

Outside the operating room:

"Can the dead really be resurrected?..."

"Moreover, another Uchiha is coming, it's really troublesome!"

Jiraiya, looking at the lighted operating room, couldn't help but sigh.

On the side, Kakashi, Nara Shikaku, and Uzumaki Naruto were all

"resurrection...?"Uzumaki Naruto was stunned when he heard Jiraiya's voice.

Kakashi glanced at Naruto and explained:

"I heard that just now in the back mountain of Konoha, the two Uchiha Madaras used some forbidden technique to resurrect their once dead brother, Uchiha Izuna!"

""Ah?!" Uzumaki Naruto was shocked.

On the side, Nara Shikaku's eyes were full of complicated expressions.


"Then why don't we let that bastard Madara revive all the people who were killed in Konoha before?"

Mitarashi Anko, who was also outside the operating room at the moment, suddenly said angrily

"this...Even the legendary ninja Uchiha Madara wouldn't be able to use this kind of forbidden technique casually." Kakashi analyzed.

"Then he also killed Asuma, didn't he! And Kai, Hayate, and Yugao, didn't they all die because of Madara!"

Yuhi Kurenai, who was beside Mitarashi Anko, shouted softly.

It can be seen that Yuhi Kurenai is very interested in Uchiha Madara....To be precise, it was Chen Yiban who was quite resentful of him!

Upon hearing this,

Jiraiya, Kakashi, and Nara Shikaku all fell silent.

This matter is probably difficult to handle!

During this period, when Uzumaki Naruto heard that the dead could be resurrected, he was also stunned, but an inexplicable hope arose in his heart.

Thinking: Who are my parents? Are they no longer in the world? Then can they be resurrected?

The question is how to resurrect!...

At this time, inside the operating room!

"Are you the descendant of Hasirama?"

"You'd better not do anything small, otherwise....."

Looking at Tsunade who was about to fix the eye meridians of Izuna's Sharingan, Uchiha Madara had a threatening look on his face.

Because Chen Yiban's medical ninjutsu was not very good, Uchiha Izuna's"Three Magatama Sharingan" could not be closed and opened freely.

Tsunade was needed to fix it!

So, at this moment...

Uchiha Madara and Chen Yiban, the two"Uchiha Madara" were in the operating room together, watching the surgery that was about to begin.

"If you are worried, you don't have to come to me for surgery."Tsunade glanced at Madara unhappily.

"Well, with us here, she won't dare to do anything."Chen Yiban looked at Uchiha Madara and said.

The previous [Kotoamatsukami] was a temporary control!

The recovery period...For Chen Yiban, it only takes three months!

But now it is not the time yet, and it cannot be used for the time being.

The other one is even more powerful. Even if it is Chen Yiban's pupil power, it seems that it will take about a year to recover after use.

Moreover, it feels unnecessary to use it on Tsunade!

With two"Uchiha Madaras", can she still go to heaven?

Correct Izuna's eye meridians!!

During this period,

Uchiha Izuna was lying on the operating table, looking at the two Nissans waiting beside him.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help showing a happy smile!

"Izuna, don't resist." Chen Yiban, at this time, a pair of Sharingan appeared in his eyes.

""Okay, Nissan!" Quannai understood and nodded in response.

The next second, Chen Yiban directly hypnotized Quannai with illusion, making the latter fall into a deep sleep.

It can be regarded as anesthesia!

After all, the operation will begin next!

"Just fix Izuna's eyes, and I can help you revive someone afterwards."

Chen Yiban glanced at Tsunade and began to make plans.

"Are you serious?!"Tsunade was so excited that she couldn't help but reach out and grab Uchiha Madara's arm.

Because the two"Uchiha Madara" were exactly the same, Tsunade grabbed the wrong person.

"That's what he said!"Uchiha Madara brushed away Tsunade's slender hand.

He looked like 'don't get close to me'!

"Let's fix the eyes first!" Chen Yiban folded his arms across his chest with a faint smile on his face.

"That's a deal!!"Tsunade-ji suddenly showed a charming smile.

After that, it was easy.

It was just the correction of the meridians connected to the eyes, which was a piece of cake for Tsunade-ji.

The operation was completed perfectly in a short time!...


Uchiha Madara stayed with Izuna in the ward, while

Chen Yiban was pulled out of the ward by Tsunade:

"Okay, I did it. It's your turn to fulfill your promise!"

After leaving the ward, Tsunade opened her beautiful eyes and looked at Chen Yiban in front of her with expectation.

"You want to revive your brother too?" Chen Yiban guessed

""Yes! My brother, Nawaki!" Princess Tsunade nodded heavily immediately.

The expectation and hope in her eyes became more and more clear!

"Sure. Find the coffin that contains his body, and I'll take care of the rest!" Chen Yiban said directly.

"Really? Thank you!!"Tsunade was so excited that she couldn't help but grab Chen Yiban's hands.

Although she could understand her feelings, Chen Yiban didn't want to be pulled around, so she pushed away Tsunade, who was so happy and excited that she lost her composure.

"cough...Um, sorry, I'm..."Princess Tsunade reacted, and it was a bit unnatural.

They were enemies before, and Princess Tsunade even cursed Chen Yiban to choke to death while eating.

Now, I happily say thank you in front of him.

It feels so uncomfortable!!

"We asked you to gather the ninjas of Konoha...You have been working on this for almost three days."

At this time, Chen Yiban glanced coldly at Tsunade.

"They are almost all assembled, because some of them are out on missions. It will take time to recall them, right?"Tsunade-sama is looking for an excuse.

"Then you'd better hurry up. Tomorrow is the last day we can wait for!" Chen Yiban said.

"Yes, we should be able to gather them tomorrow."Tsunade-sama nodded with a smile.

Actually, they could have gathered them earlier, but they were just too lazy to do what he asked them to do.

However, now in order to revive Rope Tree,...You still have to try your best to please him!

"That's fine!" Chen Yiban nodded again....

"No way!"

After Tsunade left, Chen Yiban returned to the ward and told Uchiha Madara about the conversation he had just had with Tsunade. Suddenly, he heard a denial from Uchiha Madara.

"What's wrong?"Chen Yiban was stunned for a moment.

"Izunai is not in good health yet. She just had surgery and needs to rest."Uchiha Madara glanced at Izunai on the bed and said so.

Hearing this, Chen Yiban looked helpless and funny.

It was clear that just not long ago at the barbecue restaurant, he, Uchiha Madara, said: Tomorrow is the deadline!


No, Izunai just had surgery and is not in good health......


Thinking of this, Chen Yiban couldn't help but shake his head.

"What are you thinking about?"Uchiha Madara seemed to know what Chen Yiban was thinking at the moment, and glanced at him coldly.

"What do you care about me?" Chen Yiban folded his arms and stared at Uchiha Madara.

There seemed to be a burst of fire in the air!

In this regard, Izuna, who was lying on the hospital bed with her eyes covered with a white cloth, woke up at some point, and at this moment, listening to the two Nissans bickering, a faint smile appeared on the corners of Izuna's mouth.

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