepped forward and patted Uchiha Madara on the shoulder.

Uchiha Madara suppressed the throbbing in his heart, looked at Chen Yiban, and nodded!

"Let's revive Izuna first. His strength may help us end the upcoming Fourth Ninja World War faster!"

"There are a few other little guys....After we completely unify the ninja world, we will let them revive and come to see the ninja world that we have unified by force."

"How about it?"

Looking at Uchiha Madara beside him, Chen Yiban suggested this.

Hearing this,

Uchiha Madara thought for a few seconds, and finally agreed to Chen Yiban's proposal and nodded again.

"Good!" Chen Yiban smiled faintly.


"You can start now!"

Chen Yiban's black pupils looked at the White Zetsu who was standing beside him with the Akatsuki organization.

""Yes, Master Madara!" The White Zetsu immediately stepped forward and nodded.

Then, the White Zetsu directly controlled the other ten White Zetsu:

"Ninja Technique: The Art of Reincarnation!!" ×10 Ten White Zetsu

, simultaneously performing the top forbidden technique of transferring life force.


Suddenly, the vitality of the ten White Zetsu began to gather together, like a huge green light, constantly and quickly gathering and gathering in a coffin over there.

Here, Uchiha Madara stared closely.

As if afraid of any mistakes!

It seemed that his Sharingan and even Samsara Eye were about to pop out!!

Later, it seemed that even the ten White Zetsu were a little bit exhausted:

"Ninja Technique: The Art of Reincarnation!!" ×20

White Zetsu bodies, and then let 20 other White Zetsu go up to deliver vitality.

In this way, the original 10 White Zetsu suddenly had much less pressure!


"All right, Master Madara."

The White Zetsu who were performing the 'Reincarnation' were very tired, but they stopped performing the spell. The White Zetsu looked at the two"Uchiha Madara" beside him."

"Izuna..."Uchiha Madara's face showed anticipation, and he couldn't help but take a step forward.

However, the coffin didn't seem to move for the time being.

However, soon: bang!———! boom———!!

Just like Uchiha Madara who was resurrected by"Reincarnation", someone in the coffin violently kicked the coffin lid from the inside.

Uchiha Madara couldn't wait any longer, so he jumped up and went over!

"Izuna, you...Resurrected!"

"Your Voice and Chakra...Is it Nissan?"The man in the coffin seemed a little bit unconvinced.

"Quan Nai!"At this time, Chen Yiban also came over

"Your Voice and Chakra...Why is it also a Nissan?"The man was puzzled.

"Can the dead be resurrected?!" Deidara, Hoshigaki Kisame, and Hidan from the Akatsuki organization all looked surprised.

"Izuna, it's me..."Uchiha Madara couldn't help wanting to go forward and hug that person.


���Yiban pulled Uchiha Madara.

Because he noticed that Uchiha Izuna had no eyes!

Even his clothes were almost rotten.

"Bai Jue!"

Chen Yiban said

""Understood, Master Madara!" On the side, one of the countless White Zetsu took the lead and then:


Just like Uzumaki White Zetsu, it changes its shape like a piece of clothing and fits on Uchiha Izuna's body.

"Nissan..."Izuna has no eyes, and she feels uneasy because she can't see.

""Izuna, there's no danger!" Uchiha Madara immediately spoke to comfort him.

On the other side, Chen Yiban had already taken out two [Three Magatama Sharingan] from the system's internal space.

Then, with green chakra on his hands, he began to place the two"Three Magatama Sharingan" in Uchiha Izuna's eyes with relatively rough medical technology. In this way,

Uchiha Izuna slowly opened his eyes and saw the two"Uchiha Madara" in front of him."


The next second, I saw Izunai coming up and hugging the two"Uchiha Madara""

"Izuna...!" ×2

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